Category Archives: Nasty Women

Quit buying into other people’s bullshit

Heather Wilhelm wrote an interesting piece on the growing attacks on masculinity and boys in America.  She states:

In short, in our culture, International Women’s Day was pretty much like any other day. In America, cheers for women abound. Girls are often praised, in fact, just for being girls. They’ve been long oppressed, we’re told; we need to eternally shore them up. “Girls today are told that they can do anything, be anyone,” actor Michael Ian Black recently wrote in a much-discussed New York Times op-ed.

They’ve absorbed the message: They’re outperforming boys in school at every level. But it isn’t just about performance. To be a girl today is to be the beneficiary of decades of conversation about the complexities of womanhood, its many forms and expressions.

For boys, it’s a dramatically different story. The title of Black’s op-ed, in case you’re wondering, is “The Boys Are Not All Right.”

If you’re a parent to multiple boys in this day and age, perhaps you know the drill: Every once in a while, a friendly-yet-awestruck stranger will approach and publicly note the apparently terrifying gender of your children. It happens more often than you might think. On planes. In restaurants. At Target. “Oh, my goodness! You have all boys? ALL BOYS? I’m so sorry!” Insert a pause, a dramatic gasp, and a knowing/troubled look here. The weirdest part comes when they stand and wait for you to agree.

“Boys are fantastic,” I usually say, moving right along. Alas, not everyone thinks so.

The Growing Attack on Boys

As one who grew up in the midst of the great feminist revolution in the 60s and 70s, where we are at with gender issues is exactly where the rabid feminists of the 60s dreamed we would be.  It’s a world controlled by harping feminists dictating, using the most “dickish” antics, propaganda and shameless mob tactics to silence men and enforce their feminist dictates.

Any who dare to challenge the strident feminist sanctified mouthpieces will be attacked, face having their character and career viciously attacked and have their very job threatened.  The feminist witch covens will seek to destroy you or anyone else, who dares challenge their views,policies or mob tactics.  And the mainstream media, Leftist establishment and even many conservatives and Republicans (especially women) will fall right in line with the feminists’ propaganda stormtrooper media blitzkriegs.  New buzzwords and semantical word games always play big in these feminist attacks. (Like in the overwrought “MeToo” charade designed to cast all men as rapists).

Masculinity was a target of the feminist movement from the start, so those who decry that feminism was about “equal opportunity” for women or about promoting “women’s rights” are sadly deluded.  The movement was always about destroying traditional male norms (the evil patriarchy) in regards to male behavior and replacing male roles in all aspects of society, from the nuclear family to the highest positions of power with new feminist-approved feminist behavior and feminist-designed feminist roles.  Males have no standing in the feminist utopian power structure, but serve only as useful henpecked supporters of feminist causes.

This attack on boys and masculinity has been going on in America since the 1980s – it’s not new.  I wrote a blog post recently titled, Boys, and it’s the truth about how my sons were little hellions, as toddlers.   What I didn’t state was I was glad they were active, curious and exploring their world.  In 2013, I wrote a blog post, Control of the Home Roost.  Upon rereading it, I admit to making some sweeping judgements on ADD and ADHD, which I think were a bit too strident, like stating I think ADD and ADHD are total bullshit, made-up ailments.  However, there’s growing research to support the assertion that the abuse of misdiagnosis and overmedication of  boys is very high in America.  I wrote:

“We’ve got way too many parents who have never learned any self-restraint, self-discipline or how to follow a routine and then you stick kids into this chaotic mix and naturally the more disordered the home routine, the worse the kids behave. Set some rules and a routine and the vast majority of kids thrive and kids with problems benefit the most from a structured routine and consistent discipline.  We all  thrive if there is order in our lives”

Well, I still believe this is the truth and I ended that blog post with some blunt statements, which I also still believe are the truth:

“You want a simple solution – Quit buying into other people’s bullshit!  Think for yourself!  Quit listening to so many celebrity experts, mental health experts, and commercials selling magic pills.  Make your family the central focus of your life.  Start by learning to live by a routine and some rules yourself, then expand out to getting some organization in your family’s routine.  American culture is in chaos, because American homes are in chaos – it’s way past time for American women to regain control of the home roost.”

Now there’s some advice that should be emblazoned on billboards all across America in loud caps:


Heck, if enough Americans embraced and took that advice to heart, it could revolutionize America very quickly, LOL…


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Filed under Culture Wars, General Interest, Nasty Women

Me Too lunacy begins

I’ve been neglecting my blog, because I’ve been busy being a Twitter troll and working on craft & needlework projects.  Yes, I guess they call it subtweeting, where you retweet other people’s  tweets, then add your own comments to it.  I don’t have many followers, so I doubt my comments make a huge difference, but I feel better trying to speak up for following The Constitution and the rule of law.

The #Resist is now morphing into the Me Too media lynch mob to try to take down Trump.  The #Resist has been hyping the Trump is delusional spin, and often dragging Republicans into it with hyped media stories.  It’s hard to insulate yourself from believing the political reporting by major news outlets in America, but in the era of #Resist and the Trump Flight 93 spinmeisters, that is where I’m at.

I believed the first woman who made allegations against Roy Moore, but once Gloria Allred showed up, the media non-stop redo of the Access Hollywood started, coupled with the Trump is delusional spin and this new “moral purity” purge on the Left began, well, let’s just say I am not sure how to even begin to decide on what is  a “credible allegation” after finding out that the WaPo descended on AL, along with #Resist dirt-diggers to turn up these allegations.  At first the media hyped there were 30 some witnesses to corroborate that Moore chased teenage girls, but I no longer have real trust in any of this reporting.  I keep wondering if he was a total perv, who chased teenagers, where are more recent victims?  Does he have a long list of affairs or anything like that?  I am open to listening to new allegations, but at this point, I see more evidence this was an orchestrated smear campaign and less that he was a child molester.  I still want to believe the first lady.  The one Allred rolled out and all that crying looked just like the Access Hollywood victim she coached.

I think Moore is vile and unfit for office.  As a judge, he was impeached twice.  Here again, if he does get elected, the Dems blew up that standard as a means to oust him, because the Dems have Alcee Hastings sitting in Congress:

Senate Dems, like Kristen Gillibrand are setting up this moral purity scenario, insisting that they are setting the standard pressuring Conyers & Franken to resign, but really this is just a move to create political pressure on Republicans to ask Moore to resign if he’s elected and to ask Trump to resign.   The #Resist which was fueled by the Nasty Women contingent has now imposed this new rule, that all women must be believed.  Many Republican and conservative women will be sucked into this feminist cause too.

Since the sexual revolution in the 60s, the modern feminists embraced new rules that tore down sexual boundaries in America.  Now, they have decided they don’t like these rules, so this is their new “cultural revolution” to impose some new ones.  I am not a feminist and reject their rigid groupthink and totalitarian methods.  You must embrace all of their rules, which they change at will.  There’s always been an elite group of feminists who make all the rules. Assuredly they will serve as the Me Too Central Committee that dictates all the new rules. This new Me Too operates off a very unfair and totally unconstitutional premise – that all women must be believed and that all men are pigs, so therefore guilty.  It is absurd to impose some morality that women hold the moral righteousness card and must be believed, while all men must be ostracized from their jobs or bow to the pressures of a media lynch mob.

With duly elected officials, the voters in those states have a right for a constitutional process of impeachment before ousting their elected officials – that’s how our system is set up.  This #Resist Dems setting up this “moral high ground” trope is vile and disgusting, but many Republican and conservative women will buy into it., because almost every woman has dealt with sexual harassment or unwanted sexual behavior from men.  They are encouraging women to go public with every allegation, but this is no way to seriously deal with sexual harassment or abuse in the workplace.  There has to be a fair system in place in workplaces, so that both the accuser and the accused have their rights protected.  Businesses reacting to a media generated public-smearing campaign,  run by a vicious mob, is no way to oust people from their jobs.  In Congress the procedure to remove House members and senators is expulsion. With the President,the procedure to remove him from office is impeachment.

I am all in on everyone following The Constitution.

Men and women are very different and being a woman, I know how catty packs of self-important liberal women operate.  This will be interesting to watch those liberal shrews like Gillibrand trying to force male Dems to submit to her ever-evolving rules, to manipulate the rule of law.  The goal is to oust Trump.  In this process these women set-up, where all women must be believed and these Nasty Women are urging women to speak out, this will be amazing to watch it descend into chaos.

For Trump followers, all along I said Trump is a total fraud and he is, but he was duly elected, so unless there’s some cause to impeach him I remain committed to following the law.  I don’t believe in working to make sure anyone fails at their job, so I hope he buckles down and does the job.  He’s had some wins too.  I wish he would quit tweeting and quit the scorched earth, but truthfully the #Resist would probably destroy him if he did that.  This is like BushDerangementSyndrome on crack.  The scorched earth information war is bad for America and it’s tearing our country apart.

Oh, what I was really getting to here, but drifted, was Trump is a total fraud.  The reason he lashes out at Scarborough and so many others like Zucker at CNN, is because this was his crowd of friends and he feels like they betrayed him.  The Daily Mail ran this story about a 2008 NBC roast of  Matt Lauer: Former NBC exec Jeff Zucker who had ‘never heard about of Matt Lauer’s sexual misconduct’ joked about him masturbating and ‘rolled with laughter’ about the ‘C**k of the Rock’s’ sexcapades at explicit 2008 roast

This was Trump’s crowd of friends.  Buried about halfway into this article was:

“It is not known which other NBC executives attended. President Donald Trump, who relished Lauer’s firing last week and declared NBC and Comcast ‘fake news’, was also there.”

I mentioned this line on a Byron York tweet last night and today the Daily Mail appears to have edited out this Trump line, but the attacks on Zucker and Scarborough are still up.  CNN deceptively edited the Trump feeding the koi video recently to make Trump look bad.  ABC botched the Flynn announcement and so it goes.  Then the media sits on their perch preaching about how terrible it is that people doubt the media and that Trump trashes the free media.  Trump decided to play the same scorched earth game that the Left and mainstream media have played for decades.  Trump has some media playing this vile game too.

Despite all that, I hope that Republicans in Congress do their own #Resist and resist the Left’s games to subvert The Constitution under the guise of standing up for women.  And #Resist Trump’s efforts to use a spin effort to gin up effort to subvert the rule of law by shutting down the Mueller investigation.

Everyone needs to work diligently to protect and defend The Constitution.

And now to crafting news.  Above is a photo of these neat little paper bag junk journals I started making, after seeing a YouTube tutorial. Still working on plastic canvas tissue box covers too.

Staying busy.

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Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, Culture Wars, General Interest, Information War, Nasty Women, Politics

Kind of too little, too late

Since Hillary lost the election many women are very angry.   The Left, which includes most of the mainstream media began a concerted effort to delegitimize President Trump immediately following the election.   The Left including many prominent Democrats in Congress,  engaged in disgusting spin efforts to convince Americans we needed to ditch the electoral college and they hyped “Russian collusion” hysteria.  There were even bizarre hysterical tweets from people like Rosie O’Donnell promoting the idea of a military coup , with Congress installing one of the generals as president, all to stop President Trump’s inauguration.

When all that failed, Hollywood leftists boycotted Trump’s inauguration and the media went full-court press on trashing the inauguration with endless unfavorable comparisons to President Obama’s inaugurations.  Still not willing to accept defeat, a day after his inauguration large crowds of mostly women took to the streets,  to ostensibly advocate for women’s rights and other causes.  The organizers in America were an assortment of far-left extremists.  This Women’s March had foreign leftists staging protests too, but in America the march really was all about protesting President Trump’s election.  Ridiculous pink “pussy hats” become the symbolic protest gear, along with some women donning an array of vulgar lady parts costumes.  The march also attracted an assortment of leftover 60s radicals and has-been feminists, in addition celebrities, like Madonna and Ashley Judd, spewed venomous tirades against Trump.

A lot has happened since the Women’s March and although the #Resist movement still goes on,  loyalty to Hillary Clinton within the Democratic Party has begun to fray.  Hillary has spent the year writing a sore-loser tell-all, What Happened, blaming everyone imaginable for her loss.  She is stuck on relitigating the election.  Her most loyal sidekick, Huma Abedin, is still by her side, while Abedin’s ex., Anthony Weiner, is off to serve a 21-month prison sentence for sending obscene material to a minor.

With Donna Brazile coming out with a book and publicly challenging Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign organization and ground game, it’s obvious there’s a revolt going on inside the DNC.  Finally, some top Dems want to break free of the Clintons.  There are plenty of opportunities for Democrats, sans the Clintons, to make huge in-roads on winning back seats in Congress, but also in state elections.  Trump’s very high negatives has opened that door.

It’s been a bizarre year for feminist hysterics.  It started with the pink pussy hats bedecked women screeching and caterwauling about remaining  “I’m With Her” and now it’s evolved to “Me too”, where women are seething about men who sexually abuse women.

After decades of reports about Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women, to include a credible allegation of rape and documented obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation, to silence women, finally a few in the media have spoken out about Bill Clinton’s behavior.  Of course, even more alarming was Hillary Clinton’s role in orchestrating smear campaigns against these women.  The Left can’t do a “reckoning” of Bill Clinton’s treatment of women, without doing a “reckoning” of Hillary’s too.  And they need to do a reckoning of how the liberal establishment and mainstream media aided in covering up and doing damage control for the Clintons all these years.  Without the media collusion to run the Clinton spin, the Clintons would have long ago been disgraced and “reckoned with”.

Now there’s a power struggle in the Democratic Party going on, to finally free the party of the Clintons, making it politically advantageous to start publicly speaking the truth about the Clintons.  When the Clintons were still a political asset, with their endless appetite for raising big bucks, much of which they feathered their own nest with, the Democratic Party and mainstream media were willing to sell the Clinton talking points verbatim and do decades of damage control for Bill Clinton.  Now, that there’s a feminist lynch mob mentality taking hold about sexual predators, it’s expedient for Democrats to break free of the Clintons.  Gloria Steinem’s “one free grope” will live on in infamy as the definitive moral caliber of the modern feminist movement.

Finally, political expediency has emboldened a few in the media to speak out about the Clintons and  this self-serving bit of honesty is being touted as “courageous”.   If the winds of politics change, it seems a safe bet that these courageous few will backpedal completely and be back to carry water for the Clintons again.

Several pundits on the right are scathingly pointing out the galling hypocrisy of this  “I Believe Juanita” chorus from some on the Left.  Just like the media ran the GOP Insurgency to throw the GOP primary into chaos, the Dump on Trump in the general, and the yearlong #Resist/Russian Collusion hysteria, they ran damage control spin for the Clintons since 1992.  That’s whole lot of years of sitting on news stories to prop up the Clintons.

When you look at FOX News’s absurd coverage of President Trump, with the Pravda aura to the spin, well, the mainstream media doesn’t realize they looked that absurd for decades doing damage control spin for the Clintons.  Many liberal journalists now spend hours dissecting Fox’s spin and it’s obvious there is media collusion at Fox News with the Trump people, coordinating the talking points.  However, these same journalists still lack any self-awareness that their news organizations avidly participated in the 2016 information war and the #Resist propaganda effort.  That a few on the Left now want to dump the Clintons for political expediency does nothing to atone for decades of media collusion to prop up the Clintons.

Kind of too little too late.



Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Information War, Nasty Women, Politics, ThatWitch2016, The Media

Nasty Women on the march…


Thursday evening, February 9, 2017, the 9th Circuit Court upheld the stay on President Trump’s immigration executive order.  Hillary Clinton (or her aides) jumped on Twitter and tweeted  “3-0”.   Kellyanne Conway retweeted Hillary tweet with the comment: “PA, WI, MI.”

Conway won that round in the catty career women, “thems some bitches”, battle. If you scratch beneath the surface, both Hillary and Conway are feminists, who not only live and breathe politics, but both use similar deflections to “stand by their man”, even when that involves shredding every sense of self-respect and dignity.

During impeachment, Hillary and feminists, whose lifeblood was fighting against the evil patriarchy, demeaned themselves propping up President Bill Clinton’s sleazy conduct.  Gloria Steinem’s linguistic contortions, basically giving Bill Clinton a pass, because he groped and stopped when told his advances weren’t welcome, became the political lipstick on a pig, dubbed the “one free grope rule”.

With Donald Trump’s “grabbing them by the pu**y” behavior, Conway and many  other Republicans, even professed Evangelical Christians,  have opted to pretend none of that matters, using the same political reasoning as Gloria Steinem, that amounts to : “the other side excuses even worse and my candidate is doing all these great things”.  The excusing inexcusable personal conduct based on political calculations is not only short-sighted politically, it’s poisoning our national character.

I ordered a book, World Without Men, from amazon a couple weeks ago, which I wanted to read before diving into the feminism issue, but I’m still waiting on the book to include in blog posts on feminism.  The amazon book blurb for World Without Men states:
“2012 Reprint of 1958 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The blurb on the thirty-five cent Ace paperback likens Charles Eric Maine’s 1958 novel “World Without Men” to George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.” Ordinarily one would regard such a comparison skeptically. Nevertheless, while not rising to the artistic level of the Orwell and Huxley masterpieces, “World Without Men” merits being rescued from the large catalogue of 1950s paperback throwaways. Maine’s bases his vision of an ideological dystopia not on criticism of socialism or communism per se, nor of technocracy per se, but rather of feminism. Maine saw in the nascent feminism of his day (the immediate postwar period) a dehumanizing and destructive force, tending towards totalitarianism, which had the potential to deform society in radical, unnatural ways. Maine believed that feminism, as he understood it, derived its fundamental premises from hatred of, not respect for, the natural order. He also believed that feminism entailed a rebellion against sexual dimorphism.”

Maine wrote this dystopian novel in 1958, before Betty Friedan’s, The Female Mystique, feminist manifesto was published in 1963.  Assuredly, modern feminism, in whatever “wave”, is not only a rebellion demanding “equality”, but is in fact, a rebellion against sexual dimorphism.  In less than half a century of modern feminism, American society is littered with the carnage, not only of collapsing traditional families, but against human nature itself, as strident totalitarians on the political Left demand acceptance of  their ever-increasing demands that we reject reality and live in their alternative reality, where males and females are not distinct sexes, but an ever fluid mix of “gender identities”.

Sadly, most American women, even “conservative” women buy into much of the feminist social dogma, as more and more women define themselves in terms of their  careers and homemakers as useless, lazy, ignorant, living in bondage to men, clueless idiots.  Growing up in the midst of the sexual revolution/women’s movement,  I read my fair share of feminist literature when I was young.  I rejected most of it before I left my teens.  While I have written several blog posts in the past about feminism, in light of the #Women’s March and this new movement, more will be forthcoming.

The media and liberal pundits are churning out “BIG SCARE” pieces on 1984 in the past few weeks, as flashing warnings about the dangers of President Trump and his “strong-man” tendencies, while the Left is engaging in big street theater efforts and scare pieces in the media, like the 1984 scare.  1984 was about socialism run amok resulting in a frightening totalitarian state, where independent thought is not tolerated.  It was not about a Hitler seizing control.

Trump’s lack of respect or rather, lack of interest might be more accurate, in The Constitution and his infatuation with “tough” talk and being “strong” are worrisome.  However, the Left’s surrender to the far-left extremes in their party, taking to the streets to demand #Resist, a movement to overthrow a duly elected president, by any means possible, worries me more.  These people have no respect for The Constitution, only on using any means necessary to oust Trump.  Rosie O’Donnell and some other celebrities even tweeted about the imposition of marital law to prevent Trump from being sworn in as President and they worked to damage his image and strong-arm any celebrities from participating in his inauguration.  The news media, while touting their journalistic ethics, have far too many top names retweeting news stories and Trump dirt that is false.

Since this new movement, #Resist, has a large female face to it, many women are being sucked into this on feminist terms that Trump is a misogynistic pig and must be stopped.

I was all for impeaching President Clinton for lying under oath and I do believe the other charges in the impeachment, like intimidating witnesses and obstruction of justice, although the House only voted in favor of two out of the 12 charges.  I will support impeachment of Donald Trump if the FBI or some other investigative body produces evidence and/or grounds for impeachment are presented, following the formal legal process

What I don’t believe in is trying to scream loud enough to force actions outside The Constitution.

Too many on the Left, and even many policy “experts”, who should know better, get caught up in the media-generated hysteria machine and abandon constitutional principles reacting to media generated fear-mongering.

All that said, trying to make sense of the foaming at the mouth feminists, who led the #Women’s March reinforced my belief that feminism is an abhorrent ideology and under the guise of  “equal rights for women”, which sounds fair and just, lies dangerous extremists, just as dedicated to destroying western civilization as full-throated communists, marxists, islamists or fascists.  In fact, in the #Women’s March it looks like all of these rabid ideologies merged, where strident American feminists, communists like Angela Davis, and islamofascists like Linda Sarsour, who champions sharia law in America, melded with Hollywood celeb kooks, like Madonna, “thinking about blowing up the White House” or Ashley Judd’s bizarre poetry reading:

All of which brings me to pink pussy hats and the “lady parts” costumes, that were not only “nasty”, vulgar, and tasteless,  but serve as a perfect example of the shallowness of modern feminism.

I am not a feminist.  I am an American citizen and I am a lady.  That’s how I choose to live my life and I think America would be much better, all around, if more women defined themselves by dedicating themselves to civility, treating all people with respect, dedication to their families and communities and most all placing caring for children, the elderly, the disabled and the weakest among us as the highest priority in our lives.

Civil society depends on civil behavior.

Caring for our families, our neighbors, our communities determines if the American dream is even attainable for all Americans.  Screaming, “I am a nasty woman” and marching around in vagina costumes or pink, pussy hats was just more hollow screeching, tasteless, pointless exhibitionism, from brainless bimbos, who are intent on destroying the “evil male patriarchy”, which is code for destroying western civilization.  What they intend to replace it with, I’m not sure, but I do know it’s not The Constitution.  Their every action is dedicated to using street protests and hyping “crowd size” to force politicians to abandon The Constitution and submit to their demands.

Really, there are several youtube videos on how to knit a pussy hat…  I am also a needlewoman and the first thought that struck me seeing the vagina costumes and pink, pussy hats, was how so much energy went into something so pointless.  I thought about how much real, tangible good could have been accomplished if these women put that pink yarn to knitting hats and scarves for needy girls in poor neighborhoods or baby caps.  I thought about what if women who could sew vagina costumes put that effort toward making quilts or stuffed animals for kids with cancer in hospitals or for police to give to children in traumatic situations.

And, here’s a message to screeching feminist harpies everywhere: wearing a vagina costume turns you into a pathetic joke, not a serious person with a serious statement.  Try for some dignity, try for forming some coherent arguments rather than protest signs with ridiculous slogans and most of all try acting like adults.

I will never be a “nasty woman”… my mother taught me manners and I am sorry so many other American mothers are falling down on the job or too busy crafting “vagina costumes”…

Grow up – every neighborhood in America has children and families in crisis.

Do something constructive that matters.

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Filed under American Character, Civility, Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Nasty Women, The Constitution