Category Archives: Military

Rumors of war

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.

– Daniel Webster

Over the weekend Iran launched a massive drone, cruise and ballistic missile attack against Israel. Political and pundit reactions and hot takes on Israeli and world responses started pouring out before we even knew much in the way of details as the strike was ongoing.

We also had Biden White House murmurings being reported that President Biden was warning Israel not to retaliate.

There’s a segment of the American right that has become hardcore isolationist and won’t support US military action anywhere or for any reason and they sound, to me, the same as the segment of the American left that reacts the same way – no war under any circumstances. I’ve always felt that isolationists have the luxury of being isolationists in America, because we have a strong military, prepared to defend our nation.

So, then we get to speaking truth about Iran – Iran declared war on America decades ago. Their official policy has been “Death to America” since 1979. When they declare Death to America and rant about defeating the Great Satan (America) as their top tier foreign policy objective, we should believe them.

This truth about Iran should guide American foreign policy decisions, but it doesn’t.

Democrats believe the Obama Iran deaI would change Iran’s foreign policy toward the US and deter Iran’s belligerent actions in the Middle East. The Democrat position that’s high on Obama Iran deal pipedreams seems delusional in light of Iran’s continued attacks against America and American allies. The reality is Iran has been attacking American military assets and personnel continually, especially via Iranian-backed proxies and Shia militias in Iraq, rebels in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th last year, Iranian-backed groups have attacked US military interests over 170 times and three US servicemembers were killed in an Iranian-backed attack in January.

It’s myopic to pretend that we’re not involved in the ongoing war that Israel is engaged in. For all of Biden’s telling Netanyahu not to retaliate, he ordered the US military to help defend Israel during that weekend Iranian attack. The Biden policy remains convoluted and incoherent toward achieving any real strategic aims. Biden officials continually talk out of both sides of their mouths and pretend that words can gloss over deeds – so, yes, they keep saying we support Israel, but at the same time they’re undercutting Israel at every turn. They are also still committed to Obama’s Iran deal and believe that the Iranian government, which proclaims “Death to America,” can be trusted to act in good faith.

Biden’s public lecturing Israel about a ceasefire in Gaza and now urging Israel not to retaliate against Iran is read by America’s enemies the same way they read the American political right urging no aid to Ukraine and urging Ukraine to stop fighting – our enemies read that as American weakness and appeasement. History clearly shows that this will lead to our enemies being emboldened to more aggressive actions. In the most simplistic terms, I think, Iran wants to be the dominate power in the Middle East, Russia wants to retake former Soviet territories, China wants to take Taiwan and replace the United States as the world’s #1 superpower. The foreign policy expert class remains widely divided on how to contend with our adversaries’ aspirations

There are silly and simplistic reactions calling for a too forceful response and some calling for a too weak response, however after over 170 Iranian-backed attacks against US military interests in six months, three dead US servicemembers and now this attack on Israel, it seems like the no retaliation response would be suicidal for Israel and pretending the US isn’t involved in this war is likewise delusional.

There’s an argument about the monetary cost of military action being too high with the state of our economy, but I would argue the economic costs, if we allow Iran, Russia and China to disrupt more global shipping, (hint, that’s a large part of what Iran, Russia and China have been doing), and if they take more aggressive actions to expand their power beyond their borders will be even more costly.

There are various levels of military responses the US could take to make sure Iran gets the message. Even US missile strikes can send a strong message or a weak message, as we learned during the Clinton administration and which the Obama and Biden administration are now following suit. If the US targets Iranian interests or assets that are not high-value (the Biden approach), the message is we aren’t serious. Those are signals of weakness – just going through the motions of a response and that’s really just more appeasement. Of course, there can be over-the-top responses, like the people who rant about nuking adversaries. The better response for America is likely somewhere in the middle or supporting Israel responding as it sees fit (which will be a strong response) and then getting more aid to Israel quickly.

Appeasement and not responding to aggression are actions. That is choosing not to defend your country or interests. History shows that not responding to military aggression can result in a heavy cost, including emboldening adversaries to make more aggressive military moves and leading to wider conflicts. Deterrents can work, but the Biden administration so far has offered only muddled word salad responses and missile strikes against low-value targets.

The reality is America does have direct interests with what happens in Ukraine and what happens in Israel.

We aren’t an island unto ourselves.

Weighing what we know vs. the unknowns, brought me back to thinking about a 2015 piece, Thucydides Was Right: Defining the Future Threat, written by Dr. Colin S. Gray and published at the US Army War College. I’m going to be rereading this piece. I talked to one of my sisters on the phone yesterday and we were talking about leaders who react to crises emotionally. My sister is retired from the Air Force and has a lot of experience handling crisis communications. She echoed my belief that emotional responses are terrible leadership in a crisis and will lead to bad decisions. In fact, making decisions based on emotion and fear will lead to bad decisions for anyone. We definitely need calmer heads, but too many of our elected leaders and most of the news media now seem to spend more time on their social media hot take drama than they do in calmly and carefully reading and analyzing information. Instead, they rush out with emotionally-charged statements to try to garner news media attention.

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Filed under Foreign Policy, Military

A gloomy reality check: America did lose

It’s a safe bet most Americans reflexively would not support American military action anywhere, for any reason. Over 20 years of military adventurism, thousands of American lives lost and gravely injured, billions upon billions of dollars spent and in the end, last week a top retired general finally admitted that our mission in Afghanistan was a “strategic failure.” That was retired General Mark Milley, testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

A former top US military official stating an assessment of over 20 years of American blood and treasure expended on a foreign policy effort that was a STRATEGIC FAILURE should demand accountability and a serious study of what all went wrong and they should seek to learn from those lessons, but that’s not how Washington works. No one in any of the administrations, Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden administration or any of the prominent policy experts involved in crafting these policies will ever admit they made serious strategic mistakes.

Here’s a CBS News link to that 3+ hours House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing last week, where retired General Milley and General McKenzie testified about the decision-making and failures with the Afghanistan withdrawal. If you’re interested, Milley’s assessment of “strategic failure” comes in his opening statement at minute 21:47 in that CBS News video. Clearly, the blame for the withdrawal debacle lies with the Biden White House and State Department, who ignored and dismissed all of the Pentagon’s advice and warnings. It’s an utter disgrace that Anthony Blinken is still the Secretary of State and Jake Sullivan is still the National Security Advisor.

However there’s a bigger picture that continually gets lost in these highly-charged partisan issues. For decades before 9/11 US strategic-thinking operated from a “small footprint” in the Middle East and predominantly Muslim countries, due to the clash of western culture with Islamic culture. The hostility within the Muslim world toward the secular West was no mystery and US policy operated that it was better to limit American military presence in the Muslim world. The US government was well aware of the rise of Al Qaeda and back in the 1990s there were several attacks by radical jihadists against US military interests. Bin laden had been issuing fatwas swearing death to America long before 9/11. Al Qaeda and later ISIS comprise the Sunni brand of radical Islam, but there’s also the vast Shia brand, controlled by Iran, who likewise preach “Death to America” as one of their core Islamic missions.

Both our “Global War On Terrorism:” and our entire building western-style democracies among tribal Islamic people, who have no cultural underpinnings that bolster a democratic state, were delusional from the start. The magic ingredient to success in Afghanistan, centered on the idea that we could somehow build some sort of western-style police and military in Afghanistan, and from that the government we were propping up in Afghanistan would flourish. Except those Afghan security forces were completely dependent on the US military to function. The entire fabric of Afghan culture is rife with deeply-embedded corruption and it’s also a narco-state where opium production is a lucrative part of the economy, so these idealistic “democracy-building” goals were not based on any sort of reality-based assessments. Opium production under the Taliban is booming, according to the UN, with a 32% increase in 2022, per this UN report: Afghanistan opium cultivation in 2022 up by 32 per cent: UNODC survey.

Experts throughout the American foreign policy class latched onto the democracy-building projects and then during the Obama administration, we moved from regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq, where the Taliban was hosting Al Qaeda leadership and Iraq, where Saddam Hussein had been a thorn in America’s side for over a decade, to Secretary of State Clinton pushing to topple Gaddaffi in Libya and the push to arm imaginary “moderate Syrian rebels” to topple al-Assad in Syria. In the process of American military adventurism pursuing the “Democracy in the Middle East” delusion, America became a force for regional destabilization. That’s the hard truth.

In 2021, the Afghan leader America was propping up fled the country and the Afghan security forces, we had been training for 20 years, crumbled in days, as the Taliban seized control of Kabul. While it’s good that Milley and McKenzie, showed up at this hearing, they were part of that Pentagon groupthink that persisted all those years, even though they had to know none of the catchphrase strategy they all mouthed was any sort of coherent strategy. The other big loss, that could be even more ominous, is there’s been a widespread erosion of American trust in US military leadership over the past 20 years. As the years rolled by, top generals repeated the same “winning hearts and minds” spiel, but many Americans did not believe America was winning and even worse, the perception that we were being lied to grew. An America where the American people lose faith and trust in their military leadership reminds me of our post-Vietnam era and our military morale and readiness suffered because of that. The Afghanistan withdrawal provided the American people with real-time images of “strategic failure” and images eerily reminiscent of Vietnam, with a US embassy being evacuated from a rooftop, blazed across the media: Afghanistan: Near-identical images of US evacuating Saigon and Kabul go viral as Taliban seize power

Milley admitting at this hearing that our Afghanistan adventure was a strategic failure was latched onto by Republicans and right-wing media to feed their fury against the Biden administration over the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. Democrats and the liberal media are still trying not to talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and they just flip to Trump trash talk.

Both sides refuse to admit to the big picture American strategic failure and no one’s talking much about what that portends for America now and in the future. If we lost, the obvious question is who won when America made such a humiliating and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021? The Taliban came out a big winner and they’re back in power in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda is emboldened. ISIS is emboldened. China, Russia and Iran are on the move to assert global economic and military dominance in the world. China has offered economic and development aid to the Taliban. China also secured rights to Afghanistan’s vast mineral reserves. Here’s a 2021 CNN Business article: The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs. Iran has aided Hamas and is funding and arming the Houthi rebels launching drone and missile attacks against American ships.

The October 7th Hamas attack in Israel was carried out with direct aid and military support from Iran. Moscow just suffered a major terrorist attack perpetrated by ISIS. Despite Putin wanting to point the finger at Ukraine, because that feeds his domestic propaganda effort, ISIS immediately claimed responsibility for this attack.

There’s a potent Russian propaganda effort in America too and it gains traction within a segment of the American right, who are virulently anti-Ukraine and perceive Putin as a victim. They’ve bought into some sort of belief that it’s the mean Ukraine/West “poking the bear” Russian victimhood. It’s absurd, because although the Obama administration was clumsily involved in the toppling of the pro-Russian Ukraine government in 2014, Russia was doing the same thing in Ukraine and elsewhere in former Soviet bloc countries. Then rather than stand up to Putin, Obama quickly folded and left Ukraine with part of the country embroiled in a frozen conflict against Russian troops and allowed Russia to annex Crimea. Putin has had a long-range goal to regain influence and control over as much of the former Soviet Union territory as possible – that’s not “poking the bear,” that’s a very aggressive bear on the move.

With the Biden administration’s dangerous, lax US border policy, millions of illegal aliens have flooded into the US and our own Homeland Security has reported a dramatic influx of military age men from countries hostile to the US – from China, Iran, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. At the same time the FBI director, Christopher Wray, has been warning about the escalating cyberattacks against critical US infrastructure being perpetrated largely by Chinese hackers. Wray testified to Congress recently that US cyber experts are outnumbers 50 to 1 by Chinese hackers. 9/11 was carried out by 19 Al Qaeda jihadists. That propelled America down over 20 years of strategic failure dealing with Al Qaeda. We’re in a more dangerous strategic threat environment now than before 9/11 – that’s a hard pill for most Americans to swallow.

The Moscow terrorist attack last week has resulted in 137 deaths so far. Russian authorities have charged 4 gunmen and detained 7 others, according to this linked ABC News article. The article also reports:

” The U.S. said it shared intelligence with Russia that warned that ISIS was preparing similar attacks on concerts in Moscow just two weeks ago. A U.S. State Department official said Saturday that the U.S. government had shared information on a possible attack with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding “duty to warn” policy.”

“The U.S. Embassy in Moscow issued a warning on March 7, advising U.S. citizens to avoid large gatherings for 48 hours, saying extremists have “imminent plans” to target large-scale gatherings in Moscow.”

Whether Americans are weary of “forever wars” or not – we lost in our “Global War On Terrorism” and democracy-building projects in the Mid-East.

The winners are on the move.

What happened in Israel and Moscow should be wake-up calls – more radical jihadist terrorist attacks are likely, especially in Europe and the US. While I’d like to forecast sunshine and rainbows, I believe the forecast is more dark clouds and storms ahead.


Filed under Foreign Policy, General Interest, Military

A few more blips in the information war

A few news bits, that will likely be quick blips that flit by caught my attention. There are so many bigger stories going on with the presidential politics, wars, and more high-profile issues, but these warrant some attention.

On March 4th, there were reports of three cables under the Red Sea being cut. The cause is unknown at this time. Here’s a bit from the Washington Post, :

“DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Three cables under the Red Sea that provide global internet and telecommunications have been cut as the waterway remains a target of Yemen’s Houthi rebels, officials said Monday. Meanwhile, a Houthi missile attack set a ship ablaze in the Gulf of Aden, but caused no injuries.

What cut the lines remains unclear. There has been concern about the cables being targeted in the Houthi campaign, which the rebels describe as an effort to pressure Israel to end its war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Houthis have denied attacking the lines, however.”

US News & World Report ran a piece, 3 Red Sea Data Cables Cut as Houthis Launch More Attacks in the Vital Waterway This article reports:

“It described the cuts as affecting 25% of the traffic flowing through the Red Sea. It described the Red Sea route as crucial for data moving from Asia to Europe and said it had begun rerouting traffic.”

An attack affecting 25% of data moving from Asia to Europe seems like a blip to pay attention to.

There’s been a ransomware attack going on for over a week in the US, crippling many pharmacies and healthcare providers connected with Change Healthcare. Wired reports:

“The ransomware attack targeting medical firm Change Healthcare has been one of the most disruptive in years, crippling pharmacies across the US—including those in hospitals—and leading to serious snags in the delivery of prescription drugs nationwide for 10 days and counting. Now, a dispute within the criminal underground has revealed a new development in that unfolding debacle: One of the partners of the hackers behind the attack points out that those hackers, a group known as AlphV or BlackCat, received a $22 million transaction that looks very much like a large ransom payment.”

Last year the group that my primary care provider belongs to was hit by a ransomware attack, that took down their phone and computer system. I had to physically go into the office to schedule an appointment and when I saw my provider, they couldn’t access records on their computer system. They also couldn’t process payments. Ransomware attacks against hospitals, banks, governments, businesses in the US are increasing. A few years ago, my local water department was hit by a ransomware attack that took a couple months to resolve. During that time online payments could not processed, so customers had to physically show up with cash or a check at the water department or mail in a check.

Yesterday there was a short-lived blip on the domestic ideological culture war front:

This crazy announcement was authentic, but due to social media backlash from the right the VA Secretary overruled this decision. I saw some prominent right-wingers on X applaud the VA Secretary and suggest the person who made that decision be fired. This blip might seem like one random leftist crazy within the VA making this decision, but I am sure this is just part of a vast, orchestrated left-wing culture war effort. The person who penned that public announcement likely won’t be fired and we have no idea how many documents, records, or other information within the US government are quietly being altered, removed, or “edited” to fit the DEI thought police.

Why make a public announcement banishing an iconic image of America’s victory in WWII within all VA facilities?

Back in 2020 during the BLM protests, when the statue-toppling exploded as an acceptable form of public protest, all sorts of politicians, historians, experts rushed to embrace the BLM position that the protest was against US Civil War statues of Confederate generals and therefore noble and heroic, not criminal destruction of public property. Several US military bases were identified for renaming. Many Americans bought into the BLM cause, despite the glaring Marxist ideological undertones swirling. There were scenes of white people participating in white privilege sessions, where they were berated for their “white privilege” and pressured to publicly renounce their “white privilege.” These sessions were eerily similar to Mao’s Chinese cultural revolution and the struggle sessions, that used this exact form of ritualized public humiliation to force conformity to the new rules. Speaking out against anything connected to the BLM protests risked being labeled a racist.

Tell-tale signs were present back in 2020 that the statue-toppling was about more than statues of Confederate generals. By 2022, the historic homes of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, two of America’s most famous founding fathers, have now “gone woke,” A 2022 FOX News opinion piece, Jefferson, Madison’s homes become woke monuments attacking Founding Fathers’ legacies, by Douglas MacKinnon asserted:

Jefferson’s Monticello is being reimagined to “finish the restoration of the landscape of slavery” — there is signage and interactive displays which incessantly link Jefferson to that subject. One of the main tours now at his home is entitled: “Slavery at Monticello.” On the website of the internationally famous home, visitors see: “Thomas Jefferson wrote that ‘all men are created equal,’ and yet enslaved more than 600 people over the course of his life.” 

There have been numerous other blips of efforts to erase American history since 2020, statues other than Confederate generals have been targeted, numerous historical sites are being “reimagined” is a popular leftist term that’s now used to smear founding fathers as evil racists, very similar to how the trans movement mainstreamed the term “gender-affirming care” to normalize puberty blocking drugs and mutilating genitals of children, as the only humane way to deal with gender dysphoria in children.

On February 14, 2024, protestors showed up at the National Archives and dumped a reddish powder on the display of the original US Constitution, while police looked on. The protestors were allowed to give their speech, before police escorted them away. Here’s a bit from an AP report:

““We are determined to foment a rebellion,” one man said, in a video posted on social media. “We all deserve clean air, water, food and a livable climate.”

Police then led the pair away, leaving a trail of powder out the door.

In the immediate aftermath, cleanup crews were reluctant to use any sort of water or liquids in the cleanup, especially since they were still unsure of the exact makeup of the powder.”

Here’s a NBC news report on the incident, National Archives closes after climate change protesters dump red powder on U.S. Constitution, which states, “The two men were immediately detained and escorted out by security personnel on site.” Well, I guess here we’ll have to haggle over the meaning of the word “immediately, ” since the NBC report includes a link to this social media video that was posted:

In the social media video the security personnel allowed the protestors to pour reddish powder all over the display and stood by and allowed them to make a prepared speech and it looks to me like the security guards didn’t even try to intervene until about 50 seconds into this video. The one protestor was spreading the red powder across the display case and this is an irreplaceable American historical document, but there was no rush to protect it.

In WWII, there were all sorts of efforts to try to preserve art, historical documents and books from Nazi destruction. Librarians, scholars, and even bookshop owners risked their lives hiding books and documents to preserve them for posterity. The US government embarked on hiring civilians, many librarians, to collect and microfilm documents, publications, and books from overseas, as part intelligence-gathering, but also to preserve this information from destruction. Now, we have security personnel, who just stood there while two extremists poured red powder on a display case of one of our most precious historical documents.

America today is nothing like the generation who won WWII.

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Filed under American History, Culture Wars, General Interest, Information War, Military, Politics

American news media went on an “Alert” frenzy again

Yesterday was another bizarre news “Alert” day. It started like this:

As Washington’s political class, news media and the political punditry circles churned this around, once again we got few facts and lots of partisan theorizing to bolster political talking points. Some of the right-wing punditry circle rushed to the conclusion this statement was just fearmongering to scare people into supporting the Senate foreign aid bill that moved to the House, which includes more aid for Ukraine.  Some of the right-wing pundit class went down even crazier conspiratorial rabbit holes. Some Republican officials in Washington offered various takes, trying to tamp down alarm by stating Rep. Turner’s information is real, but trying to calm fears, by stating we’re not facing an imminent threat. 

Russia is way ahead of America on hypersonic missile development and this Washington news yesterday seems to be about Russia developing space-based nuclear weapons. 

The right-wing punditry circle in right-wing media now has some “super-stars,” who are clueless about national security and military matters. Some of them live in Deep State paranoia and insist there is no Russian threat and it’s the evil US intelligence agencies, who are the real threat. Both are a threat – Russia is a threat and so are US intelligence officials operating outside the parameters of the law or for domestic partisan advantage. Here’s a FOX News pundit just making fun of and completely dismissing the Russian threat. Waters framed this as all about Ukraine funding and news media hysteria:

I believe China, Russia and Iran are already aligning to challenge the West – and that definitely includes America. This threat is there, regardless which party controls the White House or Congress in America. China has been working to implant malware within our computer systems that control our critical infrastructure, in order to launch cyber-attacks against critical American infrastructure – especially near US military installations. A space-based nuclear capability could allow our adversaries to take out satellites and our power grid (EMP attack). That’s the gist of this latest threat from the little bit of information that came out yesterday.

So many Americans are now completely immersed in seeing the world through an Us vs. Them domestic political lens, that they are unable to fathom that the world is much bigger than just MAGA vs. Woke/Globalist Elites. We still have actual countries who have their own political and territorial aspirations. China wants to take Taiwan and expand influence in the Pacific, plus become the world economic superpower. Putin wants to restore as much of the former Soviet Union as possible, Iran wants to be the regional superpower and Shia Islam to control the Islamic world. All three of these adversaries’ aspirations require unseating America from its world superpower status. There’s also North Korea that wants to seize control of South Korea, which is part of that China, Russia, Iran alliance.

With Rep, Turner’s statement and the news media doing what it does best – creating drama and hysteria to fill in airtime, when no new information is available- his statement probably did more harm than good. Most of the American public has no clue about an EMP following a nuclear blast at high-altitudes. And most people have never even thought about an extended grid-down situation. I hadn’t given this much thought either until recent years. Making sensitive intelligence information public usually tells our adversaries way more about what our intelligence experts know about their programs than providing useful information to the American public.

With this crazy “ALERT!” news hysteria all day yesterday, it’s probably more sensible to be aware of new information pertaining to the weapons system advancements of our adversaries, but to just go about our daily lives. I can’t speak to Rep. Turner’s motivations for issuing his statement yesterday, but there’s a sizable segment on the MAGA right, that will dismiss any warnings about Russian threats, especially since Tucker just went to Moscow. Plenty of the Trump-right have bought into the belief that Ukraine should just surrender to Putin – because they should want peace – even though Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of their country two years ago. And of course, Ukraine (or any of the other former Soviet bloc countries bordering Russia) should not want to align closely with the West or want to join NATO, out of fear of Russian aggression. Why on earth would they believe Russia might want to invade their countries… 

Again, Russia launched a full-scale invasion into Ukraine two years ago.

History matters. In 1994, the US agreed to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression, in return for Ukraine returning the Soviet nuclear weapons in Ukraine to Russia. Russia signed that agreement to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty in that Budapest Memorandum and then invaded Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022.

Russia is not the victim. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago, even Finland, a country that prided itself on neutrality between the Soviet Union and the West, has now joined NATO and Sweden wants to join too. Yet, Trump wants to abandon NATO and cozy up to Putin… For the life of me, I can’t fully understand why so many right-wing pundits now sound like 1960s radical leftists, with making excuses for Russian aggression and siding with our adversaries, who want to destroy America, but that’s where we’re at. Tucker waxing on about how wonderful Moscow is compared to American cities sounded like Bernie Sanders’ 1988 honeymoon trip to Russia. 

The larger part of the right-wing lurch into siding with Putin though, I think, goes to 2016 and the corrupt Hillary campaign creating a fake dossier about “Trump-Russian Collusion.” The Clinton campaign’s Steel dossier dirty trick evolved into the left’s #Resist effort and then even into pandemic “Russian disinformation” hysteria constantly, which Dems used to silence opponents on social media and malign people with differing views about COVID.  This Democrat spin war effort of calling everything “Russian disinformation” has made “Russian disinformation” a meaningless term and many people on the right just automatically dismiss any mention of Russian disinformation now. 

However, Russian threats to America are real, whether we choose to believe it or not. The Russians trying to build this space-based weapons system sounds like it’s further off than the Chinese, who already have implanted malware in American critical infrastructure, according to FBI reports for several years now. Reports about a threat posed by American cell towers using Chinese Huawei equipment were coming out during Trump’s presidency too. 

National security is about all Americans, not just the left or right.


Filed under Foreign Policy, General Interest, Military, Politics

Some links and notes on the threat China poses to the US homeland

A NBC article from February 7, 2024: Chinese hackers spent 5 years waiting in U.S. infrastructure, ready to attack, agencies say This article says:

“Chinese hackers have at times secretly hidden in U.S. infrastructure for up to five years, ready to conduct a potentially destructive cyberattack if the two countries were to go to war, federal agencies said Wednesday.”

“The claim was published in a public cybersecurity warning, one of the largest and starkest of its kind, from six U.S. agencies, as well as allied cybersecurity and intelligence agencies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K.””

FIVE YEARS, the CCP has been working on this…

This NBC article mentions a February 7, 2024 public cybersecurity warning, with a link to a Joint Cyber Advisory by the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada titled PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure.

This isn’t going to be a blog post. It’s a bunch of news links, some quotes and my notes and thoughts on the growing Chinese threat. I’d encourage everyone to do their own research and start paying attention to these news stories about Chinese espionage and other malignant activities.

Last year, with that Chinese spy balloon episode, here’s one of the early reports from February 15, 2023, ABC article: US tracked Chinese balloon from launch, may have accidentally drifted: Official. This article mentions how the narrative shifted:

“U.S. intelligence agencies tracked the Chinese spy balloon from its launch in China and watched as it may have been inadvertently blown into U.S. airspace, a U.S. official has confirmed to ABC News.”

“This latest revelation differs significantly from the previous narrative related by the White House and U.S. military officials over recent days, which has changed repeatedly since the balloon’s existence became public when it was spotted over Montana on Feb. 1.”

The Biden administration’s initial response was to make excuses for the Chinese government and it’s emblematic of how they respond to America’s adversaries – they initially made excuses for Russia with the Ukraine situation. With Iran, at first the Biden administration suggested Iran wasn’t aware of the plans Hamas had of attacking Israel and they suggested Iran didn’t have control over Hamas, They also initially made excuses that Iran didn’t have control over it’s proxies, who are firing missiles and launching drone attacks against American troops. With the Chinese spy balloon last year, there were excuses like the balloon had just drifted off course and also that the Chinese government (CCP) wasn’t aware of this spy balloon effort and the weather balloon activity is run by some military agency. 

In each case, once the overwhelming evidence piled up, the Biden administration switched their narrative. It’s important to remember that their initial response is to appease our adversaries, but they’re quick to denigrate American law enforcement immediately. Since Team Biden is the same as Team Obama, with Obama on the sidelines, this is familiar – like Obama chastising the Cambridge police department in 2009: Obama: Police Acted ‘Stupidly’ in Gates Case . Team Biden was quick to latch onto that hyped false border patrol on horseback story accusing them of whipping illegal Haitian immigrants:

September 21, 2021: White House condemns border guard use of whip-like cord against Haitian migrants

July 8, 2022: Biden admin admits Border agents did not ‘whip’ migrants, punishes them anyway

I’ve collected numerous news articles about that Chinese spy balloon and other stories about China’s malevolent actions, because I had been following the Chinese infiltration of America for a long time. There are many tentacles to the Chinese infiltration – from buying up American land, especially close to American military installations, to Huawei cell phone equipment on cell towers, to the mass illegal immigration of Chinese, to even Chinese “tourists” trying to access US military installations. There’s also the persistent political corruption in Washington with the Chinese government buying off American officials (here’s looking at President Biden)…

Huawei is a Chinese cell tech giant. Here’s a July 25, 2022 CNN story: CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications. This CNN article states:

“Since at least 2017, federal officials have investigated Chinese land purchases near critical infrastructure, shut down a high-profile regional consulate believed by the US government to be a hotbed of Chinese spies and stonewalled what they saw as clear efforts to plant listening devices near sensitive military and government facilities.”    

“Among the most alarming things the FBI uncovered pertains to Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the FBI determined the equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defense Department communications, including those used by US Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons.”

July 25, 2022 Article from The Warzone by Thomas Newdick: Nuclear Experts Question Possible Effects Of Chinese Cell Towers On U.S. Missile Silos

In 2019, the Trump administration banned Huawei and the FCC developed a “Rip and Replace” program, to aid cell phone companies to replace the Huawei equipment. However, that program has run into funding and implementation snags along the way. Smaller cell phone companies (often in rural areas, which is also where some of our most critical nuclear bases are located) are much more likely to have Huawei equipment, which was cheaper and these smaller companies are less likely to have the money to replace it, like the big cell phone companies. There have been delays along the way with Congressional funding to assist small companies to remove the Huawei equipment.

Last year, March 30, 2023, FOX News reported: Chinese illegal immigrants are crossing into US in unprecedented numbers. This report states:

Chinese nationals are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. in unprecedented numbers this year, with the first few months of FY 2023 already eclipsing the total for 2022.”

“The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports that just under 2,000 Chinese nationals crossed the border in FY 2022, but the first few months of FY 2023 have already seen 4,300 encounters, according to federal data.”

Let’s move along:

April 3, 2023 – Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it

April 3, 2023 – Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from US military sites: report – This is a NY Post article – includes map of the path of Chinese spy balloon and list of US military sites:

Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana – One of three bases that maintains and operates Minuteman III ICBMs.

Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska – Headquarters of US Strategic Command, overseeing America’s nuclear forces.

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas – Home of the Army’s Combined Arms Center & key officer training location.

Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri – Home to the B-2 stealth bomber.

Fort Campbell, Kentucky – Home of the Army’s 10st Airborne Division, a key rapid-deployment unit.

Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina – One of the Air Force’s largest bases.

Naval Weapons Station, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina – Home to two nuclear submarine squadrons.

Most people forgot about the Chinese spy balloon incident and I doubt most people care one iota about the subsequent news reports. America was following the illegal immigration invasion though.

April 18, 2023 – Mayorkas to testify on border crisis after visiting Darien Gap

April 19, 2023 FOX News report: Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese men heading toward US in migrant groups

July 29, 2023 – Biden administration searching for Chinese malware with potential to disrupt military: Report

“The Biden administration is searching for malware it believes China has buried in networks that control a variety of utilities to military bases, according to a report from the New York Times, which Fox News has not yet independently confirmed. 

“One congressional official told the New York Times that the malware is “a ticking time bomb” which could hand China power to disrupt movement of the U.S. military by shutting off water, power, and communications to bases.”

July 29, 2023 – Chinese Malware Could Cut Power To U.S. Military Bases, Businesses And Homes, Report Claims

July 25,2023 – CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications

“The administration believes malicious computer code has been hidden inside “networks controlling power grids, communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases,” officials told the Times. The discovery has heightened concerns that hackers could “disrupt US military operations in the event of a conflict,” according to the Times. The two nations have been increasingly at odds over Taiwan as well as over China’s actions in the Indo-Pacific.”

“One congressional official told the newspaper that the malware was “a ticking time bomb” that could allow China to cut off power, water and communications to military bases, slowing deployments and resupply operations. Because military bases often share the same supply infrastructure as civilian homes and businesses, many other Americans could also be affected, officials told the Times.”

August 7, 2023 – U.S. Military Systems Infected by Chinese Malware: How Deep Does It Run?

“The Chinese malware appears to be primarily targeted at overseas military bases that would likely be in heavy use in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. But homes and businesses in the area would also be impacted, as the critical infrastructure is shared between military systems and civilian residential or business areas.”

“The threat is not limited to overseas territories or bases, however, as the officials indicated that the Chinese malware could also likely cut off utilities to civilian areas of the continental United States. Indications are that this particular campaign has been active since at least mid-2021, and traces of the code that targeted military systems in Guam has also been found stateside.”

Sept. 4, 2023 – FBI tracks over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to breach US military sites: report

“The FBI and Department of Defense have reportedly tracked more than 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to attempt to breach U.S. military bases and other federal sites.” 

“Those responsible, dubbed “gate crashers,” range from Chinese nationals detected crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico, to scuba divers caught swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket launch site in Florida, several U.S. officials recently told The Wall Street Journal. The growing trend represents a potential espionage threat, as authorities believe the Chinese government in some cases is compelling nationals into service in order to test out and report back about security practices at the installations.”

Dec. 3, 2023 – Weekly U.S.-Mexico Border Update: Congress negotiations, increased arrivals, migration from China

“U.S. authorities encountered over 28,000 citizens of China at the U.S.-Mexico border over the 12 months ending in October, a more than tenfold increase over the previous 12 months, with more than 8,000 arriving in September and October. Most are coming to San Diego. People who flee China tend to be middle class or lower middle class. They are escaping persecution but also cite fears of falling into poverty as the world’s second-largest economy falters.”

So, in March of 2023, officials were warning about the dramatic increase of Chinese illegals flooding across our southern border and by December, US authorities encountered over 28,000.

There’s a February 1, 2024, Bret Weinstein interview with Tucker Carlson, How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America, about Weinstein’s trip to the Darien Gap in Panama to try to understand what’s going on. I watched this interview and also watched his January 31, 2024 YouTube channel video: Trojan Migration? The 210th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on what he saw in Panama. Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, not a journalist, and he did his graduate research in Panama, so he was curious about what’s going on in the Darien Gap, which gets mentioned in news reports frequently in regards to this illegal migration. DHS Secretary, Myorkas, took a trip to Panama last year to see the Darien Gap too. Weinstein also related how what used to be the US’s Central Command headquarters formerly Fort Clayton, which President Carter signed away, is now home to the City of Knowledge, which looks like a UN-funded effort and it’s also home to one of the UN’s two global administrative center of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

I am not a Tucker Carlson fan, but I think this interview is worth watching and considering. Hopefully, our CIA and US military have been paying close attention to what’s going on in the Darien Gap too, but watching that Chinese spy balloon fiasco last year, my hopes aren’t high.

Moving along some more:

January 31, 2024 – U.S. Government Disrupts Botnet People’s Republic of China Used to Conceal Hacking of Critical Infrastructure

I mentioned this December 28, 2023 NBC News report about the Chinese spy balloon in a previous post: U.S. intelligence officials determined the Chinese spy balloon used a U.S. internet provider to communicate. So, we went through many “official” narratives about the Chinese spy balloon and I doubt this December story got much attention, since most people are fixated on all the culture war dramas and presidential political dramas. Who cares about a year-old story? That article stated:

“The balloon connected to a U.S.-based company, according to the assessment, to send and receive communications from China, primarily related to its navigation. Officials familiar with the assessment said it found that the connection allowed the balloon to send burst transmissions, or high-bandwidth collections of data over short periods of time.”

“Primarily related to its navigation,” so what about the other things that weren’t part of navigation?

Okay, well, did it connect to Chinese nationals on the ground in America? 

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Former FBI officials warn about border invasion

JK posted a comment with a link to a January 17, 2024 letter sent to Congressional leaders on my last blog post, that I think every American should read. The letter was written by ten former FBI directors and experts in counterintelligence. They warned this invasion at the southern border is different than other illegal immigration surges in the past. Here is a link to that letter:

They write:

“In 2021, the demographics of those crossing the porous southern border started to shift. Young men from around the world traveling alone and holding questionable motivations dramatically increased in number to become the most common profile of those breaching the nation’s border. A startling number have been found on the terrorist watchlist or are from countries designated as State Sponsors of Terror distinctly unfriendly to the United States.”

Their letter mentions, “The nation’s military and laws and other natural protective barriers have been thoroughly circumvented over the past three years.” Well, that is what would be termed “asymmetrical warfare,” if some of the thousands upon thousands of fighting age men are being deployed by nations hostile to the US, in preparation to launch asymmetrical attacks inside the US. Remembering Pearl Harbor should be on our minds, but even more recently, the Israelis didn’t believe Hamas could carry off an asymmetrical attack like October 7th last year. 

I doubt America’s military can be defeated by direct confrontation and I believe our adversaries are well aware of this. 

After World War I, a British soldier, Captain B. H. Liddell Hart began studying history and military strategy. He became known for his military theory, advocating the avoidance of direct frontal attack and using the indirect approach, by attacking the rear and supply lines to throw the enemy off-balance. He wrote numerous books and the photo above are the ones I have. I find his ideas interesting.

Thanks, JK for the link to this letter, because I hadn’t seen it. That’s it for this blog post, but I urge you to read the warning letter by former FBI officials.


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A Veterans Day speech all about what Biden’s done for vets

It’s Veterans Day in America and the drums of war are beating louder lately. President Biden laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery and gave a speech (begins at 1:09:05 in the NBC News video above). Beyond Biden delivering this speech yelling, which was annoying, I got disgusted as his speech devolved into a campaign speech about all the things he’s done for vets. It was a truly awful partisan political speech for what should have been a national moment of unity. Somehow America’s leaders no longer seem to even try to muster even a few moments where they put aside their rabid partisan politics and work to pull Americans together.

Added to this, all morning the news has been about the large crowds of Americans, especially young people, taking to the streets again – waving Palestinian flags in America… on Veterans Day. These protestors keep ranting about eliminating the state of Israel, which they accuse of being an “oppressor” and a “colonizer.”

Back in the 1990s, Robert Bork, a conservative judge whose nomination to the Supreme Court was rejected by the US Senate in 1987, wrote a book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, which took a pretty negative view of modern liberalism and offered shrill warnings. Despite his tone, I think looking at where America is at now, especially with the radical leftist ideological takeover of our colleges and universities, that Bork’s warnings turned out to be accurate.

Bork was a law professor at Yale during the 1960s and early 1970s when radical activism swept American colleges. Yale had some violent incidents, like a murder and bombing carried out by the Black Panthers. He explained how instead of college presidents enforcing rules and upholding standards of conduct, all across America, college administrations caved to the radical protestors demands. The Black Panthers was only one of many radical groups that sprang up in 60s on American college campuses. Bork wrote:

“The temporary abeyance of the Sixties temper was due to the radicals graduating from the universities and becoming invisible until they reached positions of power and influence, as they now have, across the breadth of the culture. They no longer have need for violence or confrontation: since the radicals control the institutions they formerly attacked, the Sixties temper manifests itself in subtler, but no less destructive ways.”

Bork wrote that in the 1990s and we’re seeing that those Boomer age radicals among the elites, who run everything now and who pushed all the policies that have led to this craziness, are having their cushy positions of power challenged by young radicals leftists, who are even more radical than they were in the 1960s. Some of those 60s radicals still showed up at BLM marches in 2020 and are at the “Free Palestine” marches, but most don’t. They’ve moved on to amassing power, wealth and they live lives of privilege.

One of those 60s radicals, Hillary Clinton, who was one of Bork’s law students, is now positioning herself as the left’s serene, elder stateswoman. She showed up at The View last week and she’s been at other news venues to try to guide liberals toward less radical positions in regards to the Israel-Hamas war. Listening to Hillary trying to calm the waters on The View, was quite interesting – she presented a brief history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, trying to take credit for her husband’s ME policy efforts, but she carefully avoided any mention of her role as Obama’s Secretary of State, where he empowered the most radical Palestinian factions. Obama came into office determined to change the Bush policy of isolating Hamas. Obama wanted to open up dialogue with Hamas (and that legitimized them). Here’s a 2009 article from The Guardian: Obama camp ‘prepared to talk to Hamas’. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she wants to raise her visibility as a “ready to take the reins” Democrat option for 2024, if things go south for Biden.

For Americans (like me) with traditional values and a world view based on rule of law, human rights and a belief in American exceptionalism, the anti-Israel protesting and embrace of the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas, feels like we’re in some bizarre alter-universe. Hamas would gladly slaughter these American leftists, especially gay and trans people, although they might spare Palestinian Americans. Yet, many American liberals are choosing to join these crowds drummed up on college campuses and online – just like millions of Americans rushed to the streets in 2020 to virtue-signal about BLM.

Perhaps part of the problem is the widespread subversion of our education system and perhaps in the digital information age, there’s way more inaccurate, incomplete and deliberately false information flooding social media and news sites. Perhaps part is due to young people getting most of their information from TikTok. Then there’s the alarming truth that the old way most Americans viewed the world, where modern civilization and democratic values were our aspiration has been replaced by a world view of “oppressed vs. oppressor” and the Marxist-tinged politics of the far-left among most American young people. What if the anti-Israel as a “colonizer” is only part of the far-left view and that in this leftist framework America is an even worse “colonizer” and this large segment of Americans raging about Israel also want to tear down America too. I doubt a single one of these people protesting would lift a finger to defend America and a disturbing number of them would rush to aid the people attacking our country.

Back in 2020 with the BLM rioting, the airwaves were filled with discussions of “systemic racism” and “white privilege” along with demands that we “defund the police.” This national firestorm was ignited by BLM activists, who used the George Floyd case as the face of their national effort to force radical changes to American law enforcement – they literally wanted police departments around the country to be defunded. There were also demands to federalize all law enforcement and thus take away the constitutional right of states and local governments of having control of policing. Add-ons to the demands kept piling up, like renaming military installations named after Confederate generals and removal of all sorts of statues (not only Confederate ones) that offended the sensibilities of some “oppressed” group.

In a couple recent posts I mentioned Ben Crump and CAIR in reference to the Muslim boy in Illinois, who was stabbed to death by his family’s landlord. I did mention the Ben Crump/George Floyd connection and I don’t want to diminish this child’s murder. I hope his murderer is prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but in Illinois there is no death penalty and the federal government seeking the death penalty is much rarer than states. At the same time I don’t trust any narrative framed by Crump, who looks for cases to exploit to incite racial tensions in America and especially by CAIR, which is part of the Hamas propaganda apparatus in America. This isn’t just my opinion, it’s a fact determined by the US Justice Department when they prosecuted the Holy Land Foundation in 2004. The Holy Land Foundation was ostensibly raising money for humanitarian assistance for Palestinians, but was actually providing materiel support for terrorism. CAIR was part of a long list of Muslim Brotherhood groups operating in the US, who were also arms of the Hamas network and the US government listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land case. For years after the Holy Land case, CAIR decried being labeled as an unindicted co-conspirator. If anyone at the FBI knows that CAIR is the propaganda arm of Hamas in America, it’s FBI director, Christopher Wray, because in that link I provided for the Holy Land Foundation case in 2004, Wray was the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division back then.

As a closing thought, I believe Biden is being tested by all these Iranian proxy attacks on US Forces and he’s showing America’s adversaries that the Biden who bungled the Afghanistan withdrawal and who took a week to decide to shoot down an unmanned Chinese spy balloon floating across America hasn’t learned a thing, His displays of weakness are a green light to all our adversaries. The Biden administration is just like the Obama administration, where red lines weren’t really red lines and Jen Psaki at the Obama State Department would hold up hashtag signs and think our adversaries took that seriously. I doubt Biden will muster an effective response to further attacks on American forces.

Recent news reports indicate that there’s an angry fifth column inside the US government, who are demanding Biden not support Israel and demanding a ceasefire. It’s likely we’ve got quite a big “enemy within” problem that is much more ominous than the Trumpian belief in a “Deep State” out to get Trump. I think most of our educated elites have been steeped in this leftist Intersectionality/oppressor vs. oppressed ideology and no longer hold any loyalty to the United States of America. Just yesterday, I saw this news: Over 1,000 USAID officials call for Gaza ceasefire in letter. These are government employees, who signed a letter opposing the official policy of the President of the United States, whom they’re serving… Same thing happened in Congress with Congressional aides…

America is at a very alarming point.

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“Islamophobia” they say…

This post is going to be a timeline covering how the Biden administration is going to try to have it both ways by publicly mouthing support for Israel to respond against the horrific Hamas attack on Oct. 7th, where over 1,400 people were massacred in heinous ways, while doing everything they can to hype “Islamophobia” and throw roadblocks in the way of Israel destroying Hamas.

October 17th – The media ran a story about an Israeli missile hitting a hospital in Gaza and mass casualties. That story was false. It was a Hamas rocket that misfired and hit the hospital parking lot and not mass causalities. This false story inflamed violent, anti-Israel protests around the world:

October 20, 2023: President Biden gave an Oval Office speech affirming US support for Ukraine and Israel, but he focused more on Ukraine than Israel and he blabbered on about “Islamophobia.” There was a highly publicized murder of a Muslim boy in Illinois on October 16th and Biden mentioned that. I’m not going to argue about details, because the DOJ is investigating this, but I’ll offer one word of caution that with cases where the assailant and victims had some relationship – landlord/tenant in this case, there are often other issues and in this CNN story I linked, CAIR seems to be the media spokespeople for the Muslim family. CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations, founded in 1994 by leaders of the Islamic Association for Palestine and mouthpiece for Hamas propaganda. I’m not trying to justify or minimize the murder of this child, what I’m saying is I don’t know all the details and I don’t trust any narrative being stage-managed by CAIR. I’m adding this news article after posting, because it has a photo of the attorney for the mother, who was also stabbed… Ben Crump: Man pleads not guilty to hate crime in fatal stabbing of 6-year-old Muslim boy in Illinois. Ben Crump (George Floyd fame) and CAIR lawyers together… go figure.

October 23, 2023: Karine Jean-Pierre, the WH press secretary, answered a question about the rise of antisemitism in America, by stating there’s no credible threats and that the real threats are against Muslims and those perceived to be Muslims:

The next day she walked that back a bit, but it seemed bizarre to focus so heavily on “Islamophobia” and be so dismissive of the rise of anti-Semitism in America, when the incidents are cropping up all over and the angry protests supporting Hamas have been raging across American college campuses and cities.

October 30, 2023: I posted this comment on Twitter/X. Here’s a link to explain the Dem/liberal media narrative flip after the Orlando nightclub shooting in 2016, Reminder: The press blamed Christian conservatives for the Pulse nightclub shooting. It was a vicious smear.:

October 31, 2023: FBI Director Wray testified in front of Congress and stated that anti-Semitism was at historic levels, and makes up over 60% of all religious hate crimes being investigated. So, how to square the WH the day before doubling down on Islamophobia is the big problem, not anti-Semitism:

November 1, 2023: Vice-President, Kamala Harris announces:

November 2, 2023: The global effort to hype “Islamophobia” and throw obstacles in Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas is underway .

And on and on it will go. The Republicans in the House insisting they needed to separate funding for Israel and Ukraine played right into Dems hands and the Biden administration has announced Biden will veto that separate aid for Israel bill, which will aid the “Islamophobia” crowd’s effort to hobble Israel’s military operation to destroy Hamas. It also buys more time for the global “Islamophobia” propaganda effort to hype the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This is a global progressive propaganda effort working in tandem with the international cabal of Palestinian activists and mouthpieces, I believe.

The narrative flip to downplay anti-Semitism raging across the world and in America is underway and the efforts to hype the Palestinian cause is now coming from the White House.

And for the record: Israel agreed to a ceasefire with Hamas in 2021 and October 7th is what they got in return:

And if that’s not bad enough, here’s a FOX News report: Timeline: US forces in Iraq and Syria were attacked at least 28 times between since Oct. 17. Meanwhile Biden keeps warning Iran to stop and that we’ll respond, but so far it’s been meaningless retaliations and lip service. If you thought the Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle was a nightmare, I fear America is in for much worse with this “Islamophobia” crowd in the driver’s seat of American foreign policy.

Update: I forgot to put in the October 17th media meltdown over the Gaza hospital/mass casualty report from Gazan officials, which the media ran with and then later that entire story imploded. I added that Oct 17th story

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Nothing to see here… again

Just when you think your trust in our national security experts can’t sink any lower, here’s a CBS Sunday Morning interview with GEN Mark Milley, Chairman of the JCS, insisting that the Chinese spy balloon that hovered over sensitive US military sites, during a week long, transnational flight back in February of this year, did not collect or transmit any intelligence data. I am skeptical about his assertion to say the least. That Chinese spy balloon just happened to hover some of our most sensitive military sites and we’re supposed to believe it wasn’t spying…

Nothing to see here… again.

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Interesting interview on foreign policy

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