Our Very Own Perfect Polly


Someone can tell me later what all our fearless leader droned on about, but ten minutes in my tolerance for pain got the better of me.  Just yesterday, I proclaimed some freakish, fake parakeet, Perfect Polly, the most bizarre thing possible.  Who on earth would want to listen to a fake parakeet chirp, I pondered, and yet here I was listening to a fake world leader chirp on and on about how we can’t tolerate the use of chemical weapons, with gut-wrenching detail of the victims.  He chirped and chirped, leaving this unsettling feeling that just maybe Perfect Polly could have delivered a more convincing speech…….


Filed under Foreign Policy, Politics

4 responses to “Our Very Own Perfect Polly

  1. Justin

    It never ceases to amaze me what an inspired writer can do in three sentences.

  2. Able

    Actually, I’ve come to ‘enjoy’ listening to his ‘speeches’. You know, in a ‘Oh no, Aunt Freda is telling the Vicar about her time at the Folies Bergère – with gestures, demonstrations and lots of touching – again’ sort of cringeworthy way. After all I’m not the victim.

    I, and a couple of friends, also find the ponderous pauses half way through every sentence perfect for inserting ad-libs, although copious amounts of Etoh helps (the only trouble being able to come out with a suitably inane second half that actually trumps what he really goes on to say – it’s hard!)

    If your Parakeet talked like that I’d take it back for a refund.

    To summarise. I know what I wanted to do, but I didn’t want to do it really. I, I, I, Me, Me, Me, My, My, My. Poor Me! It’s Bush’ fault.

    • Now, he wants to revert back to the UN Weapons Inspection farce, but at least we won’t have infamous UN weapons inspector, Scott Ritter, to make us look ridiculous – think he’s still in prison for masturbating in front of a webcam and sending it to an undercover police officer posing as a 15 year old girl. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/26/magazine/scott-ritter.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0).

      • Able

        Don’t hold it against me but I know a couple of people who work for the UN (1st career, looked after them) and WHO (2nd career, trained with them). Genuine, caring, professional people – but utterly naive (in the extreme). Yet they are not the type who will ever end up in positions of power within those organisations, those positions are reserved for more ‘ideologically appropriate’ comrades/travellers (of which Ritter is one – a lowly, only tolerated because of his use one at that – proclivities like that are useful in ensuring the right results after all – the question then should not be, why he acted as he did, but who specifically ordered he be the investigator in charge – hint, hint).

        Both organisations, as ideas/concepts, are entirely laudable. The problems come from ‘we’re living in reality not some 12 year old girls unicorn powered fantasy world’. Bureaucracies, by definition, act to extent and empower their own feifdoms. The fact that almost every power structure in the western world has been taken over by, being polite, those of a decidedly left lean, makes the outcome inevitable.

        Weapons inspections, as you pointed out, are a farce. Look at the visits to Syria, the ‘examination’ of ‘alleged attack sites’ occurring 4-5 months earlier – any vaguely competent ‘expert’ would laugh at the thought that any ‘evidence’ could be found. The problem, to my mind, is that, not only the public, but those alleged experts/politicians appear to believe that ‘life is like the movies’ – you know where the hero wanders into a foreign hell-hole country, goes for a stroll (after a Martini) and just stumbles over a conveniently (but ineptly) hidden stash of weapons (all marked with a idiot-proof, written in english, label saying ‘nasty weapon to be used for blowing up Manhattan only’).

        The truth is most of what you can get is, may, possibly, could or likely (with probably being an outsider if you’re lucky) – unless/until someone uses the ordinance/poses for a picture on twitter/your country sold them.

        It’s funny, the ‘all cultures are equal’ and ‘they’re as good if not better than us’ crowd all seem to operate on the belief, despite their protestations, that all foreigners/other races are congenitally stupid (almost as bad as those lot in fly-over country). After all if a resident of Manhattan or DC (or Wastemonster) found out that they can’t actually out-think, out-diplomat and out-moralise everyone else, their heads would explode.

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