Category Archives: Hillary’s Email Scandal

Some Durham investigation news

More politics in this blog post.

Just a couple weeks ago liberal media outlets were giving Christopher Steele airtime and trying to resurrect the Dems’ Trump-Russian Collusion narrative:

ABC News: Out of the Shadows: Christopher Steele defiant on dossier, says Trump still ‘potential’ threat

Daily Beast: Christopher Steele: Yes, Trump’s Pee Tape ‘Probably’ Exists

NY Post: Infamous dossier source Christopher Steele to be interviewed by George Stephanopoulos

So, a couple weeks ago it was another liberal media effort to push the Dem narrative and cast doubt on special counsel, John Durham’s investigation again. There have been media reports that people inside the Clinton 2016 campaign have lawyered up. Here’s a tweet thread from Undercover Huber, who has covered the Trump-Russia Collusion story from the beginning:

The Clintons always evade being held accountable, no matter the scandal, but this is quite a development that some people inside the Clinton inner-circle are lawyering up. Aside from the Trump-Russia Collusion lies, another 2016 Clinton scandal that got brushed aside was Hillary’s email server scandal and her sending highly classified information via that unsecure home-brew server, while serving as Secretary of State during Obama’s first term. The FBI closed that investigation with no charges being filed, but it wasn’t the only Clinton investigation they closed. The Comey FBI also closed an investigation into Bill Clinton’s Foundation, alleging pay-to-play.

In 2018 there were reports that the FBI had quietly reopened investigations into the Clinton Foundation and pay-to-play. Durham supposedly has been looking into that closed Clinton Foundation investigation too.

Here’s the thing, I’m weird. I used to like reading government reports, which started as a kid, with my oldest sister, who is 8 years older than I am, giving me her hand-me-down books. The first government report I read was a paperback she gave me of The Warren Commission Report in my early teens.

In 2015, I stopped working at Walmart, because my husband’s health problems had worsened and he had advancing memory loss and dementia caused by normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). It was no longer safe for him to be home alone for hours. The NPH also caused mobility problems. He had a VP shunt in his brain to drain excess fluid and he could get around with a walker for a few years, but then it got worse and he was falling a lot. So, with the worsening memory loss and the increased falls I decided to stop working at my local Walmart and take care of him at home. I spent a lot of time online following politics and all the spin drama during the years since then. Anyway, I read through all of the FBI Notes as they were released.

I’ve always been wondering if the Clintons will ever be held accountable for any of the vast corruption they’ve been involved with, but even with Durham getting closer, I still doubt it. Some people in America really are above the law.

When Republicans controlled the House there were investigations into Hillary’s home-brew server, then later in 2016 Comey’s FBI released the FBI notes of all the interviews of the Clinton cronies and Hillary’s odd 4th of July weekend FBI interview at the FBI (that followed the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting, where I believe he set the terms for Hillary’s FBI interview and closing that email investigation). I read all of those FBI notes and I had watched a lot of the House Oversight investigations too, because my husband liked the TV on Fox News 24/7. I wrote about those FBI Notes of the interviews in the Hillary email server investigation on my blog, but Sharyl Attkisson did a much more detailed list that was excellent. I can’t find it at the moment, but she listed every discrepancy and all the outright lies. I did locate her timeline on “Collusion against Trump here: Btw, Sharyl Attkisson is fighting a case claiming her computer and devices were hacked while investigating Fast and Furious.

Between the House Oversight hearing and reading the FBI notes of the interviews, here’s the main point – Hillary never set up a home-brew server in her home. That private server was set up by Justin Cooper, Bill Clinton’s aide, who set it up for Bill Clinton and his Clinton Foundation work – Cooper testified to the House Oversight Committee about the initial server and it’s in his FBI interview testimony too. The decision to merge Hillary’s State Dept. email onto Bill Clinton’s personal foundation server in their home was made shortly after Obama was elected and Hillary was selected to be Sec. of State.

In January of 2009 (this was as Obama was ready to take office) a decision was made to upgrade Bill Clinton’s personal server in their home and Huma Abedin coordinated that upgrade, between Hillary’s 2008 campaign IT guy, Bryan Pagliano, and Bill Clinton’s aide, Justin Cooper. Bryan Pagliano was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify: House panel votes to hold Clinton tech aide Bryan Pagliano in contempt.

So, Hillary never set up a home-brew server. The Clintons decided on Hillary running her State Department emails on Bill Clinton’s private Clinton Foundation server in their home, right after Obama was elected in 2008.

That point seemed to have been missed, as everyone focused their outrage on Hillary’s careless and reckless handling of highly classified information, which even Comey acknowledged in his July 5, 2016 bizarre speech announcing the closing of the FBI email investigation… while Hillary was jetting away with President Obama to his first campaign appearance for Hillary’s 2016 run: Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System.

With the FBI investigating both Hillary’s careless and reckless handling of classified information on that private server in their home and the FBI simultaneously investigating Bill Clinton’s foundation for allegations of pay-to-play, you’d think since the FBI had the Clinton server some effort might have been used to try to investigate the server in the pay-to-play investigation too, but apparently, the FBI never connected the dots between the two Clinton investigations they had going on and that home-brew server being both Bill Clinton’ s private email server & Hillary’s State Dept. server. I have a high school education and I figured that one out, so why didn’t the premiere criminal investigators in the country?

Hillary eventually moved her emails to Platte River Networks, when she left the State Dept. and there was the whole controversy of a Platte River employee using BleachBit to wipe clean all the Clinton email files: Data firm gives FBI all backed-up Clinton emails.

Of course, there was also the Weiner laptop, to which Huma Abedin was saving all of Hillary’s State Department emails (totally unknown to her of course, because she would never lie.) She told the FBI she never knew anything about the Clintons’ private server until the news broke in 2015, but there she was orchestrating the server upgrade, between Cooper and Pagliano in 2009. I think Copper testified that Huma also managed the Clinton SCIFs inside their home in Chappaqua and their home in DC. One of those IT guys also testified Huma had an email account on the original Bill Clinton foundation server that was transferred to the upgraded server. Oh yeah, there was this too: Huma Abedin’s overlapping jobs renew focus on Clinton conflicts. Guess, computer fairies set up those State Dept. emails backing up onto the Weiner laptop.

Comey reopened the email investigation when the Weiner laptop with Hillary’s State Dept. emails on it hit the news, days before the election in 2016. Then Comey, under furious attack by Team Clinton and Dems, claimed some super-duper analysis of all those emails had been completed – nothing to see here and dear, sweet Huma, the woman managing Hillary Clinton’s affairs, orchestrating the private server upgrade and the SCIFS in both Clinton homes, had no clue all of Hillary’s State Dept, emails were being saved on the Weiner laptop… Makes perfect sense, right? I often feel like we’re in a total information analysis breakdown in this country – where spin has corroded every functioning brain cell of most of our news media and sadly it seems to have seeped into the FBI too.

I like to go back and read through old news stories to see what was reported initially, because as the fog of spin war deepens, all the spin obliterates a whole lot of details and facts from view. Funny thing was that way back in the beginning when the Clinton private server story first broke in 2015, it was reported: Clinton camp: Email ‘thumb drive is secure’. When the Hillary email server story first broke David Kendall, longtime Clinton crony and lawyer, assured all of Hillary’s emails were safe in his office as he negotiated turning them over to the FBI. In that initial media reporting there was mention of Kendall having a thumb drive with all the Hillary Clinton emails:

“The agency declined to detail steps made to protect the sensitive information in attorney David Kendall’s possession, but the issue is raising concern among Republicans on Capitol Hill who’ve criticized Clinton’s handling of the email controversy. The thumb drive has copies of emails Clinton kept on a private server while she served as secretary of state, a trove now known to contain classified documents.” – Clinton camp: Email ‘thumb drive is secure’.

I’ve often wondered what happened to that thumb drive and also since Kendall has been burying Bill Clinton scandals for decades and he saved Hillary emails to a thumb drive, did he also save Bill’s Clinton Foundation emails from that “dual-use” private server in their home too? Enquiring minds sure would love the answer to that question and I bet John Durham would find that of interest too.

Nothing to see here. Case closed.

Why do I follow the Clinton corruption so closely you might wonder – let’s just say even a nobody homemaker on social media can tick off the Clinton machine, which I found out during the Clinton impeachment.

I wish John Durham Godspeed, as he trudges on.

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Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal

The Clintons were in the news again

I’ve written so much about the Clintons’ corruption over the years, that I really didn’t want to rehash that, but once again the Clinton Foundation was mentioned in the New York Times the other day.  The mainstream media reports Trump’s lies daily and keep running tallies, but somehow they miss the Clintons notorious mendacity every time.

So here goes with the latest Clinton news:

The New York Times ran a story, In Politically Charged Inquiry, Durham Sought Details About Scrutiny of Clintons, which states that John Durham’s investigation is also looking into the handling of the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation:

“The Clinton Foundation investigation began about five years ago, under the Obama administration, and stalled in part because some former career law enforcement officials viewed the case as too weak to issue subpoenas. Ultimately, prosecutors in Arkansas secured a subpoena for the charity in early 2018. To date, the case has not resulted in criminal charges.”

During 2015 the news broke about Hillary having used a secret, private server in her home to handle her State Department email during her tenure as Secretary of State.  The big issue with that investigation was about Hillary using that unsecured server to send classified information, which she and several of her State Dept. staff absolutely did do.  Hillary gave her first statement on the server and lied through her teeth about that server and classified emails.  That initial statement was the Clinton machine setting up their spin talking points about the server.  Hillary lied about every aspect of that private server and the mainstream media bent over backwards to do damage control for Hillary.

Since, I’m a let’s start at the beginning type of person, let’s start with “Hillary’s private server.”  Hillary did not set up a private server in her home.  Bill Clinton had that private email server set up in the Clinton home in Chappaqua.   Around 2007, Bill Clinton had a private email server set up in his home to handle his Clinton Foundation business.  According to the FBI Notes released in the fall of 2016, Bill Clinton’s aide, Justin Cooper,  explained how he set up the server for Bill Clinton  and then in late Dec. 2008 – early January 2009, Huma Abedin coordinated to have Cooper work with Hillary’s campaign IT guy, Bryan Pagliano to upgrade that server.

Right after Barack Obama was elected and Hillary was selected to serve as Secretary of State, the Clintons decided to run Hillary’s State Dept, email on Bill Clinton’s private, unsecured Clinton Foundation server.  So, at that point it became the Bill and Hillary server.

Justin Cooper and Bryan Pagliano, both told the FBI that during that server upgrade there were only two email addresses transferred from the original server onto the upgraded server.  Cooper remembered it as Hillary Clinton’s email and BLANK (the FBI redacted that name).  Pagliano remembered it as Huma Abedin and BLANK.  Bottom line is that even if Hillary had Huma handling that email address on the server and Bill Clinton had a trusted aide working for the Clinton Foundation handling his email – that server was for the Clintons foundation email.

As a reminder, Bryan Pagliano was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to show up to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in 2016.

Abedin also saved thousands of Hillary’s State Dept. emails (some contained classified information) on the Weiner family laptop, which former FBI director, James Comey brushed under the carpet, after reopening the Clinton email investigation days before the 2016 election.  Comey quickly closed that investigation after assuring Congress those emails on the Weiner laptop were thoroughly investigated.

From the New York Times story about Durham looking into that 2016 FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation, there’s no concrete information  (more anonymous sources) on what Durham is really looking into, but I feel confident it won’t be looking into how much information from the Secretary of State’s official email traffic was shared to aid Clinton Foundation dealings.

Once again, the big Clinton cover-up with the email server wasn’t their concern about Hillary’s State Dept emails on that server – it was about the Clinton Foundation email traffic on that server.  David Kendall, Cheryl Mills, and Heather Samuelson searched the server to separate Hillary’s official State Dept. emails from “personal emails”.”  The Clinton lawyers told the FBI they used keyword searches to locate State Dept email on the server, but refused to tell the FBI what keywords they used.  It seems highly likely their emails searches were more about cleaning up all the Clinton Foundation emails on that server, not about Hillary’s yoga schedule and wedding planning emails.

Huma Abedin, who arranged the server upgrade, right before Hillary became Sec. of State in 2009, told the FBI she didn’t know about the server until 2015, when it was reported in the news.  Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills also told the FBI that they didn’t know anything about the email server until it was reported in the news.

The Clintons spun so well that they managed to bury Bill Clinton’s central role in that private Clinton Foundation server, that he had set up in his home around 2007…  It’s amazing, but there you go.  That’s the truth about Hillary’s private email server  – it was Bill Clinton’s personal Clinton Foundation server.


Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal

But, her emails…

On Friday, the letter sent to Senator Chuck Grassley from the State Department Bureau of Legislative Affairs, outlining the finding on the State Department investigation into “Hillary’s emails,” was released.  As expected partisans, especially those in the media leaped on two diametrically opposed conclusions and that’s because the writer of the State Department letter tucked in some weasel words (probably deliberately imo) for Democrats to latch onto.  The letter is short and most of it focuses on the methodology used in their process of investigating the emails.

Here are the findings in a nutshell paragraph in the report:

APD’ s administrative review of the HRC emails resulted in the adjudication of 91 valid violations attributable to 38 individuals. Additionally, APD adjudicated 497 valid violations where no individual was found to bear culpability, resulting in a ”valid, but not culpable”determination.

Total Valid Violations Adjudicated: 91
Total VnC: 497

(Paragraph from Page 8)

Most of the liberal media reports I saw, seemed to fixate only on the last sentence, on Page 10 of this report, and offered the Clinton “time to move on” spin, opining that this report should be the end of investigating Hillary’s emails (I could imagine liberals in the media whining about this “witch hunt” and “poor Hillary” amongst themselves).  Here’s the last sentence:

“There was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”

Yep, the media leaped on that no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information and the State Department official who sent this letter intended that sentence to be “The End” on Hillary’s emails.

None of this answers to the almost 600 valid violations found and these investigators failed to even hold anyone responsible for 497 of them.  Yet most of the liberal media thinks Americans should be satisfied with this investigation???  The report itself defines a valid violation as:

“An incident is categorized as a violation when it is “a knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to result in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information.”

(Page 4)

The Clinton/Dem machine has so many loyal media spinmeisters, who carry their spin messaging without question, that the hopes that truth could ever filter through their spin wall was always highly unlikely.

The FBI investigation into “Hillary’s emails” began with her use of a private email server coming to light and revelations of classified information being stored on that server.  Hillary explained her decision to use that private server as a desire to only have to carry one device, which made no sense, since according to the FBI investigation, she went through 13 blackberries and several laptops. In the FBI Notes Bill Clinton’s IT guy, Justin Cooper, described Hillary using a flip-phone to talk on while using her blackberry at the same time, so she could even multi-task with multiple electronic devices….

The cries from the many on the right insisted that Hillary deliberately set up that private server to avoid federal recordkeeping laws and “hide her emails from FOIA requests.”

I don’t believe either of these explanations gets to the truth of why Hillary decided to use a private server, so before “But, her emails” completely vanishes from public record, here are some facts about that server:

  1.  Hillary never set up a private, homebrew server.
  2.  According to FBI Notes of the interviews with Bill Clinton’s IT guy, Justin Cooper and Hillary’s IT guy, Bryan Pagliano, the original private server in the Clinton’s home was set-up by Cooper, around 2007, to serve as Bill Clinton’s private foundation server.  Got that everyone?  It was Bill Clinton’s private server.
  3.   In late 2008-early 2009 the Clintons decided to use that private server for Hillary’s State Department emails rather than the official government systems.  To that end, Hillary’s campaign IT guy, Pagliano, worked with Bill Clinton’s IT guy, Cooper, to upgrade the server.  Huma Abedin coordinated that server upgrade.  Pagliano told the FBI he believed they were upgrading that server for Bill Clinton’s use.  Hillary was sworn is as Secretary of State on January 21, 2009.  So, the merging of the Clintons’ private foundation server and the US State Department was implemented before Hillary was even sworn in as Secretary of State.
  4. .  According to the FBI Notes, Pagliano and Cooper have differing accounts of who the two email accounts on the original server belonged to.  Pagliano said it was Huma Abedin and BLANK and Cooper said it was Hillary and BLANK.

In 2016 when the FBI Notes were released I wrote a blog post, The Servers, and my thoughts about these email accounts were:

“Pagliano stated that he transferred email from the old system to the new system and there shouldn’t be ANY email content left on the old server.  Pagliano stated to the FBI that he ONLY transferred email accounts for Huma Abedin and BLANK and that he was unaware of and did not transfer any email account for Hillary.  So, who is BLANK.   Since Pagliano ONLY transferred email accounts for Huma Abedin and BLANK and this was Bill Clinton’s PERSONAL email server for foundation business, who could BLANK be…..  Now, Clinton’s IT guy, Justin Cooper, recalls the one email account as being Hillary’s email account, not Huma’s, which again brings us back to whose email account was the only other email account on Bill Clinton’s personal server…”

At this point, I’m still curious who BLANK was and why the FBI redacted that name.  It would seem to me that if Bill Clinton went to the trouble to set up a private server in his home around 2007, either he or one of his closest aides set up an email account for Bill Clinton’s business.  Hillary’s device and email account information the FBI released, indicated she was still using her email on her blackberry the first few months she was Secretary of State.

The Clintons used that homebrew server to merge the Office of the Secretary of State’s business onto their private Clinton Foundation server in their home.  Tens of thousands of emails were destroyed, so some of them had to be Bill Clinton’s foundation business.

And that might be why Bill Clinton went so far as to personally arrange that meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in AZ,  weeks before Hillary’s FBI interview.  I believe he was likely strong-arming Lynch about how he wanted that FBI interview handled and that he wanted that email investigation closed ASAP.

Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan, all close Hillary staffers, told the FBI they didn’t know anything about the private server until after Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State, even though both Cooper and Pagliano told the FBI that Huma Abedin coordinated the server upgrade before Hillary was sworn in as Secretary of State.  And Huma had an email account on the second server for sure and likely even the original server.

The classified email issue never caused the Clintons any concern, because Hillary had the power to declassify information.  The Clintons spun so successfully that few people even realize that original server was Bill Clinton’s personal foundation server, which he had set-up around 2007.  The Clinton spin machine always insists that Bill Clinton doesn’t use email, but perhaps by 2007, he wanted to get with the times and decided a “private email server” tucked in his house, guarded by Secret Service agents, would be a secure way for him to begin using email.

Hillary had been online even when Bill Clinton was still president according to various media reports back then.

But, her emails, indeed…


Update: October 20, 2019 8:27 pm – I decided to post part of James Comey’s July 5, 2016 statement:

“From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.

The FBI also discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014. We found those additional e-mails in a variety of ways. Some had been deleted over the years and we found traces of them on devices that supported or were connected to the private e-mail domain. Others we found by reviewing the archived government e-mail accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton, including high-ranking officials at other agencies, people with whom a Secretary of State might naturally correspond.

This helped us recover work-related e-mails that were not among the 30,000 produced to State. Still others we recovered from the laborious review of the millions of e-mail fragments dumped into the slack space of the server decommissioned in 2013.

With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that were not among those produced to State, agencies have concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret level and two at the Confidential level. There were no additional Top Secret e-mails found. Finally, none of those we found have since been “up-classified.”


Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Politics

Timelines matter

For me, the most serious issue in the entire 2016 scorched earth SPIN information war remains the corruption of top official U.S. intelligence and FBI decision-making based on politicized, spun information being fed to them by partisan sources.   From following the 8 years of the Obama administration’s use and abuse of government information, from the IRS scandal weaponizing processes to target right-wing political groups to Clinton-connected lawyers feeding op dirt information into the DOJ, State Department, and FBI, there were many disturbing actions reeking of weaponizing government information for partisan purposes.

At the same time, negative Clinton campaign dirt on Trump was being fed into official Obama administration channels, the FBI, reportedly, had two open criminal investigation into the Clintons – one was Hillary’s email investigation and the other was multiple field office investigations into the Clinton Foundation on pay-to-play corruption.

At top levels of the Obama administration, it seems to me, they wanted to grasp at any wisps of dirt on Trump and build it into treasonous “Russian collusion” and at the same time, bury and dismiss real evidence of grossly negligent handling of highly classified information and Clinton Foundation corruption.  The seeming two separate standards of justice disturbs me.

James Comey, former FBI director, to this day remains sketchy on explaining what he knew about the Steele dossier’s provenance.  Likewise, his explanation of his decision making in recommending no charges in the Clinton email investigation, back in July 2016, makes no sense.  Later still, with the DOJ IG report’s findings regarding the email investigation, Comey’s answers about the FBI leaking, for which the IG found Andrew McCabe, lacked candor and found Comey’s version more credible, don’t sit right with me.

Those McCabe leaks to the media were unauthorized and designed to counter leaks about the FBI investigation of Clinton Foundation pay-to-play corruption.  McCabe leaking was initiated to silence leaks coming out of the FBI’s NY field office  Those field office leaks dealt with the tens of thousands of Hillary State Dept. emails the FBI found on the Weiner family laptop, while investigating the Anthony Weiner texting scandal.

Comey’s actions juxtaposed to his explanations smell of deceit.  He went along with the Clinton spin effort in July of 2016 to bury the email investigation and his clumsy effort of reopening that investigation and doing a quickie investigation of the Weiner laptop, was just an effort to quell the leaks coming out about the Clinton Foundation corruption and Weiner laptop.  That quickie Weiner laptop investigation was just cover dressing for him to bury both FBI criminal investigations of the Clintons, and hopefully secure his position and standing with whom he believed would be his next boss – Hillary Clinton.

When he was fired, Comey led the media SPIN charge, by leaking FBI memos of notes (some reportedly containing classified information) that he typed up on FBI equipment, after his private meetings with President Trump.  He sent these memos to a friend, who leaked them to the media.  Later, after negative press about these memos, Comey declared that the friend, Daniel Richman, a former federal prosecutor for the Southern District of New York, was his attorney.  This move seemed to be an attempt to tie a pretty bow on a stinking heap of corrupt Comey leaking, which was designed to create a media SPIN furor over Comey’s firing and create political pressure for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate President Trump and his campaign on “Russian collusion”.

However, it seems to me, that in understanding our domestic spin war timeline, we need to go back to its beginnings in the 90s,  and keep referring to notes from then to now.  Of course there’s Team Clinton vs Team GOP ( vast, right-wing conspiracy in Hillary’s view), but in the 2008 election Team Obama emerged too and while Team Obama and Team Clinton unite on most efforts to thwart Team GOP, on some others Team Obama tries to distance itself from Team Clinton.

In early 2016, it seems to me some of Team Obama at the top were all-in for Team Clinton, while others were less enthused and at various points with these two ongoing FBI criminal investigations of the Clintons, at the very top, President Obama and his inner-circle were debating whether to throw the Clintons to the FBI hands of justice and have Vice President, Joe Biden, enter the race or help the Clinton machine bury the FBI investigations.

I believe Bill Clinton directly pressured President Obama in 2015 to make the email scandal go away.  I believe that by the summer of 2016 and the email scandal still lingering, Bill Clinton was livid and I believe that is why he took matters into his own hands and orchestrated the tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch directly, to set in motion the “for appearances sake only” 4th of July weekend FBI interview of Hillary and the orchestrated Clinton machine spin to be the end of the email investigation.

Comey decided to place his future in the hands of Team Clinton and he went along with Lynch’s corrupting the process, by refusing to recuse herself after the tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, while abdicating her prosecutorial duties to Comey.  Nothing Comey said at that July press conference made sense – especially the part about how Hillary showed no intent to break the law.  He waxed on about “intent”.

Timelines matter to me, when trying to understand events.  Personal connections along those timelines help create a clearer picture, at least in my mind of the story.  James Comey plays clueless on what he knows about the provenance of the Steele dossier.  He also plays clueless on the provenance of the Clinton private server.

Bill Clinton had that server set up in their home in the summer of 2008, after Hillary suspended her 2008 campaign.

At the moment the Attorney General is putting together a team to look at the provenance of the Trump-Russia investigation.

I haven’t sorted out the Mueller report findings in my head yet and am still reading it and mulling over the information.

Andrew McCarthy can be relied on to give fact-based analysis of legal matters and he wrote another must-read piece, The FBI’s Trump-Russia Investigation Was Formally Opened on False Pretenses, at National Review today.

A line in McCarthy’s excellent piece stuck out at me, because it prodded something that’s been missing in the provenance of the Clinton email investigation too and it explains that “intent” issue James Comey says was absent.

I tweeted this tweet thread this morning:

Interesting: “Downer has a history with the Clintons that includes arranging a $25 million donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, when he was Australia’s foreign minister and then-senator Hillary Clinton was the favorite to become U.S. president in 2008.”

Here’s an interesting Clinton Foundation fact too, from the FBI Notes released in September of 2016. Justin Cooper, Bill Clinton’s aide/IT guy, told the FBI Bill Clinton’s personal email server was set up around June 2008.

10:07 AM – 6 May 2019

(Sorry the link didn’t copy –

Bill Clinton was having a personal Clinton Foundation server installed in their home, as Hillary suspended her presidential campaign. She left the race over $22 million in debt.

She couldn’t do political fundraising as Sec of State. She merged her State Dept business with the Clinton Foundation business on the family personal email server. 🤨

Never fear, Hillary always finds a way to “power through it” 🧘‍♀️:

Timelines matter, they really do.



Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Politics, Public Corruption, Twitter Tales

Trumpers grasp fevered spin dreams, again

The Trump-spinners went into overdrive last night based on this news bit:

Attorney General William Barr has assembled a team to investigate how the Russia investigation and other counterintelligence probes began, a U.S. official told CBS News. Barr said in a Congressional hearing Tuesday that he is “reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016.”

The DOJ also has an ongoing investigation into 2016 happenings and there’s still the ongoing DOJ-appointed Huber investigation looking into the FBI’s conduct investigating the Trump campaign during 2016.  The Mueller report should have covered all of the Dems claims of Trump campaign corruption in 2016.

The truth is both campaigns were very corrupt and that’s the fact none of the partisans want to face.  The FBI had two criminal investigations of the Clintons in 2016.  The email scandal has always been cast as “Hillary’s homebrew server”, but the truth is Hillary never set up a homebrew server in her home.  Bill Clinton had that private server set up in their home, as his Clinton Foundation server.

The server scandal focused on Hillary failing to turn over State Department emails and keeping them on the private server in their home.  Why she decided to meld  all of her State Department emails onto their private Clinton Foundation server has never been answered.

All of her so-called private emails of yoga schedules and wedding plans glossed over the fact that there had to be Bill Clinton foundation emails on that server, because that’s why HE had that private server set up in their home.  Once Hillary was Secretary of State, she and Huma Abedin had private emails accounts on that server.  Huma Abedin was involved in orchestrating a server upgrade and Huma recommended the Clinton campaign IT guy, Pagliano, to work with Bill Clinton’s IT guy, Cooper, to  set-up an upgraded server.

All of these server details matter, because in the fall of 2016 , news came to light that several FBI field offices were investigating the Clinton Foundation for pay-to-play corruption.  Details of what they were looking at matter too, because if it was the foundation’s foreign big money donations and Hillary was ensconced running the State Department, wouldn’t it be interesting to know if there was private foundation email correspondence back and forth between Abedin and Hillary with Bill Clinton or other Clinton Foundation peeps, capitalizing on the State Department info?  Kind of a cozy relationship the Clintons’ set-up there with that personal foundation server in their home…

And the real question remains, why on earth wasn’t the FBI looking into that server in connection with the Clinton Foundation criminal investigations?  

Yoga schedules, indeed…

While it’s good that the new AG, Bill Barr, is looking into all of this, my prediction is no one in the Clinton campaign or Obama administration will ever be held accountable for 2016 corruption.  I believe the corruption went all the way to the top – to President Obama, based on a Lisa Page text with her lover, Peter Strzok, where she mentioned that the POTUS wanted to be kept updated about the Trump investigations.  The Bill Clinton-orchestrated meeting with Loretta Lynch, leads me to wonder if she had direct communications with President Obama about how to deal with the media fall-out about that meeting.  The top people in the Obama administration weren’t acting independently.

The President Obama corruption is why nothing came of the Hillary email investigation.  The released FBI notes of Huma Abedin’s FBI interview in 2016, indicate that the FBI had a classified President Obama email, which he sent using a private google email account with an alias, to Hillary at her unsecured private server email address…  Top Obama officials, including President Obama, were very careless at handling classified information, not just Hillary.  And that is why nothing was ever going to happen to Hillary.

The same is true for this investigation into the FBI handling of the 2016 investigations into the Trump campaign.   Comey and McCabe weren’t acting alone in these machinations to investigate the Trump campaign.  You can be sure Loretta Lynch and top DOJ officials were part of all of these decisions and actions and you can be sure that President Obama was being kept abreast of every move.

I always think back to this odd August 2015 photo of Bill Clinton and President Obama golfing at Martha’s Vineyard, where Bill Clinton, Obama and old Clinton-fixer, Vernon Jordan, were hitting the links.  The email scandal broke in March 2015 and by August 2015, the story was sucking oxygen out of Hillary’s presidential run.  Bill Clinton wanted that investigation buried and I am sure he dealt with that, one-on-one with President Obama.  By the summer of 2016, and that email investigation still being a weight dragging down Hillary’s campaign, Bill Clinton must have been livid.  And all throughout this media spin storm about Hillary’s emails before the Dem convention, there was Joe Biden in the background, dithering on about whether he was going to enter the race to unite the party.  At the top of the Democratic Party (Obama-level), there had to be a lot of calculations and discussions going on about these FBI criminal investigations of the Clintons and how to deal with the Clintons.

Fox News spinners may be bellowing on about FBI, Clinton and Obama corruption in 2016, but these Trump spin-fever dreams, that someone will be held accountable for the 2016 corruption, will end up being only wishful thinking, I suspect.   Hillary isn’t the only one above the law in America.  The 2016 Dem corruption reaches to two former presidents, Obama and Clinton, whom the American media complex will move heaven and earth to run 24/7 spin damage control operations.

There is no way truth stands a chance against the power of their media spin forces.





Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Information War, Politics, Public Corruption

Acting like mafia dons and such

My house needs some serious decluttering of closets, the garage, drawers, cupboards, and, yikes, paper work.  Here and there, small bits of decluttering progress happen, but when it comes to books and kitchen gadgets, there’s rarely any that leave.

Last weekend I sorted through some bookshelves full of paperbacks (mostly historical romance novels) and filled up a medium-sized box to take to the Goodwill, but I came across this Agatha Christie book of short stories, which my youngest daughter read in her early teens.  Sorry about the shadowy photo, but my lame photography kind of adds to the mystery vibe…  This paperback escaped purging,  because I realized I had never read these short stories before.

A few weeks ago, sorting through some books, I came across this childhood favorite of mine:

I thought about throwing it into my Goodwill box.  That didn’t happen.

Miss Marple, in writing, is even more delightful than she is on TV or in movies.   I love characters who sit removed from the action, quietly whiling away at their  needlework, while their mind is on much more serious matters.  As for the Princess Tales, the pages are very yellowed, but there are some interesting black and white images of princesses, who will likely end up in a junk journal in the near future.

Sadly, my sleuthing skills will never be on par with the marvelous Miss Marple, so I’m stuck sorting through open source information, reading through tedious government reports and lots of googling.  Today, I’ve spent time rethinking and refreshing my memory about what else was going on around the time and/or shortly before the pivotal events in the 2016 corruption saga.

Trump is not the only American president to act like a mafia don and he’s not the only presidential candidate in 2016 to rely heavily on a “fixer”.  Trump relied on his longtime friend and personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has now defected to not just cooperating with Mueller’s investigation.  Cohen, out of all of the lawyers in America, hired Clinton loyalist and dogged Clinton mouthpiece, Lanny Davis.

So, who was Hillary Clinton’s trusted “fixer”?

It was Bill Clinton, of course.

Bill Clinton very much wields the power in the Dem good ol’ boy network, that Hillary never will.  Hillary has operatives, who report only to her, but her political power will never equal Bill Clinton’s.  He is a former-president, a bona fide political genius, has a large circle of political operatives, friends, Dems who owe him, while she, despite being a powerhouse fundraiser, is only a twice-failed presidential contender.

Bill Clinton maintained a pretty low public profile in Hillary’s 2016 run.  However, he made news at a few pivotal times .

Here’s an August 2015 story of  Bill Clinton and Vernon Jordan “happily golfing” with Obama at Martha’s Vineyard:

Bill Clinton and President Obama looked so “happy” in that photo, that I wondered what on earth they were chatting about, with Vernon Jordan, longtime Clinton hack along and Bill Clinton’s angry face and “strong-arm posture”.

Obviously,  Obama knows that Hillary has enough damaging information on the Obama administration security failures, Benghazi, etc., that there’s no way Obama can ever stand up against the Clinton machine and retain his own legacy.  President Obama used a private gmail account and emailed Hillary at her email address on her private server.  That information is in FBI Notes of Huma Abedin’s interview.  Abedin is shown various email chains and one includes emails from a gmail account with an alias, that Obama used.

In October 2015, Hillary appeared before the Benghazi Committee to clear Benghazi off the deck for her presidential run. Dems on the Benghazi Committee ran a full-throated spin effort for 11 hours straight – repeating two phrases, over and over and over, to set in stone, in the public mind these two points: “This hearing is a right-wing witch hunt” and “This is costing the American taxpayers $4.7 million.”   (pssst, note, Trump is just a Dem spin copycat with the “witch hunt” lament)

Bill Clinton wanted that email investigation gone, so imagine his ire that a year later, as the drip-drop of more emails fall-out was still impacting weekly in 2016.  The drips were sucking oxygen from Hillary’s campaign, almost as much as Hillary’s lackluster campaign style.

Then, in late June 2016,  there was the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting to get the ball rolling in “THE END” to the FBI’s investigation of Hillary’s emails.  It appears Bill Clinton decided to strong-arm the DOJ to deep-six Hillary’s email investigation.

Loretta Lynch refused to recuse herself from the email investigation, but she made some bizarre statement that she would abide by the FBI’s recommendation on prosecution, even though she fully knew prosecutorial decisions are a DOJ responsibility.  She put James Comey in an uncomfortable position, but as evidence bears out, Comey and the FBI had already written drafts exonerating Hillary months before.

Googling last night, I came across two news stories that made me think that understanding Washington politics is a lot like following daytime soap operas.  With soap operas, if you don’t watch regularly, you need to have a friend or family member, who does and who can fill you in on all the long, winding back story.  James Comey was a deputy attorney general in 2004, involved in the Sandy Berger case.

Berger, a former Clinton national security adviser, stole classified documents from the National Archives.  Berger got off pleading to a single misdemeanor, a fine and later he had his law license revoked.  Yet, while Secretary of State, Hillary was emailing Sandy Berger, using an unsecured server and with a man who assuredly should not have any access to sensitive information.  They were discussing sensitive information about:

“Others could be controversial, such as 2009 messages from former national security adviser Sandy Berger about how to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over negotiations with Palestinians.”

Time to get back to Bill Clinton, though.  In July 2016 Comey exonerated Hillary on her email scandal, but Comey came under intense criticism and questioning from Congressional Republicans.  He quickly became adept at donning his Hillary defense counsel hat when being questioned by Congressional Republicans, all while claiming complete and total objectivity, impartiality and above all, unquestionable personal integrity.  James Comey, always answers to a higher loyalty… just ask him… even when he is flagrantly weaving and dodging spinning for Hillary Clinton.  However, it seems part of Comey resented being placed in this untenable position by Loretta Lynch and the Clintons, because he started making public statements.

Comey started publicly trying to defend himself after the huge Republican blowback about how the FBI handled Hillary’s email investigation and he drew public fire from more Bill Clinton strong-arm moves.  Bill Clinton lashed out:

“Bill Clinton is accusing the FBI director of serving up “the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard” — marking the first significant public comments from the husband of the Democratic nominee on the scandal that’s plagued his wife’s campaign for over a year.”

Back in August of 2016 I wrote:

Last week Hillary kept repeating lies about what FBI Director Comey said about her email server in his public statement.  Okay, no biggie, when you consider every time Hillary Clinton makes a public statement she LIES.  There were also reports that the FBI is deliberating whether to release the official report of Hillary’s three and a half hour interview with the FBI to Congress.

That sets the stage for my next amateur analysis of how the Clintons operate.  Some odd things have occurred with both, Bill and Hillary’s comments in recent days.  Bill Clinton started making statements yesterday asserting that James Comey is serving up a load of bull.  Lest you think he’s senile or crazy, let me expound on how the Clintons and Obama use public comments to intimidate people.

A few months back Obama was putting the screws to General Petraeus about his retirement pay.  I believe Obama wanted Petraeus to do something for him, that Petraeus was reluctant to do. I am sure when Petraeus’ scandal was settled with only one misdemeanor charge – they have a lot more serious charges that they dropped. The ones reported are serious – his mistress had hundreds of classified documents on her unsecure laptop, and his black books.  Petraeus hired the Clinton lawyer, David Kendall, so you know Kendall knows where all the Clinton bodies are buried.  A few days later, Ash Carter announced that they weren’t going to mess with Petraeus’ retirement benefits.

With this FBI investigation, several months ago, Obama commented on the ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary’s home-brew server and stated that it was careless, but not criminal.  Bam, when Comey made his announcement he stated that her use of this unsecured server was “extremely careless” and gave a laundry list of serious findings, but then he caved and stated that while her actions were “extremely careless”, it wasn’t “criminal”.  This is how the sending signals works.

These public shots across the bow are vintage Clinton tactics too.  So, when I heard Bill Clinton so boldly saying what Comey said was “bull” – that was a challenge.  Bill Clinton is the one behind the scenes strong-arming everyone from Obama on down to clear the path for Hillary.

The most important point about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is it was Bill Clinton’s larger scandal that was being covered up.  The homebrew server was set up before Hillary was ever Secretary of State, by Bill Clinton, as his personal Clinton Foundation server.  Bill Clinton wasn’t just trying to save Hillary with his strong-arm moves or working to get Hillary elected.  He was covering his own behind.

The FBI, reportedly,  had several open Clinton Foundation investigations in 2016, yet somehow the FBI never tried to search the Clinton server for Bill Clinton foundation emails or Bill/Hillary/Huma exchanges that would go to pay-to-play???  Huma Abedin was the only non-family member with an email address on the Clinton server.   She also was reported to be working for the State Department, as a “special government employee and working for Teneo, a Clinton Foundation connected firm, at the same time.  There were actually two servers, the original one set-up by Bill Clinton’s IT guy and the upgraded one set-up by Hillary’s campaign IT guy, Bryan Pagliano, who was held in contempt of Congress, for failing to show to testify:

“The FBI latest document dump shows:

  • The FBI acquired TWO separate email servers and mobile devices that Hillary used.
  • The FBI determined 81 email chains containing classified information, ranging from CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM were transmitted on Clinton’s TWO UNCLASSIFIED email server systems. Of those 81 emails chains, 68 remain classified.
  • The FBI did not find evidence that Clinton’s server had been compromised. However, the FBI was unable to acquire all of the computer components and mobile devices used by Clinton, so they couldn’t conclusively determine whether the classified information on her system was compromised.
  • On page 4, the FBI notes that Pagliano, whom Clinton had set up the second email server in home, reported that he only transferred  email accounts for Huma Abedin and BLANK from the old system to the new system. (The old system Bill Clinton had set up for his foundation work).”

Imagine Bill Clinton’s rage in October of 2016, when leaks from the FBI’s NY field office are reporting several ongoing investigations into Clinton Foundation pay-to-play…  By that point, James Comey was probably sweating bullets trying to figure out what to do to plug the leaks and make the Weiner laptop mess go away, because all the polls looked like Hillary Clinton was going to be his new boss and Bill Clinton assuredly would not be a stay-at-home, baking cookies kind of  “First Spouse”…

Comey knew all about the Clintons.

This new Comey, spouting off as a Hillary cheerleader and speaking of “extremely careless” conduct, is a far cry from the 1996,  U.S. special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee Comey:

“Comey’s first brush with them came when Bill Clinton was president. Looking to get back into government after a stint in private practice, Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement. Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.””



Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Politics, Public Corruption, Uncategorized

Crafting and Politics Combo

I’m tired of reading transcripts and reports looking for tidbits of information that might have been overlooked, or as JK would phrase it, The Crow Method.  I’m tired of being a news junkie too, so I’m trying to spend more time on my crafts.  This is going to be a combined politics and crafting post, because I’m too lazy to write two separate blog posts today.

First up, here’s the crafting portion of this post. Among the crafting peeps on youtube and facebook, there are lots of groups and people posting “challenges”, swaps, and assorted group crafting activities.  I decided to attempt the December Daily challenge, just for myself.  I constructed a junk journal for this project using all paper, stickers, ribbon and trim that I already have.  The cover is constructed from a food package box, covered with old scrapbook paper and some old Christmas ephemera.  The pages in this journal are all old Christmas cards that I sewed into the spine of the book.  I covered the spine with Christmas ribbon that’s been sitting here many years.  My personal challenge was to use only stuff I already have.  Here are a few photos:

Now, onto the politics.

I found an interesting tidbit of information reading the latest Comey transcript of his December 7, 2018 testimony to the Joint House Judiciary & Oversight Committees .  On page 125, Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe, former U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas asked Comey the following:

Mr. Ratcliffe. So I want to relate to you some of the
testimony that we’ve already received. FBI Deputy Director Andy
McCabe testified before Congress that the FBI could provide no
points of verification to verify the Steele information other
than the fact that Carter Page had traveled to Russia in July
of 2016. Were you aware of that when you signed the application
on October 21st of 2016?

Mr. Comey. I don’t remember any of that right now.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Bill Priestap who — what does Bill
Priestap do at the FBI?

Mr. Comey. I think he’s still the Assistant Director in
charge of the Counterintelligence Division.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay. He testified that corroboration of
the Steele dossier was in its, quote/unquote, infancy, at the
time of the application that you signed on October 21st, 2016.
Did you know that?

Mr. Comey. I don’t remember hearing that, but that makes
sense to me, if my recollection is correct, that we got it in
September or maybe October. It would, by definition, be in its
infancy in October.

Oddly enough, James Comey, James Clapper and John Brennan all do media spin efforts to give the impressions that the “salacious information” hasn’t been verified, but other parts of the Steele dossier are verified.  For instance here is a May 2018 blaring headline from Newsweek:


In this article, Clapper is quoted as saying: ” “The salacious parts, no. That’s never been corroborated. It would appear to me that as time has gone on more and more of it has been corroborated, but I can’t actually give you a percentage,” Clapper said.”

It appears, to me at least, that Clapper is deliberately spreading false information wrapped in weasely language.

This entire Steele dossier is a fraud.  From other testimony, like Bruce Ohr, from the Obama DOJ, it seems like no one in the Obama DOJ or Comey FBI even know who on earth Steele’s, supposedly Russian sources, with access high-up in the Kremlin, even are.

Trump isn’t the only big liar when it comes to  2016 campaign efforts to acquire Russian op dirt.  The problem is that Trump screams “But Hillary” to deflect attention from his shady actions, like Don Jr. meeting that Russian lawyer hoping to acquire dirt on Hillary.

However, both campaigns’  2016 corruption needs to be exposed and dealt with.  It’s not an either or proposition.

This Steele dossier was deliberately fed to the Obama DOJ by people connected to the Clinton campaign/DNC.  This information was fed to the highest levels in the FBI, as intelligence from a reliable former British spy and a former British ambassador to Moscow, Andrew Wood, was involved in selling the Steele dossier too.  Wood fed the dossier to the late U.S. senator, John McCain and McCain hand-delivered it to James Comey.  Every effort was made to present this Steele dossier as coming from reliable sources.

Here we are, two years later and it sure looks like “more and more” of the Steele dossier has not been verified and it looks like there was a BRITISH effort to interfere in our election.

And we still have no clue who Steele’s Russian sources are???

Comey can prance around like he’s leading the charge to “save our democracy”, but from what I see, it looks like he was massively duped by Steele and Sir Andrew Wood.

Trump might turn out to be a lying crook too, so his “But Hillary” deflections fall on deaf ears with me.  In light of Cohen’s corruption, if we find out Trump is guilty of tax evasion and/or money-laundering, I would not be at all surprised.  However, the Clinton corruption is already smacking us in the face, with the Steele dossier deceptions, Hillary merging her State Dept emails on to Bill’s personal Clinton Foundation server, the tens of thousands of destroyed emails on that server, and the shady Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting. And even worse than all that, the Clinton corruption appears to have corrupted the Obama DOJ and the FBI, at the highest levels.

The IG report on the Clinton email investigation ended up with Michael Horowitz believing Comey and disbelieving Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe.  In light of Comey’s selective amnesia now, perhaps McCabe was telling the truth, that James Comey knew about McCabe authorizing media leaks to silence the leaks about the Weiner laptop and Clinton Foundation criminal investigations the FBI had underway.  With Comey’s quickie Weiner laptop spin effort, Comey buried the Clinton Foundation investigations. Immediately following Trump’s surprise win, Comey teamed up with James Clapper and John Brennan to gin up the “Trump/Russian collusion” spin hysteria.

Assuredly, there will be plenty more transcripts and reports to sift through before our 2016 nightmare ends.

No rest for weary old crows searching for the golden nuggets of information… or trying to find more time to craft.

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Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Politics, Public Corruption

Still burning bright

It’s hard to believe we are approaching the close of 2018… and America is still stuck on 2016 campaign corruption.  There are plenty of facts, pointing to corruption, with both candidates.  However, “facts” hold little sway in this neverending 2016 scorched earth spin information war.  Yet, it still burns on.

Americans have heard both sides repeating their version of “The Truth” so many times, that for many of us, our minds drift off into a zombie-like trance as soon as 2016 rehashing begins.  However, for the politically active and engaged Americans, it still looks like they haven’t been burned out by this relentless 2016 scorched earth spin war yet.

Last Friday, James Comey, former FBI director, testified in a closed-door hearing before the combined Judiciary & Oversight committees in the House.  The transcript of that hearing was released over the weekend.  The Republicans grilled Comey, looking for answers on the FBI’s handling of Clinton & Trump related matters during 2016.  The Democrats did another Comey flip, this time they love James Comey and sang his praises, although in 2016 many of them were berating him, demanding his handling of the Weiner laptop probe should be investigated and that he should be fired.  Pelosi and Cummings, both railed that the FBI had “Trump fanboys” who needed to be investigated.  Many of the same Dems, who railed against Comey’s 2016 actions, now act like Comey cheerleaders.

The Republicans, who organized this hearing, are still asking many of the same questions of James Comey, they’ve been asking since 2016, and they’re still hitting an “I don’t remember” Comey brick wall.  Over 200 times Comey could not remember, suffering from what appears to be a severe case of selective amnesia.

Despite Comey’s memory issues, he has now found his new public voice as a “Hillary fanboy”…  The entire spectacle of James Comey trying to become a media gadfly to trash Trump, praise Hillary and act as the defender of truth, justice and the American way only casts more doubt on Comey as a nonpartisan director of the FBI.

James Comey sacrificed his credibility and compromised his integrity in his ruthless quest to take down Donald Trump. However, before that, it sure looks like Comey gradually sacrificed it by going along with the Loretta Lynch/Clinton efforts to bury the FBI criminal investigations of the Clintons. Comey appears to have completely bought into the Dem’s Trump/Russian collusion op dirt, without ever verifying who paid for the Steele dossier or even verifying the information. Even now, he doesn’t want to be questioned about the Steele dossier or what parts of it were ever verified. That Steele dossier information was used in FISA warrant applications.

JK posted a link in a comment for the U.S District Court for District of Columbia’s memorandum opinion by Judge Royce C. Lamberth.  This Dec. 6th opinion relates to questions still unanswered about the State Department’s responses to inquiries of its efforts to respond to FOIA requests for Hillary’s officials Secretary of State emails.  This FOIA request matter goes back to 2014 and still the State Department hasn’t satisfied the court that it made a good faith effort to locate the requested information.  It’s quite amazing to read this opinion from a federal judge, who put into writing that he still doesn’t have answers as to whether Hillary set up running her State Department emails through Bill’s personal Clinton Foundation server to “intentionally flout FOIA”.  While Comey may engage in spin games, complaining about House Republicans still asking questions about Hillary’s emails, it seems a federal judge has plenty more questions about Hillary’s emails too.

Robert Mueller may have solid evidence that President Trump committed crimes, but with Comey’s public halo polishing antics, Comey’s credibility and judgment make him an angel trying to fly with a permanently tarnished halo and even worse, no wings.  The costume store must have been fresh out of extra-tall Superman costumes to fit his 6’8″ frame, but never let it be said, when it comes to  self-righteous media spectacles, James Comey, sans halo or cape, will still keep sanctimoniously preening on and on and on.  The one thing publicly tangling to drag Trump or the Clintons to justice seems to do is destroy the reputations of those trying to fight their corruption, while Trump, just like the Clintons remains unscathed.  Trump and the Clintons, at this point, seem to be above the law.  Comey’s smarmy interviews, trying to sound full of righteousness and then coupling that with calling on Americans to support Democrats, speaks to a man who has lost not only his moral compass, he’s lost any vestige of credibility on anything related to Trump or Hillary.  He’s reduced himself to sounding like a political hack.

If Mueller has a case against Trump and he’s banking any of it on James Comey as a witness, it seems likely to be a total PR disaster for Mueller.  The crimes that smack you in the face with Trump are his witness tampering and obstruction of justice antics, played off by Trump mouthpieces, as just Trump letting off steam tweeting.  Just like Bill Clinton, Trump benefits from the protection of the presidential shield and unlimited access to media willing to sell his “victim of a partisan witch hunt” spin for as long as it takes.

If past is prologue, for 20 years, the mainstream media still run the “Hillary victim of a vast, right-wing conspiracy” spin. Trump may not read much, but he’s memorized the Clinton Scandal Survival Playbook.  Impeachment proceedings loom more menacingly for Trump, as House Dems plot their “destroy Trump” investigative schedule, but their two long years of unhinged and undisciplined media attacks on Trump have done as much, possibly more, to destroy their own credibility than Trump’s.  Trump still benefits from the Dem #Resist media hysterics.  Whether that will save him from impeachment remains to be seen.

America remains still aflame in 2016 scorched earth spin…

So much winning… for America’s enemies.

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Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Information War, Politics, Public Corruption

James Comey’s Clinton Foundation investigation cover-up caper

Just as a memory refresher, let’s go back to June 2016, when Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona.  What followed was a loud cry about an appearance of impropriety, Lynch insisting the meeting was a non-political chat about grandchildren, etc. and then Lynch made the announcement that she would not recuse herself from the Clinton email investigation, but instead she would rely on FBI director, James Comey’s recommendations.  This meeting set in motion the FBI interview of Hillary on a 4th of July weekend.

In September 2016, the FBI released the notes from Hillary’s FBI interview and as I had begun reading these FBI notes on the email investigation, the redactions seemed odd to me. I blogged about this and tweeted about it too.  In Hillary’s interview, I wrote:

Above is the first paragraph of the FBI Interview Notes.  It lists Hillary Clinton’s attorneys present for this interview.  One name is redacted and one can only wonder why?

On July 2, 2016, the New York Times reported:

Accompanying Mrs. Clinton into the meeting were her lawyer David E. Kendall; Cheryl D. Mills and Heather Samuelson, longtime aides who are also lawyers; and two lawyers from Mr. Kendall’s firm, Williams & Connolly, Katherine Turner and Amy Saharia.

Eight officials from the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice conducted the interview, according to a person who was familiar with the substance of the session but declined to be named because the meeting was private. This person characterized the meeting as “civil” and “businesslike.”

So, was the other attorney Amy Saharia, as the New York Times reported back in July, or was it someone else?  Why on earth redact the name, if it was Saharia???

There are several redactions on who was present from the DOJ.  The FBI Notes list two people from the DOJ/FBI side and have three names redacted, which comes to 5 names, although the NY Times story says there were 8 DOJ/FBI people present, so who are 3 redacted names + 3 others mentioned in the NY Times story???   Even if that one long block of redaction, after David Laufman’s name is more than one name, we are still left with knowing only 2 names of who was present from the FBI/DOJ and leaves SIX unknowns. Something is very wrong when you compare the NY Times report to the FBI Notes.

I went back to looking at news reporting after Hillary’s FBI interview and Team Clinton, predictably had given an exclusive interview to Clinton/Dem media SPIN king, Chuck Todd.

I kept wondering why on earth the FBI redacted only one name of Clinton’s legal team and why on earth would that name be Amy Saharia, when the Clintons released her name to the New York Times in July, so it wasn’t like it was a secret.  Then I kept wondering why would Bill Clinton risk that personal meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in AZ, when if the only thing to iron out was a date and time for Hillary to do a FBI interview.  Well, there had to be some details that Bill Clinton wanted to convey personally to a trusted Clinton crony, like Loretta Lynch.  I strongly suspect that Bill Clinton arranged for either himself or a another trusted Clinton crony to be present for Hillary’s interview, to make sure nothing went wrong.  I’ve always wondered about someone, perhaps like Eric Holder, whom none of the FBI or DOJ officials would dream of questioning or crossing.

And I believe that FBI interview of Hillary put James Comey in an even more totally compromised position, but he made his decision to go with the Clinton narrative when he made his statement on July 5, 2016.  He spent about 15 minutes chronicling grossly negligent handling of classified information, followed by making up new law and excuses to exonerate Hillary.  He decided to go along with the Clinton corruption, probably assuming Hillary would be his next boss.

On that same day in July, Hillary Clinton was on Air Force One with President Obama heading to their first joint campaign event.

What we don’t know is when those several FBI field office investigations into Clinton Foundation corruption began and when James Comey knew about them. 

That timeline would assuredly tell us if Comey got sucked into the Clinton corruption or if he was already working hard to cover up Clinton corruption under investigation in several FBI field offices.  The Hillary interview was in July 2016 and in October 2016 Comey reopened the email investigation.  On November 2, 2016 Bret Baier at FOX News reported:

Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told Baier that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information have been taken from it.

This report would indicate the FBI’s Clinton Foundation investigation was ongoing before the July 2016 FBI interview of Hillary and the FBI was sitting on Bill Clinton’s personal Clinton Foundation server, which Hillary had merged her State Dept emails onto and all those disappearing emails didn’t ring any alarm bells at the highest level of the FBI???

In October 2016, when the leaks started coming out about the Clinton Foundation criminal investigations and the Weiner laptop, Comey and McCabe worked to silence the leaks and COVER-UP for the Clintons.  Comey reopened the email investigation strictly as a damage control effort, so he could pronounce a thorough investigation had occurred.  He was all-in on covering up for the Clintons.

When the DOJ IG investigated the email investigation, Comey hung McCabe out to dry and said he didn’t know anything about McCabe authorizing FBI leaks to do damage control on the leaks coming out of NY about the Clinton Foundation investigations.  McCabe said Comey was aware of it and it seems certain Comey knew all about it, because he was helping orchestrate the cover-up and trying to bury the Clinton Foundation investigations, just like he buried the email investigation.

James Comey, what a stand-up guy…


Filed under General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Politics, Public Corruption

Finger-pointing begins

JK posted the link to the OIG report on Andrew McCabe’s “lack of candor” and everyone should read that report, which centers on McCabe lying about his role in FBI leaks to the WSJ about the Weiner laptop containing more Hillary emails.

Here’s that link:

James Comey is talking a lot these days on his book tour and he’s got his talking points well rehearsed.  Comey has been bragging that he is Mr. Ethical who called for Andrew McCabe to be investigated, but McCabe’s lawyer has made a statement for McCabe, that Comey is lying and was completely aware of the WSJ leaks McCabe authorized:

“In a statement, Bromwich says “the report fails to adequately address the evidence (including sworn testimony) and documents that prove that Mr. McCabe advised Director Comey repeatedly that he was working with the Wall Street Journal on the stories in question prior to publication.””

The leaks to the WSJ relate to October 2016 leaks from high within the FBI to counter lower level FBI  leaked information to the WSJ about ongoing Clinton Foundation criminal investigations and Huma Abedin having Hillary emails on the Weiner laptop, which the FBI had seized during the Weiner investigation.

Comey and the mainstream media have consistently used the Dem. spin messaging casting those lower level leakers as “rogue, Trump-supporters” in the FBI.  I don’t know if they were Trump-supporters or not, but as always the media went with that labeling.  They might have been pursuing their criminal investigation and believed at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ, there was a corrupt effort to impede or deep-six their investigation.  If there was suspected criminal activity by powerful political figures, you’d think the FBI would want to proactively investigate that.  Did they ever try to secure Bill Clinton’s emails from that homebrew server?  That server was his personal email server for his Clinton Foundation work.

It’s helpful to go back over the timelines and the messaging campaigns underway.  From my Dec. 13, 2016 blog post, Queen Hillary’s failing coup:

“Here’s a rundown of the Clinton/Dem/Colluding Media talking points I’ve seen, being hysterically repeated on Twitter and various news sites in the last few days:

  • “Fake News” is a dire threat and only certain (Clinton colluding) media can be trusted to report “real” news.
  • Various incantations on popular vote should rule over electoral college – from the dramatically escalating popular vote total for Hillary (likely embellished) to contorted legal reasoning, to crap like Nate Silver tweeted some tripe that Hillary only lost in 4 states by 1%, so without the Russian hacking she’d likely have won – so based on a hypothetical situation, he created imaginary polling statistics, that he’s presenting as serious analysis???
  • More Comey attacks – Harry Reid claimed Comey downplayed Russian hacking.
  • Harry Reid claims Trump directly involved with Russian hacking.
  • Electoral college electors need a special CIA briefing on Russian hacking.
  • America needs a do-over election, because of Russian interference in the election.

The liberal media has shed all pretense of being objective journalists, in fact, many are little more than Democratic hacks.  The hysteria over Americans paying attention to Wikileaks over American journalists’ reporting or Democrat mouthpieces speaks not to Americans being idiots, it speaks to people TRUST Wikileaks (a likely Russian front) over American journalists and the liberal media.

Following Twitter, is an exercise in frantic, sore-loser talking points, most bogus or deeply disingenuous, being breathlessly repeated by a cadre of big name “journalists” and news organizations 24/7.  It’s like kids at summer camp, sitting in a circle around a campfire, whispering something in the next person’s ear and saying, “Pass it on!””

James Comey still bringing up the alleged Trump pee tape in a Moscow hotel on his book tour is the most amazing thing to behold.  He is using unverified allegations from Steele, a paid Clinton/DNC, operative, who relied on 2nd and 3rd hand Russian sources,  claiming to have sources close to the Kremlin.  A former FBI director is and has been working to delegitimize President Trump, a duly elected American president, using an alleged Kremlin sex tape of an American citizen visiting Moscow.  Comey always slyly asserts he doesn’t know if it’s true, but he puts it out to disparage Trump.  Sure, Trump does plenty to discredit himself, but the truth is there appears to have been an orchestrated effort at the highest levels of the Obama administration and among some top Obama intelligence and FBI officials to takedown Trump by vicious leaks and a relentless scorched earth media campaign to both delegitimize his presidency and continually bait him.  Unfortunately for Trump, without fail, he takes their bait.

During those days in October 2016, while the Hillary email investigation was reopened, the Dems and media were on board with the messaging campaign to cast the leaks about ongoing Clinton Foundation criminal investigations and the Weiner laptop as the work of “rogue Trump-supporters” in the FBI, but they also have burnished Steele into some reliable, retired super-spy, even though he has admitted to being virulently anti-Trump and his dossier relied on 2nd and 3rd hand sources in Russia, claiming sources close to the Kremlin.  That means that information is highly likely never going to be verifiable or reliable, but James Comey’s FBI used the Steele dossier, which he knew was dirt on Trump paid for by the Clinton campaign/DNC, to initiate spying on Trump campaign officials and he’s still trying to sell the Steele dossier (Kremlin dirt allegedly compiled on an American citizen) on this book tour.

Something is very wrong with how the Lynch DOJ and Comey led FBI operated.

Trump might end up impeached for some issues stemming from the Cohen investigation, but this Trump/Russian collusion spin is about spun out.


Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Information War, Politics