Category Archives: Blog Notes

Some blog issues

I apologize for all the typos and grammatical issues with my blog posts. I’ve been struggling for a long time with using WordPress, because frequently when I write political blog posts, an autosaving function starts and then I can’t save or publish my blog post – I’m just stuck. So, I end up opening another window and opening WordPress. I click on New Post, then work to copy and paste my post from the frozen “autosaving” window to the new window. Yesterday, while transferring my blog post to a new window, “autosaving” came on and the second window was frozen too, so I opened a third window and rushed to hit publish. Then I end up trying to edit the already published blog post. I have no idea why it’s only my political-themed blog posts that have this “autosaving” issue.

I find myself hurrying to publish and perhaps I need to start writing my blog posts somewhere else and then copy and paste them to my WordPress and publish them.

In case you notice all the post-publication editing, I wanted to explain this, because I am not tech-savvy and have no idea why that autosaving message comes on and then I’m unable to hit save or publish – I’m just stuck.

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A blog note

This is going to be a personal blog post and for anyone who has followed my blog, yes, I’ve written about all of this before. The reason I’m delving into this again is because I’m done following Twitter. I left my account active, but I don’t want to write more about the next big spin war battle, as the political right rushes to get behind Elon Musk and the political left regroups for another epic scorched earth spin effort to destroy Musk..

When your rights have been violated and a situation impacts you directly, I think it’s normal to feel compelled to do something about it. I’ve written about the events that happened to me in 1998 during the height of the Clinton impeachment (the Messages of mhere story, is a true story about the events that happened to me, although I can’t prove it). I’m one of those people who doesn’t believe in quitting, but I realized years ago that I am powerless to prove any of these things happened and even if I had proof, some powerful people in America are above the law and even more importantly, no one would even care about something that happened decades ago.

In 1998 I jumped into posting political comments on the Excite message boards and that’s where the Dem/liberal media spin crowd were hanging out online back then. All of the repetitive spin messaging operations happened on the Excite message boards, just like they do now on Twitter, even though the formats are different. There was no blue checkmark crowd on Excite, but it was pretty obvious, even with people posting anonymously there, which posters were likely professional journos and Dem operatives and which were just ordinary people. On Excite there were people who used multiple user names, but often, by the way they wrote and interacted, they often stuck out. There were also people who changed to a new user name and often those people exposed themselves too, because most people use certain word and phrases often and respond in certain ways.

I began writing about the corrupt Dem spin war word games and countering Dem spin attacks on Excite. New boards under various topics would emerge rapidly on those Excite message boards and during the Clinton impeachment there were a lot of new dedicated Dem spin operatives who showed up on those message boards and they tried to dominate every new Clinton impeachment topic. It seemed like an orchestrated effort to silence right-wing posters, many who had been posting on the Excite politics boards before the impeachment scandal. The writing by many of the new Dem posters seemed more professional and the messaging seemed orchestrated to me. I don’t like bullies and these new Dem posters seemed like bullies to me, so I began aggressively countering their spin messaging. Then I noticed that many of my exact “counter-spin” arguments began being used by actual right-wing pundits.

Without getting into all the events that transpired again, after that impeachment mess was over, I made a vow to myself to expose the corrupt Dem spin information war and defeat it – no matter how hard that would be or how long it would take. I’ve spent way more time reading crap about strategy, especially military strategy, because military strategy is the supreme form of strategy in my view, I’ve read more books on political crap and other topics related to understanding this spin war than I even care to think about. I’ve read more political news than I even want to think about and I’ve spent untold hours following stupid social media spin battles and trying to understand how the spin war works.

At first I was driven by a quest for justice, because the abuse of power with what happened to me was so egregious – I believe, false information about me was deliberately relayed to a retired general, who hated my guts. My husband was still on active duty, so this was a retired general recruited to silence an Army wife. They corrupted the military chain of command with false information for partisan political purposes. My outrage went way beyond what happened to me, because I believe this false information was used to convince other people to participate in this effort. I also still believe that the attack on me emanated from the highest levels of our government, otherwise I don’t believe that retired general would have believed it. So, all this hoopla now about branding right-wing people as white nationalists, domestic terrorists, etc. is old school Dem spin sleaze operations – they’ve been doing this for decades and that’s why I expect the same Dem spin crap with Elon Musk buying Twitter.

Along this journey, I’ve also faced many personal challenges and worries, like spending years worrying about how to keep my late husband and family safe, then how to defeat this crap spin information war and I realized years ago that no one person can defeat the spin information war. While many people on the right cheered Trump “fighting back,” what they missed was he was adopting the same corrupt spin war ways as Dems and the liberal media. Sure, the liberal news media exposed themselves as little more than Dem operatives, but the downside was a sizable chunk of the right in America became true-believers in behaving as badly as the left and saying and doing anything, as long as it “owned the libs.”

I don’t care if you’re a Trump-supporter nor do I want to change your beliefs. I have friends and family, whom I love dearly, who are big Trump-supporters and I realized it’s best to just agree to disagree with them. The harder hurdle is how so many younger people live in Meme Land online and don’t care if something is true or not. As long as it’s a clever or funny meme, they pass it on. That’s the world we live in – very little fact-checking, lots of vitriol and rage, and very little tolerance for dissenting opinions.

The bigger lesson about Trump entering the arena to battle the corrupt Dem-spin machine is that although he hasn’t been in office since January 2021 he’s still relentlessly under attack, with non-stop efforts by Dems wielding government power and their liberal media cohorts still lobbing endless spin attacks against him. They are determined to completely destroy him. They don’t quit – ever. Trump managed to effectively counter some of their spin war operations and for that they’re going to use any means necessary to try to permanently muzzle him. and neutralize him as a political threat. It’s pretty obvious they’ll work to destroy Elon Musk too.

I’m going to be moving away from writing politics blog posts for a bit and definitely away from posts about spin war, because what I write doesn’t matter at all and won’t change a thing. It would take a sea change in American culture to defeat the spin information war and that would require millions of Americans to demand it. With the politically-engaged on both sides totally invested in and believing in this spin war crap, plus avid consumers of it, that doesn’t seem likely to happen. I’m trying to work on some things around my home and in my own life.

I’ve written more than enough about politics and spin information war.

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Blog note

Just a short note about my “Running on empty” blog post editing and rewriting. I began my blog writing about politics and I have spent over 20 years trying to understand the Democrats’ corrupt spin information war, and find ways to expose the wholesale public corruption, in any small ways I can. I’ve written years of blog posts, comments on various news and political commentary sites (having many deleted and I was banned a couple times too for posting factual information that got in the way of a partisan narrative). These days, I really want to spend more of my time working on my own preparedness for the major economic hardships, I believe are blowing our way, but I feel a conviction to keep writing about the corrupt spin info war and truly evil word games being perpetrated against the American people.

The spin (lies) war isn’t only being waged by Democrats trying to manipulate words and lie to us, it’s many Republicans too (especially Trump and his crowd, btw, because they believe they can fight fire with fire and “win” this spin information war), by hostile foreign information operations, who have an easy time playing American factions against each other in our deeply divided country and especially by media in America, who are making a fortune off of getting Americans worked up, turning news into infotainment and a 24/7 soap opera. I am not going to argue about Trump or Trump-supporters, because I understand why millions of Americans voted for him (I voted for him in 2020, despite vowing NeverTrump since 2015, out of sheer fear of the Obama crowd being back in power). I also support many of the Trump administration policies.

Ever since the late 1990s, I have wondered where does this corrupt Dem spin information war and all the vast corruption needed to fuel it lead? So, I’ve spent years, reading, following the spin war and trying to work out a totally lawful, peaceful strategy to expose the corrupt spin information war, so that most Americans would begin to see it and understand it. This spin info war leads to complete civil disarray and possibly civil war – that’s what happens when factions in a country become too divided and hostilities flare out of control. I thought there must be some plan to try to avoid America falling apart into civil disarray (yeah, big goal there, I know).

I am a nobody homemaker and I love America, but I love my kids, grandkids and family and friends even more. Preserving our constitutional republic is vital for their safety, their ability to thrive and prosper and for their future.

I’ve wanted to just quit this blog, quit tweeting to try to disrupt corrupt spin attacks – that’s why I went on Twitter in the first place – to try to understand Twitter’s role in the corrupt spin information war. So, I followed hundreds of journalists, politicians, political pundits and then started tweeting to disrupt spin attacks.

With this latest Dem spin effort to con Americans with this Inflation Reduction Act and their big green-energy push, I’m back to spending more time reading news articles and doing more research. I decided to edit out the emergency preparedness part of my last blog post, because I’ve said all of those things many times already and I’m not really a “prepper” or a “homesteader” or an expert of any kind, I’m just a concerned American citizen. If people aren’t preparing for serious economic problems after two quarters of negative growth in America, skyrocketing inflation, and all the other hotspots blazing around the world, there’s not much I can say to sway them.

For now, I’m back to writing about politics and the vast, wholesale public corruption.

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Short blog note

I will leave comments open on my blog, but I will no longer respond to any comments. Something I’ve wondered about since 2013 has become clear. The only comments I will block are ones with a lot of foul language or ones to porn sites and that sort of spamming.

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Personal Note

My husband died last Saturday. My own blog is the only place I wanted to post a link to his obituary. I’ll return after taking some time off.

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A hard path to travel

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Although my blog is mainly my opinions about politics and culture war issues, this post is a personal one. I’ve mentioned in other posts that my husband has been on home hospice care since late January 2020. He couldn’t even sit up in the bed by himself after suffering acute respiratory failure. To me it seems miraculous that he has survived this long. He’s been completely bed bound for over a year.

There was never any hope that he would regain, in any real sense, anything remotely resembling, “quality of life.” He has late stage COPD and he’s had, normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) for well over a decade. It’s been years of declines, then he’d work to regain his strength, but never recover to the point he had been before the latest set-back.

He liked to read novels, work in our yard, do home fix-it and home improvement projects. He used to have a wicked sense of humor and there were still occasional glimmers of that over this past year.

During the past decade he went from a cane, to a walker, to a wheelchair, to being bed-bound. The most devastating part wasn’t losing his mobility, it was the dementia caused by the NPH. that increased along the way.

My husband is a fighter. He believes, “The mind controls the body; the body does not control the mind.” When faced with being bed bound and unable to even sit up on his own, he fought to regain his strength, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, until he managed to pull himself up to a sitting position, holding onto the bedrails.

This past year has been a rollercoaster, where there’d be a few small improvements and then the unrealistic hopes, that maybe he’d get better would start popping into my head, even though I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Those hopes would quickly be followed by another decline. There were declines, with several infections, but he kept fighting back to being able to sit up and he’d try to eat and regain his strength.

Everything sounds so clinical with the terms used to explain what’s happening in the dying process. He’s now in the end stretch, the hospice nurses referred to it as a transition to the final stage of his disease progression with COPD, barely moving any air, stopped eating, barely drinking and I felt like writing this.

With all these ups and downs, it’s often felt like being on a “death watch” each time he declined. He’s sleeping almost constantly now. The hospice nurses are keeping careful watch, guiding me on how to care for him and keep him comfortable. They visit daily now to check on my husband and guide me through this. I could not have made it through the past year, of this level of caregiving, without their support. These hospice nurses are truly angels.

People keep asking me, “Are you okay?” Yes, I’m “okay,” whatever that means. My husband and I have been married 40 years. He has fought harder to keep going than I ever imagined anyone would fight. There’s a whole lot of pain, but after watching him lose control of his body and the memory loss, where from one minute to the next, he usually can’t remember what he wanted to say, there’s also a feeling of hoping he finds peace when his suffering is done.

Oddly enough my husband never went on any social media and has no idea what a blog even is and he’s never read a single post, even though he’s inspired many of my posts. By the time I started blogging he was already suffering from serious memory problems.

Unlike many people monetizing or taking donations to support their blogs, I pay for my WordPress account. I never want to make a cent off of anything I write on this blog and only hope to continue having this small space online to express my opinions.

I’ll be back to blogging about politics, culture war issues and yes, likely the corrupt spin information war too, after my husband’s final journey is done.

Thanks for taking the time to read this personal blog post.

I will be back.


Filed under Blog Notes

Trying a new path

Since the election in November, I’ve given a lot of thought to how I spend my online time and pondered how much time I really want to devote to following our corrupt partisan spin information war blazing across American news media every single day. Each side’s spin game is predictable, boring and phony, staged agitation propaganda. Spin war is really just corrupt, ruthless agitation propaganda waged against the American people. It’s all about inciting Americans to anger and rage at other Americans. I haven’t written much, because I’ve given a lot of thought to writing about other topics and leaving the politics to the occasional blog post. Thanks to everyone who has taken time to read my blog, but this year has left me feeling it’s time to try a new path – less politics and more about things that really matter to me.

I don’t want to write about corrupt Trump, corrupt Dems, the corrupt media or their destructive scorched earth spin information war anymore.

It’s become almost cliché to talk about 2020 as the worst year in our lives, but it’s December and none of the “worst case” scenarios that worried me happened. That’s not to diminish the 305,000+ Americans who have died of COVID-19 complications, the millions of Americans who lost their jobs and/or businesses or the alarming ways in which sacrosanct constitutional rights have been trampled by overzealous local and state officials, all in the name of “public health” or the personal challenges that did occur in my own life. All those dreadful things happened, but so far our governmental and economic systems have not completely collapsed and most Americans, including me, continue to quietly go about our everyday lives.

The most disturbing aspect of 2020 was the pile-on aspect of experiencing a pandemic, a government-induced economic catastrophe (yes, the government closures of businesses has been a real catastrophe), and major civil unrest (much of it orchestrated with leftist political groups, Dem politicians and media incitement), replete with widespread rioting and looting. Even the pandemic, appears to have been caused due to deliberate decisions by the Chinese government not to warn other countries about COVID-19 spreading in China. Of course, many people would prefer to attribute all of 2020’s dire events on mystical, malignant factors, but the truth is terrible human decisions and the repercussions of awful decisions were the root causes of these large scale disastrous events in 2020.

I’m not following the minute-by-minute spin war on Twitter anymore, because there are too many other real life things that require my time and effort and I feel better away from following the Twitter drama so much. It’s pretty predictable that the mainstream media will continue to pretend they are unbiased, professionals, when in reality they are mostly Dem spin hacks, who deliberately squashed the Hunter Biden laptop story in October – to help Joe Biden. Biden will be inaugurated in January is a safe bet.

Trump won’t go away quietly. He will continue lashing out at people, whom he targets as “disloyal,” so if he fires Bill Barr soon, that should come as no surprise, but none of Trump’s petty revenge tantrums will change a thing, except assure his own administration stays in total disarray until Biden is sworn in. And no, I don’t believe the election was “stolen” from Trump – he lost. His legal team has offered no hard evidence of any of their “stolen election” conspiracy theories and Trump repeating and retweeting any crazy conspiracy theory he hears, should clue his followers in that Trump’s not concerned about facts, only inciting his followers.

No matter how much most Americans try to avoid the partisan political chaos, it’s going to further intrude on our lives and unravel our institutions and our civic spirit. The best thing every American can do is work to become more self-reliant and become better able to adapt to rapidly changing situations. I plan to write more about other topics in the coming months, because there’s not a thing I can do to change the entrenched scorched earth spin war raging across American news media.

Finding ways to unite people or at least find some common ground appeals to me more than banging away on my keyboard giving daily reports from the Twitter spin war trenches or expressing outrage about the latest American political spin drama.

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Filed under 2020 Election, Blog Notes, General Interest

Blog Update

I just wanted to post a short blog update.  My husband of 39 years has been very ill for many years and after a hospitalization this week, he has come home on hospice care.  When I have my thoughts together and time to focus on politics and other topics again, rest assured, “I’ll be back.”

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.


Filed under Blog Notes

Short blog note

I haven’t had the time or energy to put together a blog post lately, although I have been commenting about the Dem’s latest SPIN mass media crap show on Twitter some.  Hopefully soon I’ll find time to get a blog post up.

A week or so ago I came across a Rand study, that I’ve begun reading and plan to finish when I have time. It’s called Truth Decay and sure feels like a timely topic:



Filed under Blog Notes, General Interest

Blog note

After writing my previous blog post, I began thinking about writing more about military strategy and tactics juxtaposed to an information battlefield, which is how SPIN information warfare is being waged in America.  I want to expand on a few points pertaining to Trump’s guerilla warfare tactics in how he wages his information warfare, but unfortunately I’ve got some errands to run, so that post will be up tonight or tomorrow morning hopefully.

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