A reminder that BLM has morphed into the Free Palestine movement

Another radical, far-left protest effort kicked into high-gear this past week and it’s spreading (internationally). There’s been news reporting about authorities looking into orchestration and funding in these protests. Let’s hope they look beyond our shores, because there’s international orchestration.

Past is prologue, the saying goes, so looking back, there was an international protest effort following an American presidential election in 2016, with that Women’s March hoopla. Here’s a bit from History.com:

“On the first full day of Donald Trump’s presidency, hundreds of thousands of people crowd into the U.S. capital for the Women’s March on Washington, a massive protest in the nation’s capital aimed largely at the Trump administration and the threat it represented to reproductive, civil and human rights.”

“At the same time, more than 3 million people in cities across the country and around the world held their own simultaneous protests in a global show of support for the resistance movement. It was the largest single-day protest in U.S. history.”


COVID, of course, led to global orchestration too, selling us Italy’s lockdown response initially and all the viral videos of Italians singing on their balconies. Here’s a March 14, 2020 CNBC story: Italians are singing songs from their windows to boost morale during coronavirus lockdown. We were being massively manipulated and conditioned to accept government infringements on our personal liberties. Of course, any who dared to protest in public were evil MAGA goons, recklessly jeopardizing public safety… until BLM launched their global protest movement. Then suddenly large protest crowds weren’t dangerous… That’s how it went. Many states still had strict funeral COVID rules, but of course none of those rules applied to the George Floyd memorial services. 2020 was the year of the pandemic and BLM protests/riots… and a US presidential election.

Here we are in another American presidential election year and lo’ and behold another far-left protest effort, the pro-Hamas protests, are igniting across American college campuses and in numerous cities. In 2020 the far-left’s protesting shifted from Covid-related themes to George Floyd/BLM and this pro-Hamas protesting will likely shift to other leftist themes, but I expect the left’s taking to the streets chaos to escalate through the rest of this year. Big money fuels the fire and fans of the flames of progressive taking to the streets political action.

After the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7th, very quickly pro-Hamas protests began (internationally again) and although the Biden administration consistently blabs about their ironclad commitment to Israel, they also started hyping Islamophobia, despite escalating threats against Jewish citizens here in America. Very quickly there was a case of a Muslim boy murdered in Illinois that splashed across the media. I wrote a blog post, BLM morphs into “Free Palestine” movement, back in November 2023. News media reported that boy’s family was being represented by Ben Crump (BLM fame) and CAIR was speaking for the family…

There was also more attacking statues back in November 2023, just like during the George Floyd protests/riots. The same playbook is being used now.

It seems that how government officials and law enforcement respond will differ dramatically based on whether it’s a Democrat-run vs. Republican-run state. Some states with Republican governors aren’t buying into any of this far-left/news media spin garbage anymore.

Other chaos this year seems more likely than not in America, but I’m still optimistic for America.   And yes, there are still America’s foreign enemies waiting to strike, but I prefer to be a believer in our American grit, tenacity and spirit to see us through.

The economic woes continue and that’s hitting everyone, no matter whether you live in a red or blue state. There’s plenty of bad news every day.

Everyone sees the world differently. A couple days ago I was chatting with a dear friend and mostly we were talking about gardening and flower stuff. I had dropped off some more plants for her that I started from seed, because I had extras. I’ve enjoyed planting seeds since I was a kid, when my mother taught me how to save flower seeds. I’ll post some pictures soon of my container garden effort and this is working better for me right now than an in-ground garden, due to my knees and back not being up to that.

At some point I’ll likely put in raised beds, but I’m not sure how I want to arrange raised beds in my backyard, so until then, I’m doing a container garden again. This year I ordered a better quality ground cover fabric and put that down. Although I had covered the ground cover fabric with wood chips for a couple years and that looked nice, this year I’m skipping the wood chips, because a lot of weeds grew in the wood chips. I use mostly 5 gallon grow bags and plastic pots, so I can move them around easily and arrange them how I want. A raised bed can’t be moved around easily.

That’s the thing, we all arrive at how we make decisions and commitments differently. I hadn’t had a garden in many years, but after my husband died in 2021, I thought about planting a garden. In 2022, I finally made up my mind to attempt a garden without him. When we used to have a garden, he did the heavy-lifting jobs and was better at planning infrastructure. At first I intended to plant some containers of tomatoes and a few other things on my patio. Then I had too many plants started and my container garden idea took shape. Since 2022, I keep making changes to my garden and this year, I decided that along with vegetables, planting more flowers is a goal. I’ll post some photos soon.

So, with my friend, she’s excited about planting the tomatoes, peppers, squash, herbs and even a couple flower plants I gave her, but along with the gardening effort, since 2020 I changed my preparedness efforts too and have been working to be prepared for longer term emergencies. I had mentioned stocking up extra water and food to my friend several times since 2020. I stopped mentioning it, because I didn’t think she was listening and this has happened with some family members too. Yesterday she brought up stocking up more food and I told her that’s a good idea. She told me her pastor keeps telling them to stock up food and be prepared. She started discussing what she’s doing and I’m very glad she’s making the effort.

If more Americans get on board the offering a helping hand rather than get riled about the 24/7 media outrage theater, we’ll all be better off.

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