BLM morphs into “Free Palestine” movement

Although it’s not even a month since over 1.400 Israelis (and civilians from many other countries) were brutally massacred on October 7th, by Hamas terrorists, all around the world big protests are happening to demand an Israeli ceasefire and a stop to Israel dismantling and destroying the Hamas terrorist organization. Many prominent Democrats have come out and demanded a “humanitarian pause,” which is just a semantical word game to pretend they aren’t trying to derail Israel’s military operation, but more critical for Democrats is they’re also back to appeasing the most radical factions in their base. So, here’s a rundown of where we’re at.

A Hamas leader was asked about the Israeli ceasefire and he’s all for an Israeli ceasefire, but Hamas isn’t going to cease their attacks on Israel:

So, there you have it, the ceasefire or “humanitarian pause” the Biden administration and other European leaders are demanding only applies to Israel – not to Hamas. There’s no demand to tell Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel or to release the hostages, some of whom are American citizens. Nope, the demand is for an Israeli ceasefire or “humanitarian pause.”

When I turned on the news Saturday, it felt like I was back in the “Summer of Love” in America, with American cities filled with raging far-left lunatics – defacing statues and trying to climb the WH gates, but of course this time there was no President Trump to blame – this time it’s all Israel’s fault… for responding to having their country invaded by Hamas terrorists and over 1.400 innocent citizens brutally massacred.

And to explain why it’s also our fault, along came former President Obama to play the moral equivalency card and try to explain that Israel is at fault… for existing. Dem politicians will rattle on about a “two-state solution” again and Palestinian leaders will reject that completely, as will Iran, because contrary to the effort to pretend “from the river to the sea” isn’t a call to drive the Jews from the Jordan River into the Mediterranean Sea, well, Palestinian leaders (and most of the Arab world & especially Iran) have clearly articulated that position over and over and over.

This entire “colonizer” narrative to try to justify Palestinian terrorism is filled with endless lies. The UN deliberately handles the Palestinian refugees differently than every other group of refugees in the world, to hinder any sort of political solution. Destroying the state of Israel is the only solution they will accept.

By creating a permanent Palestinian refugee crisis, there’s no incentive to reach a solution and billions upon billions of dollars flow through the UNWRA to corrupt Palestinian leaders and NGOs operating in the Palestinian refugee camps and it also funds the Palestinian terror organizations. It’s quite a racket and the people most poorly served by all this UN-funded corruption are the Palestinian people. In Gaza, two-thirds of the population is unemployed and 80% rely on international aid, but the one thing there’s no shortage of is rockets to fire at Israel.

President Obama was a big appeaser and apologist for radical Islamist terrorism, to the point, where no one in the US government could even use the term radical Islamist terrorism. He also purged all training on radical Islam from the US military and intelligence agencies. Obama embarked on Muslim outreach and hiring terrorist-sympathizers to focus on “Islamophobia.” So, when these stories emerge of radicals who are siding with radical Islamist terrorists being employees of the federal government, we have President Obama to thank for that.

While Obama showed up this weekend to lecture us on our failings, President Biden was at home in Delaware. Then there was a release of very bad poll numbers yesterday, where Trump is beating Biden in several swing states. David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, started tweeting yesterday – strongly hinting that Biden should step aside:

Perhaps, Dems are going to try to ditch Biden and run with someone else.

Mark Levin interviewed Michael Doran, an international affairs analyst, over the weekend and there was mention of a 2021 article Doran wrote. Here’s that 2021 article, The Realignment, by Michael Doran and Tony Badran, which explains the Obama Iran policy. The Obama plan aims to bolster Iran in the region, in the belief that Iran (a Shia state) will be a counterweight to the Sunni Arab countries. The US has been more aligned with the Sunni Arab countries, since the Iran hostage crisis in 1979 (and all that “Death to America” stuff). Robert Malley, the top Obama and Biden Iran negotiator, who this summer had his security clearance suspended and who is under investigation for running an Iranian spy ring out of the US State Department, explained the Obama (now Biden) Iran policy:

“The president’s “ultimate goal,” Malley wrote, was “to help the [Middle East] find a more stable balance of power that would make it less dependent on direct U.S. interference or protection.” That is a roundabout way of saying that Obama dreamed of a new Middle Eastern order—one that relies more on partnership with Iran.”

This article goes on:

“This project to create a new Middle Eastern order, which now spans two presidential administrations, deserves a name. The “Obama-Biden-Malley-Blinken-Sullivan initiative” is quite a mouthful. Instead, we hereby dub it “the Realignment.” That it should fall to us, and at this late date, to name a project on which many talented people have been working for the better part of a decade is more than a little odd. Typically, presidents launch initiatives as grand as this one with a major address, and they further embroider their vision with dozens of smaller speeches and interviews. One searches in vain for Obama’s speech, “A New Order in the Middle East.”

“Obama, it seems clear, felt his project would advance best with stealth and misdirection, not aggressive salesmanship. Biden, while keeping Obama’s second-term foreign policy team nearly intact, is using the same playbook. He and his aides recognize that confusion about the “ultimate goal” makes achieving it easier. Indeed, confusion is the Realignment’s best friend.”

If you’ll recall when news broke of this horrific Hamas attack on Israel, the Biden White House was at pains to state there was no direct evidence Iran was involved, because above all else the Team Obama goal is to not only “fundamentally transform America,” they want to transform the Middle East too and they’re banking on aligning the US with the mullahs in Iran, who rant, “Death to America.” They believe the terror masters in Iran will be rational actors on the world stage and act responsibly when they acquire nuclear weapons… This crowd in the White House is also the same crowd who trusted the Taliban’s word and we ended up with the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. Then they were negotiating with Putin and believed they could dissuade Putin from invading Ukraine. If there’s one thing this crowd has no shortage of it’s confidence in their own diplomatic brilliance.

In my previous post, I mentioned both 2020 BLM George Floyd star, Ben Crump and CAIR representing the family of the murdered Muslim boy in Illinois in October. This weekend we saw the 2020 BLM movement revamped into the “Free Palestine” movement – a few sign and costume changes, but the defacing statues and trying to storm the WH is the same. I’m not sure what they’ll call this rampaging in the streets, since “Summer of Love” won’t work with us close to winter time.

Hamas has a highly effective global propaganda operation and they’re aligned with BLM, as these massive protests demonstrate. CAIR has been the Hamas propaganda arm in America for decades. The media is filled with reporters who will carry water for Hamas propaganda without question, as that false story of the Gazan hospital being hit by an Israeli missile showed – no verifying facts – they all just ran with the story.

The Biden administration isn’t going to forcefully retaliate against Iran, as US troops come under attack in the region. They still want to suck up to Iran and work to turn Iran into the power-broker in the Muslim world, despite the US government experts repeatedly stating Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

In 2020, the American people were lectured by the left that the BLM rioting, looting and destruction of statues was the result of centuries of oppression of black people. We were told the solution was to “Defund the Police” and check “white privilege.” This past weekend, former President Obama came out to lecture us that we are responsible for Hamas terrorism, because the Palestinian people are oppressed. And their solution is to demand an Israeli ceasefire and “Free Palestine.” Buckle up, because we’re in for some rough times.

My next post is going to be about emergency preparedness and a reminder that if you aren’t prepared or haven’t ever seriously thought about emergency preparedness, now would be a good time to do so.

Update, November 6, 2023, 11:07 am – Well, it didn’t take long for the first liberal media hot take to downplay the “Free Palestine” protest vandalism and mayhem to drop. Here’s Mary Bruce, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent:


Filed under Foreign Policy, General Interest, Politics

4 responses to “BLM morphs into “Free Palestine” movement

  1. JK

    But but but … Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for Paradise’s sake!

    {Of course a bunch of US *Journalists got awarded with Pulitzers for what’s proved to be fiction too so perhaps “standards” ain’t exactly up to what standards used to be but …

    Perhaps a “Emergency Use Authorization” (like the Covid *Vaccine?) should be in order here too?

    • JK, our country is at a pivotal moment, I believe. Hard to imagine unifying the loudest elements on both sides to some middle ground and I wonder how much of a middle ground even truly exists.

  2. Pingback: A reminder that BLM has morphed into the Free Palestine movement | libertybelle diaries

  3. Pingback: A reminder that BLM has morphed into the Free Palestine movement | libertybelle diaries

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