To live free in Dixie

So many hot button issues swished on by while I was spending time with my four granddaughters, 2 Supreme Court decision flops, of course, the Confederate flag flap, and Donald Trump flapping in the wind about the taboo subject of illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.

The Confederate flag flap brewed up quickly after a young white man, Dylan Roof opened fire in a historic black church in Charleston, SC, killing 9 people.  Roof has been linked to having some connection to a white supremacist group, the Council of Conservative Citizens, but it appears he acted alone in committing this heinous crime.  The political left in America lies ready to pounce, so according to Think Progress:

“As journalists scrambled to unearth more information about Roof on Thursday morning, one piece of damning evidence emerged: A Facebook picture of him on top of his car bearing a license plate with different versions of the Confederate flag. In case it wasn’t clear, the flags were surrounded by the words “Confederate States of America.”

To drive the point home further, Roof reportedly told one of his old roommates before the shooting that he “wanted to start a civil war.”

Within hours, social media was flooded with posts and tweets about the Confederate flag, and the word “Confederate” quickly became a trending topic on Twitter. Pieces decrying the flag’s presence on the South Carolina State House grounds began popping up everywhere: Vox’s Zack Beauchamp railed against the historic symbol of the Confederacy, calling its placement on the government property “an insult to Charleston’s victims”; Ta-Nehisi Coates penned a blistering critique of the flag in the Atlantic, aptly titled “Take Down the Confederate Flag—Now”; and The Boston Globe published a scathing political cartoon.”

In what has become the typical cowardly, politically correct response, a few days after the church shootings, Republican governor, Nikki Haley called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of SC’s state house.  She stated:

“Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will to say it is time to remove the flag from our capitol grounds,” said Haley, a Republican and the state’s first non-white governor, while flanked by a diverse group of South Carolina politicians.

“This flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state,” she said.

Quickly, many private companies rushed to remove Confederate flag merchandise to comply with the new PC edict, but this is only the beginning.  In the near future, expect a high-profile campaign to remove Confederate statues and memorials in the South and of course, the founding fathers who owned slaves must be repudiated too, so their names must be scrubbed from the public consciousness.

I am a Yankee, who has spent most of my adult life in the South.  My ancestors fought for the Union in the US Civil War, but I certainly believe the South paid dearly in that war.  This knee-jerk activism to piggyback the Confederate flag controversy onto this hate-filled killer rests as the standard strategy of the leftists – banishing inanimate objects and words from the public square.  You either comply to their group-think or you are labeled a hater and a racist.

For the thousands upon thousands of Southerners who view the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride and their unique history, being cast with a fell swoop as racists and being ordered about by activists, most of whom don’t even live in the South does nothing to bridge the racial divides in America nor does it have anything  to do with Dylan Roof’s heinous crime.  Whites in the South remain a regional group that it’s fine to stereotype and ridicule as backward redneck racists.

One of my children tried to provoke this debate with me, stating that the Confederate flag shouldn’t be flying over any state houses in the United States and he went so far as to tell me that anyone who wants it there is a racist.  That sort of blanket judgment and avowal, that if I disagree, then I am a racist irked me.  What can you say to someone who already labeled you a racist if you don’t agree with him?  As a Yankee who believes in the US Constitution, I feel very strongly that the good people and their elected representatives in these states need to decide that issue, but as for me, the Confederate flag seemed more like a grits and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day tradition – a benign part of the cultural flavor of the South.  I don’t care for grits or black-eyed peas and I don’t fly the Confederate flag, but it never bothered me at all that many Southerners do.

Those who want to remove words and history stand prepared to replace it with their own words and a revised history, so save your books on American history and keep an actual dictionary in your home library, as the thought police advance.  What they’re after isn’t to right the wrongs of slavery and our country’s blighted history on race relations.  Their agenda seeks to enslave our minds to an Orwellian model, the terms of which will be fed to us by our PC minders.  I hear rumors, whispering on the progressive wind,  that Washington, D.C. needs to be renamed and the Jefferson monument removed, because we shouldn’t honor slaveholders.  Of course, George Washington freed his slaves in his will, after grappling with the slavery issue throughout his life, but let’s not let facts get in the way of the leftist agenda.


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8 responses to “To live free in Dixie

  1. Kinnison

    “1984” just came later than George Orwell predicted. We are now in the throes of “group-think”, and the idea of simply rewriting American History to reflect current attitudes is an attractive concept to some people.

  2. JK

    “Change History”?

    A month ago I’da said, Surely you jest. More recently I’ve been following the comments on places after I’d noticed an event reported by a regional TV station that [paraphrasing the reporter] “It appears the crowd,” … from my vantage point on the sofa appeared to be 75 > 100 with *those attendees* I figured at about 20 anyway … “Contains a surprising number of African Americans.”

    The next day it was reported that *somebody [from near St Louis – about a three-hour drive away] threatened* and so, the more local paper admonished, “Such displays are not a good idea.”

    Since that early (and I hesitate to use the word as it conjures up an image that as far as the above was concerned, was not applicable) demonstration, I noted some others.

    The *flavor of such concerns can be gleaned somewhat in the comments here (from a different state):

    “Change History” … here:

    • JK, the TX textbook debates rest as an infamous example of the destructive forces at play in politicizing public education in America. TX serves a key battleground in the textbook battle, because due to it’s large number of students, which textbooks TX decides on will be sold in many other states. There are no pure hands in that arena, as they slug it out.

      What’s missing in America is a dedication to teaching American children to become seekers of knowledge, civil behavior, some common republican virtues and a healthy grounding on America’s founding.

      I came across The Colombian Orator, a popular 19th century schoolbook mentioned in Frederick Douglass’ autobiography, as he described the stealthy efforts he employed to procure a copy and read it in secret, to educate himself. I’m reading it online:;cc=nietz;idno=00acf6728m;node=00acf6728m%3A1.5.1;frm=frameset;view=image;seq=4;page=root;size=s

      Too bad we don’t have children like him or Abraham Lincoln, who walked 6 miles to get his hands on a copy of a book on grammar he had heard would help him master English grammar. Both men became renowned orators, despite being poor and self-educated. Why aren’t we teaching American children this stuff?

      • JK

        I may’ve had a reply go into the ether. If it repeats, delete as inclined.

        Yes LB, I’ve been following the “Great Texas Textbook Debates” for some longish period of time, figuring the changes to’ve been in the pipeline for awhile.

        My concern is the news, coming so soon on the heels of … might be – to the less aware – interpreted as news. Such an interpretation not being especially helpful .. in a “timing sense” .. lending to a sense of reaction/surrender and/or capitulation/triumphalism.

  3. JK

    Yes LB, I’ve long been following the “Great Texas Textbook Charades” so I figure the new changes to’ve been in the pipeline for awhile.

    I’d note the timing is not especially fortuitous coming on the heels of, as I figure there are those who, unlike ourselves, might interpret the news as news (direct result .. capitulation etc). Such interpretation adding unnecessary/unhelpful, confusion/triumphalism.

  4. JK

    Well. Here’s the first one to be dug up and removed.

    I kinda figure Moses Ezekial to be next. Of course it could be “Fightin’ Joe” Joseph Wheeler.


    I wonder where this is gonna end. Or perhaps better asked, If?

  5. Thanks JK, assuredly there is a backlash coming, but at the same time those pushing this “banish everything Confederate” agenda get a free pass in the mainstream media to propagandize without any question, while those in support of preserving Confederate monuments and the Confederate flag start off being labeled racists and bigots.

    Of course, there are plenty of useful idiots to provide fodder, like a flea market shopper in Connecticut who called 911 complaining about a vendor selling Confederate and Nazi merchandise:

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