Let’s try to see a brighter future

“Hang on to your hat.  Hang on to your hope.  And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.”

-E.B. White 

With last week’s cell phone outage in America, I mentioned ordering a free state road map online. Friday the road map and the Georgia 2024 Official State Travel Guide arrived in the mail. Since most states try to attract tourists, it’s likely many other states offer free road maps. It took only a minute or two to fill out the online request form and submit it. Having an up-to-date paper road map in my car won’t take up much space and while having a road map in case GPS stops working isn’t as vital as having a spare tire in case of a flat, it felt like a good thing to have in my car. Here in southeast GA, we don’t get freezing temps often, but I still keep an ice scraper in my car too and have used it on occasion. The ice-scraper is like a road map – doesn’t take up much space and can be an invaluable tool in certain circumstances.

My father worked in highway construction for many years and he taught me how to read road maps when I was a kid. He explained the US interstate highway numbering system and taught me to pay attention to mile markers on the interstate. Mile markers on north-south interstates begin the mile count on the south side of the state. Mile markers on east-west interstates start the mile count on the west side of the state. Road maps contain a legend, a box with information about the symbol meanings and a scale in miles. Using that scale you can easily figure out distances, which can be useful if there’s no GPS or internet map apps available.

We also had geography classes in elementary school when I was a kid (1960s) and many kids learned map reading and navigation skills in scouting. Despite my non-existent sense of direction, having a map and paying attention to mile markers, signs and landmarks has helped me find my way many times.

Modern technology has led to great comforts and conveniences in our daily life. It’s also permeated almost every nook and cranny of how our society functions and created dependency on new technologies. There are some diehards, who for various reasons cling to old-fashioned ways or decide to abandon modern life and seek a lifestyle that’s off-grid, but most people embrace new technology without any deep-thinking or concerns. If new gadgets and gizmos hit the market, most of us go with the trends. Asking serious questions about new technologies and discussions about downsides usually come long after a new technology has become deeply entwined in our daily lives and become a normal part of our culture – and much harder to change or abandon.

I’m not an innovative or creative thinker and I certainly am not someone with a pulse on the cutting edge of technology and social change. The late Alvin Toffler was a futurist who wrote about the technology and information revolution that we’re still in the midst of and he wrote several popular books, Future Shock, Powershift and The Third Wave. His opening paragraphs in his introduction of The Third Wave, published in 1980, sounds like he’s writing about today:

“In a time when terrorists play death-games with hostages, as currencies careen amid rumors of a third World War, as embassies flame and storm troopers lace up their boots in many lands, we stare in horror at the headlines. The price of gold– that sensitive barometer of fear–breaks all records. Banks tremble. Inflation rages out of control. And the governments of the world are reduced to paralysis or imbecility.

Faced with all this, a massed chorus of Cassandras fills the air with doom-song. The proverbial man in the street says the world has “gone mad,” while the expert points to all the trends leading to catastrophe.

This book offers a sharply different view.”

The Third Wave, by Alvin Toffler, page 1

In The Third Wave Toffler broke civilization into three main waves, agricultural, which lasted thousands of years, then the industrial wave, which lasted hundreds of years. Toffler predicted we’re in the midst of the Third Wave, a technological/information wave that will fundamentally change every aspect of human life.

Most of us don’t look at the world in such big picture terms as Toffler did and I know I don’t think like this. Toffler wasn’t trying to predict the future, but to explain the changes he studied throughout history and then use that information to formulate a framework for how the future might evolve.

On Hoopla I recently listened to an audiobook, The Chaos Imperative: How Chance And Disruption Increase Innovation, Effectiveness and Success by Ori Brafman. He is an innovative thinker, who specializes in organizational culture and leadership. In his book he makes the case that during the Dark Ages, the large number of deaths in Europe from the plague, created chaos, but also gaps in institutions, like the Catholic church, which allowed what he termed unlikely suspects, to enter and make dramatic changes. He asserted that those gaps allowed new ideas and new ways of thinking to gain traction inside institutions – leading to The Renaissance. Brafman also argues that those gaps (what he terms white space)- allow for pockets of unstructured discussions and interactions among individuals from different areas (and levels) of a company or institution, who ordinarily don’t interact. Those interactions can lead to innovation and positive changes or help find solutions to problems within an organization. Brafman contends chaos can be the catalyst for creating gaps for some innovative advancements to breakthrough rigid hierarchal structures.

Last week my oldest sister, who is 71, was talking to me on the phone about seeing a news story about the liberal political bias in AI and said perhaps we should go back to having encyclopedias and reference books (I never got rid of those in my home). Her comments surprised me, because she embraced computer technology years earlier than I did and she’s one of those annoying, loyal Mac computer people, who reminds us constantly about Mac’s superiority.

Why don’t we ask more questions before we adopt new technologies?

For years I kept asking more tech-savvy family and friends why computer gaming systems, cell phones and other high-tech consumer goods require purchasing a totally new product, so often, while, for instance, I could use the same telephone for decades? They never had any satisfactory answers and I settled on it’s a big, money-making game these companies are playing on consumers. The same tech experts who drive pop culture and normalized this disposable high-tech culture are the same people now preaching to us about sustainability, conserving resources, and in recent years there’s been a pop culture craze on pushing minimalism. I never had a drawer filling up with old telephone equipment with my landline phone, like I do with cell phones.

A steady stream of fearmongering swirls about the dangers of AI, but it’s actual real people who have been imposing their political biases into every aspect of our lives for many years. AI is an emerging technology, but the real people with power who impose their ideologies on us have been around for decades. The liberal PC censorship efforts have been more pervasive and effective than any angry, right-wing parents at school board meetings demanding sexually-explicit books be removed from school libraries could possibly be. Right-wing media power has grown as the right-wing media expanded its reach, but the liberal media still dominates in America. AI creates a vast new area in the technological realm and since the tech world is dominated by liberals, it seems to me this has been forming another front in the political information war.  AI will likely bring about vast positive changes too, so a throwing out the baby with the bathwater approach probably isn’t a wise course of action.

What’s an ordinary person to do?

The most important thing we can all do is not get worked up or worry. Rather than ditch the modern technology for the old ways, I continue to use both, but I’d rather spend my money on physical books than e-books. I don’t have confidence that purchasing an e-book, means I will have access to that e-book, in the same way as when I purchase a physical book and can have that book, free from alterations, for the rest of my life. At the same time, I do use Hoopla and Libby, which are free web and media streaming services available through my local library. I still use the e-books I purchased on my kindle.

I will continue to use map apps and GPS, but I am back to looking at physical maps too. I have thousands of links saved on my Pinterest, but I kept my cookbooks and craft/needlework books and patterns. I use both. As these new technologies change, rather than try to hide under a rock, in fear, perhaps the better course would be to weigh pros and cons, then pick how much or how little of these new technologies become a part of our daily lives. Our partisan news info war battleground is not a neutral or objective way to gather or assess information. The social media spaces echo and amplify the news media info war drama.  

Trying to learn more about these new technologies isn’t easy for many people who grew-up before the digital age and weren’t involved in technology, but we can read more and try to avoid reacting in fear constantly.  My kids were in middle school when the internet age exploded in the 1990s.  My grandchildren only know the digital world.  Keeping bridges between the two worlds, pre-digital and digital, seems vital as these technological changes accelerate.  The present becomes our past and the future becomes our present.  We can’t go backwards.  The idea that we’re going to somehow revert back to the “good old days” has never happened no matter how many old people sit around complaining. 

Trying to look for some of those “white spaces,” where we try to look at things from a different perspective or try to understand someone with a completely different perspective isn’t easy for me, but that’s what I’m working on.  I had heard of Alvin Toffler decades ago, but I never picked up any of his books until now.  This innovative thinker, Ori Brafman, is a leftie Berkeley professor, and definitely not someone I would have listened to 20 years ago.  His previous book, The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations, began circulating among the US military, as they were grappling with Al Qaeda (a non-hierarchal organization) and then ISIS.  That’s when I became aware of his book and read it.  It was fascinating and I learned a great deal.  Too many partisans in America spend more time trying to plug their ears to any viewpoints that don’t align with their own than trying to cultivate an open mind.  I used to be one of them.  Even if I disagree with 99% of someone’s views and ideas, that 1% where I do agree might be something important, that benefits me.

I believe we’re in the midst of some rapidly changing times and chaos does seem to be spreading, but we can still control our attitude and try to see the many good things all around us.

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Who’s really a RINO?

The Trump-loyal part of the GOP has been cheering the announcement that Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell is stepping down. A sizable percentage of the Trump-loyal GOP are just like Trump – they weren’t involved in the Republican Party before the 2016 presidential election. I’ve been a pretty loyal Republican since 1980, when President Ronald Reagan was elected and now I consider myself a “none-of-the-above” when it comes to Washington politics.

Many of the Trump-loyalist comments I’ve seen online were trashing McConnell, saying good riddance and there’s a theme of how McConnell wasn’t a true “conservative” and now they’ll hopefully have some real conservative leading the GOP in the Senate.

One of Trump’s biggest weaknesses as president was his total lack of knowledge on the Constitution and how our federal institutions work – including the powers and duties of the President of the United States. Trump does not pay attention to details or study policies and his positions fluctuate constantly, based on what the buzz is in the media. Throughout his four years, he often announced policies or actions, then backpedaled when he was informed he didn’t have the presidential power to do that. He also believed that he could cut deals just like he did in the civilian business world and those invariably failed too or he’d pivot to some other spin battle with another liberal media personality or more often than not – target another “RINO” to attack. Of course, there was always the nebulous Deep State to attack to rally the faithful too. Despite, all that, there were many Trump administration policies that I supported and still do support – especially securing our borders.

Today I heard some Trump-loyalist comments online labelling McConnell as a “RINO,” which is completely absurd. McConnell has a decades-long track record of championing conservative causes and winning. And he was instrumental in there being a conservative majority on the US Supreme Court. The “RINO” smear that Trump-loyalists toss about constantly more accurately fits Trump, who was a NY liberal and Bill Clinton’s golfing buddy, before he decided to enter the 2016 presidential race than it does Mitch McConnell, who was fighting conservative battles back when Trump was cheering on Bill Clinton.

Trump’s doing well in the polls right now and the non-stop Democrat lawfare efforts to neutralize Trump’s 2024 presidential bid have been backfiring in dramatic fashion. Trump could very likely win the election in November. The Biden presidency, in my view, has been a total disaster, but the incendiary combination of Trump’s impulsiveness and the Democrat/liberal media deranged efforts to stop Trump could lead to more destabilization within America.

There’s no soft-landing regardless what happens in November, but when it comes to the Senate, I expect a Trump-loyalist led GOP in the US Senate to be much like the current Trump-loyalist led US House – constant in-fighting and a non-stop GOP circular firing squad – that will accomplish nothing. The Trump-loyalist faction in Washington loves to label and take out Republicans, who are effective at navigating within the US legislative institutions. Unfortunately, for the GOP, those purged knew how to cut deals and actually get legislation passed, while the Trump-loyalist crowd spends most of their time online, preening in front of media cameras, and smearing other Republicans as “RINOs.”

The big picture is America’s two main political parties are deeply fractured, corrupt and driven by radical factions. Both main parties are being hollowed out by extremists – the far-left in the Democratic Party and the Trump-loyalists in the GOP. Both parties no longer seem able to tolerate moderates or centrists, which is a symptom of how deep the partisan divides have grown in America. Within Congress, the only way to get legislation passed or stop legislation is to have seasoned legislators, who understand the intricacies of how the House and Senate function and can build consensus. That usually takes years of experience in Congress. Mitch McConnell was quite successful at that and so far the Trump-approved House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has been even more ineffective than Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP dominated by raging Trump-loyal firebrands has accomplished absolutely nothing.

Any political party led by people who are more committed to internal purges (destroying RINOs) over any sort of political platform that allows for differing viewpoints will become more and more dysfunctional and more radicalized. This bodes poorly for the longevity of the Trumpian GOP, once Trump is gone, and it bodes poorly for the GOP in the House or Senate being able to build consensus and pass legislation in the near term. On the other side, the Democratic Party keeps trying to appease the most extreme factions on the left, so there’s no moderating force to be found there. Both sides seem poised to become more radical and more extreme and that’s terrible for all of America.

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Filed under 2024 Election, General Interest, Politics

A bit about the cell phone outage on Thursday

Wild flowers on my back fence.

On Thursday there was a large cell phone outage across the US. Here’s a FOX News article: Cellphone outage hits AT&T customers nationwide; Verizon and T-Mobile users also affected. So far there’s been a lot of speculation about what caused this outage and it’s under investigation, but thus far no definitive answer.

Last night I watched a prepper video, by Mike Glover, discussing this outage and he discussed things he’s thinking about now and ways to be better prepared. He included statistics on how few Americans still have landline phones and mentioned that’s something he’s considering. Always being reluctant to get rid of things I’m used to, I still have my landline phone. I do have a cell phone too. He mentioned various radios and other things to consider and I found this video informative, even though I’m completely clueless on technology stuff. I skipped by some videos about “The Collapse Is Upon Us” “type headlines. This man discussed the situation calmly.

I had a medical appointment Thursday morning in a city an hour away and I had never been to this location before. I had asked the receptionist where this office was located when I scheduled the appointment and she had given me general directions and told me to watch for the CVS store on the left-hand side of the street and their office was directly across from that on the right-hand side. Having landmarks to watch for has always been very helpful information for me with directions. When I saw the news about the cell phone outage on my PC, I googled a map with directions from my home to the location of my appointment and printed it out. I figured that if the GPS in my car stopped working, having this printed out map would be useful. My GPS worked, but it felt good to have a back-up map.

Yesterday, I was thinking more about this outage and GPS. I googled road maps for my state and ordered two for free print versions from my state’s Department of Transportation. They had downloadable maps available too. I do have a Rand McNally Road Atlas book of the USA, but I thought a new GA road map would be good to have.

The more I’ve tried to learn about emergency preparedness, the more I’ve realized there is to learn and the information overload can feel overwhelming, especially if you consume online preparedness content, where lists upon lists of items you need and more and more critical skills get discussed. I’ve realized that I’m only one person and that I can’t become an expert on everything, nor can I afford to buy everything mentioned in prepper lists or videos. I’ve been narrowing my focus to one or two areas at a time. By steadily taking steps toward learning more and working on my own preparedness, I can see definite progress, especially with my attitude when something out of the ordinary happens. Some people are naturally calm, cool and collected, but even though I usually can maintain an outward appearance of calm, inside my head my default reaction is momentary panic and feeling unsure of what to do.

No matter what point you’re at in life, your life can take unplanned turns and you can find yourself facing challenges you didn’t expect. I’ve been learning to do some of the things my late husband handled, but I’m also learning to ask for advice and help sometimes.

This cell phone outage didn’t affect my cell service and I haven’t spent time pondering what caused it. In the video I watched, there were arguments made for it being due to a solar flare, an argument for malignant actions and perhaps even some sort of equipment failure, but truly I’m totally clueless on technology and I could listen to persuasive arguments for all three of those options and think, yes, that’s it. I don’t understand enough about cell phone technology or solar flares to make an informed decision on what actually happened, but printing out the Google map directions to my medical appointment location seemed like a good thing to have in my car, in case my GPS stopped working and I thought having a new state road map might be a good thing too. I’m not going to rush out and buy a ham radio set-up or other expensive communications equipment, that I know nothing about or even how to use.

Violas sprouted in a crack in the concrete slabs of my patio.

I’m working on my container garden set-up and trying to make improvements with that and I’m spending some money on some hobbies too. I learn so much on YouTube and I’ve been watching an older man who does videos on drawing and an older lady who does videos on painting, so I’m working on that. Plus I’ve always wanted to learn some calligraphy, so I’m reading up, buying a few supplies and I’ve begun practicing on improving my handwriting too.

I stuck in a few flower photos, because flowers make every day brighter.

A viola grew on the side of a grow bag on my patio.

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Filed under Emergency Preparedness, General Interest

American news media went on an “Alert” frenzy again

Yesterday was another bizarre news “Alert” day. It started like this:

As Washington’s political class, news media and the political punditry circles churned this around, once again we got few facts and lots of partisan theorizing to bolster political talking points. Some of the right-wing punditry circle rushed to the conclusion this statement was just fearmongering to scare people into supporting the Senate foreign aid bill that moved to the House, which includes more aid for Ukraine.  Some of the right-wing pundit class went down even crazier conspiratorial rabbit holes. Some Republican officials in Washington offered various takes, trying to tamp down alarm by stating Rep. Turner’s information is real, but trying to calm fears, by stating we’re not facing an imminent threat. 

Russia is way ahead of America on hypersonic missile development and this Washington news yesterday seems to be about Russia developing space-based nuclear weapons. 

The right-wing punditry circle in right-wing media now has some “super-stars,” who are clueless about national security and military matters. Some of them live in Deep State paranoia and insist there is no Russian threat and it’s the evil US intelligence agencies, who are the real threat. Both are a threat – Russia is a threat and so are US intelligence officials operating outside the parameters of the law or for domestic partisan advantage. Here’s a FOX News pundit just making fun of and completely dismissing the Russian threat. Waters framed this as all about Ukraine funding and news media hysteria:

I believe China, Russia and Iran are already aligning to challenge the West – and that definitely includes America. This threat is there, regardless which party controls the White House or Congress in America. China has been working to implant malware within our computer systems that control our critical infrastructure, in order to launch cyber-attacks against critical American infrastructure – especially near US military installations. A space-based nuclear capability could allow our adversaries to take out satellites and our power grid (EMP attack). That’s the gist of this latest threat from the little bit of information that came out yesterday.

So many Americans are now completely immersed in seeing the world through an Us vs. Them domestic political lens, that they are unable to fathom that the world is much bigger than just MAGA vs. Woke/Globalist Elites. We still have actual countries who have their own political and territorial aspirations. China wants to take Taiwan and expand influence in the Pacific, plus become the world economic superpower. Putin wants to restore as much of the former Soviet Union as possible, Iran wants to be the regional superpower and Shia Islam to control the Islamic world. All three of these adversaries’ aspirations require unseating America from its world superpower status. There’s also North Korea that wants to seize control of South Korea, which is part of that China, Russia, Iran alliance.

With Rep, Turner’s statement and the news media doing what it does best – creating drama and hysteria to fill in airtime, when no new information is available- his statement probably did more harm than good. Most of the American public has no clue about an EMP following a nuclear blast at high-altitudes. And most people have never even thought about an extended grid-down situation. I hadn’t given this much thought either until recent years. Making sensitive intelligence information public usually tells our adversaries way more about what our intelligence experts know about their programs than providing useful information to the American public.

With this crazy “ALERT!” news hysteria all day yesterday, it’s probably more sensible to be aware of new information pertaining to the weapons system advancements of our adversaries, but to just go about our daily lives. I can’t speak to Rep. Turner’s motivations for issuing his statement yesterday, but there’s a sizable segment on the MAGA right, that will dismiss any warnings about Russian threats, especially since Tucker just went to Moscow. Plenty of the Trump-right have bought into the belief that Ukraine should just surrender to Putin – because they should want peace – even though Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of their country two years ago. And of course, Ukraine (or any of the other former Soviet bloc countries bordering Russia) should not want to align closely with the West or want to join NATO, out of fear of Russian aggression. Why on earth would they believe Russia might want to invade their countries… 

Again, Russia launched a full-scale invasion into Ukraine two years ago.

History matters. In 1994, the US agreed to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression, in return for Ukraine returning the Soviet nuclear weapons in Ukraine to Russia. Russia signed that agreement to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty in that Budapest Memorandum and then invaded Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022.

Russia is not the victim. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago, even Finland, a country that prided itself on neutrality between the Soviet Union and the West, has now joined NATO and Sweden wants to join too. Yet, Trump wants to abandon NATO and cozy up to Putin… For the life of me, I can’t fully understand why so many right-wing pundits now sound like 1960s radical leftists, with making excuses for Russian aggression and siding with our adversaries, who want to destroy America, but that’s where we’re at. Tucker waxing on about how wonderful Moscow is compared to American cities sounded like Bernie Sanders’ 1988 honeymoon trip to Russia. 

The larger part of the right-wing lurch into siding with Putin though, I think, goes to 2016 and the corrupt Hillary campaign creating a fake dossier about “Trump-Russian Collusion.” The Clinton campaign’s Steel dossier dirty trick evolved into the left’s #Resist effort and then even into pandemic “Russian disinformation” hysteria constantly, which Dems used to silence opponents on social media and malign people with differing views about COVID.  This Democrat spin war effort of calling everything “Russian disinformation” has made “Russian disinformation” a meaningless term and many people on the right just automatically dismiss any mention of Russian disinformation now. 

However, Russian threats to America are real, whether we choose to believe it or not. The Russians trying to build this space-based weapons system sounds like it’s further off than the Chinese, who already have implanted malware in American critical infrastructure, according to FBI reports for several years now. Reports about a threat posed by American cell towers using Chinese Huawei equipment were coming out during Trump’s presidency too. 

National security is about all Americans, not just the left or right.


Filed under Foreign Policy, General Interest, Military, Politics

Are Americans really buying into Putin’s version of history?

Today, I watched a short video by The Rubin Report, where Karol Markowicz was a guest. At 2:28 she states that she speaks Russian (she was born in the Soviet Union and her family moved to America) and that the translation of what Putin said in a widely shared clip is incorrect. She also says that the people who hate Tucker Carlson will say he’s a Russian stooge and the people who love him will say he’s the greatest journalist to ever journalist She explains that the incorrect translation completely flipped the meaning of what Putin actually said.

The European and liberal American insane reaction to Tucker Carlson doing this interview certainly went totally off the rails into Cuckoo Land. I didn’t see this kind of reaction when other Americans journalists or when Oliver Stone interviewed Putin. Putin’s a master at these interviews with American media, just like he was a master at manipulating Trump in that meeting and came with that soccer ball to hand to Trump – carefully planned Russian propaganda move there.

Here’s a Pravda headline from yesterday: Putin presented Tucker Carlson with copies of historical documents

I’m halfway through the Tucker Carlson interview of Vladimir Putin and this is a classic KGB-staged performance, to foment distrust of the US government among mainly Trump supporters, who are, thanks to Trump’s fawning all over Putin and the relentless right-wing media efforts (especially Tucker Carlson’s efforts) totally willing to side with Putin. Putin also repeatedly waded into blaming the American “Deep State” for causing problems, which plays well with Trump supporters now, although years ago, that sentiment played well with the left in America. What’s always missing though is any concern about Kremlin malignant actions around the world, especially in Ukraine. Why so many Trump supporters have become sympathetic towards Putin and buy into his bs, I’ll never understand. Putin and his influence operations in America, also have worked very hard to turn Americans against NATO and against aiding Ukraine. Trump also holds anti-NATO views and spouts many things about NATO, that are completely untrue, yet his followers have completely bought into those views too. 

In this interview Putin was also playing to bolster support for his war in Ukraine among the Russian people and that’s where his carefully constructed, laborious recitation of his version of Russian history comes in – he goes to great pains to show the historical legitimacy of Russia’s present claims to Ukraine. The handing Carlson copies of historical documents was a masterstroke of theatrics – sort of “I’m handing you copies of these sacred historical documents.” I tried not to laugh.

Americans have to be pretty gullible to buy into this, but so many seem to despise Democrats and the corruption within the US government so much that they’re willing to trust a Russian despot, who has his political enemies murdered, without hesitation. Sadly, it seems most Americans don’t understand how the Soviet Union seized control of Eastern Europe after World War II and they’ve forgotten all the lessons of the Cold War. Putin hasn’t forgotten the Cold War though, because as a KGB agent, he was an active player and true believer in the Soviet Union. 

It was hilarious how Putin had rehearsed all these ancient historical details to sell legitimacy that Ukraine is really part of Russia, but when Carlson asked him which president he was referring to when Putin was talking about a conversation with an American president, Putin wouldn’t say which president said that. Yet, he went into excruciating detail on the ancient Russian origin story… but with the modern history that’s really relevant – it was vagueness. 

Putin can’t say, that after watching Biden’s withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan and seeing America retreating in such an embarrassing manner, it was a very opportune time to try a bold military action – a decapitation of the government in Kiev military effort. Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine was intended to be carried out swiftly – in a few days, Putin expected Kiev to fall and he expected Western Europe and especially the Biden WH to not be able to aid Ukraine quickly. None of that turned out the way Putin intended. Obama had not responded when Putin seized Ukrainian territory in 2014 and it’s understandable that Putin expected Biden to waffle too. Anyone who believes Putin is a peacemaker is a fool.

Americans who buy into this will be in for a rude awakening I fear, because China, Russia and Iran are preparing to launch more bold military actions and many of them will be asymmetrical – like China hacking our infrastructure. They aren’t into peacemaking – they’re setting the stage for wider war. China has been building artificial islands in the South China Sea to expand China’s military reach in the region for years. Here’s a March 20, 2022 article from The Telegraph: China has fully militarized three islands in South China Sea, US admiral says. China, Russia and Iran have also expanded both their economic and military reach in Central and South America – all the way into Mexico. 

Wake-up America!

Iran is arming proxies, who are attacking American forces daily.

I’ve heard a lot of isolationist sentiment on the right in America and Trump amplifies that, even though he did authorize military attacks while president. It’s become popular on the right to be isolationist and some Americans want all American troops home, which would quickly place America into being irrelevant on the world stage and it would quickly lead to Americans’ standard of living plummeting even worse than it is now, as world shipping lanes would then be controlled by China, Russia and other rogue actors. Say good-bye to dollar stores. There seems to be zero comprehension that American military forces around the globe provide security for international shipping lanes.  Yes, we should secure our own borders, but that doesn’t mean we should just retreat from the world.

Putin invaded Ukraine, because he didn’t expect the Biden administration and Europe to respond. He’s got more territorial aspirations too.

I’ll try to listen to the rest of this interview later, but the first half was something else – carefully constructed propaganda designed to turn Trump supporting Americans against the American government… and to sell the war in Ukraine to war-weary Russians.

2/11/2-24: I did a little bit of editing and added some thought to this post this morning – post-publication. 


Filed under Foreign Policy, General Interest

Some links and notes on the threat China poses to the US homeland

A NBC article from February 7, 2024: Chinese hackers spent 5 years waiting in U.S. infrastructure, ready to attack, agencies say This article says:

“Chinese hackers have at times secretly hidden in U.S. infrastructure for up to five years, ready to conduct a potentially destructive cyberattack if the two countries were to go to war, federal agencies said Wednesday.”

“The claim was published in a public cybersecurity warning, one of the largest and starkest of its kind, from six U.S. agencies, as well as allied cybersecurity and intelligence agencies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K.””

FIVE YEARS, the CCP has been working on this…

This NBC article mentions a February 7, 2024 public cybersecurity warning, with a link to a Joint Cyber Advisory by the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada titled PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure.

This isn’t going to be a blog post. It’s a bunch of news links, some quotes and my notes and thoughts on the growing Chinese threat. I’d encourage everyone to do their own research and start paying attention to these news stories about Chinese espionage and other malignant activities.

Last year, with that Chinese spy balloon episode, here’s one of the early reports from February 15, 2023, ABC article: US tracked Chinese balloon from launch, may have accidentally drifted: Official. This article mentions how the narrative shifted:

“U.S. intelligence agencies tracked the Chinese spy balloon from its launch in China and watched as it may have been inadvertently blown into U.S. airspace, a U.S. official has confirmed to ABC News.”

“This latest revelation differs significantly from the previous narrative related by the White House and U.S. military officials over recent days, which has changed repeatedly since the balloon’s existence became public when it was spotted over Montana on Feb. 1.”

The Biden administration’s initial response was to make excuses for the Chinese government and it’s emblematic of how they respond to America’s adversaries – they initially made excuses for Russia with the Ukraine situation. With Iran, at first the Biden administration suggested Iran wasn’t aware of the plans Hamas had of attacking Israel and they suggested Iran didn’t have control over Hamas, They also initially made excuses that Iran didn’t have control over it’s proxies, who are firing missiles and launching drone attacks against American troops. With the Chinese spy balloon last year, there were excuses like the balloon had just drifted off course and also that the Chinese government (CCP) wasn’t aware of this spy balloon effort and the weather balloon activity is run by some military agency. 

In each case, once the overwhelming evidence piled up, the Biden administration switched their narrative. It’s important to remember that their initial response is to appease our adversaries, but they’re quick to denigrate American law enforcement immediately. Since Team Biden is the same as Team Obama, with Obama on the sidelines, this is familiar – like Obama chastising the Cambridge police department in 2009: Obama: Police Acted ‘Stupidly’ in Gates Case . Team Biden was quick to latch onto that hyped false border patrol on horseback story accusing them of whipping illegal Haitian immigrants:

September 21, 2021: White House condemns border guard use of whip-like cord against Haitian migrants

July 8, 2022: Biden admin admits Border agents did not ‘whip’ migrants, punishes them anyway

I’ve collected numerous news articles about that Chinese spy balloon and other stories about China’s malevolent actions, because I had been following the Chinese infiltration of America for a long time. There are many tentacles to the Chinese infiltration – from buying up American land, especially close to American military installations, to Huawei cell phone equipment on cell towers, to the mass illegal immigration of Chinese, to even Chinese “tourists” trying to access US military installations. There’s also the persistent political corruption in Washington with the Chinese government buying off American officials (here’s looking at President Biden)…

Huawei is a Chinese cell tech giant. Here’s a July 25, 2022 CNN story: CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications. This CNN article states:

“Since at least 2017, federal officials have investigated Chinese land purchases near critical infrastructure, shut down a high-profile regional consulate believed by the US government to be a hotbed of Chinese spies and stonewalled what they saw as clear efforts to plant listening devices near sensitive military and government facilities.”    

“Among the most alarming things the FBI uncovered pertains to Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the FBI determined the equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defense Department communications, including those used by US Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons.”

July 25, 2022 Article from The Warzone by Thomas Newdick: Nuclear Experts Question Possible Effects Of Chinese Cell Towers On U.S. Missile Silos

In 2019, the Trump administration banned Huawei and the FCC developed a “Rip and Replace” program, to aid cell phone companies to replace the Huawei equipment. However, that program has run into funding and implementation snags along the way. Smaller cell phone companies (often in rural areas, which is also where some of our most critical nuclear bases are located) are much more likely to have Huawei equipment, which was cheaper and these smaller companies are less likely to have the money to replace it, like the big cell phone companies. There have been delays along the way with Congressional funding to assist small companies to remove the Huawei equipment.

Last year, March 30, 2023, FOX News reported: Chinese illegal immigrants are crossing into US in unprecedented numbers. This report states:

Chinese nationals are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. in unprecedented numbers this year, with the first few months of FY 2023 already eclipsing the total for 2022.”

“The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports that just under 2,000 Chinese nationals crossed the border in FY 2022, but the first few months of FY 2023 have already seen 4,300 encounters, according to federal data.”

Let’s move along:

April 3, 2023 – Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it

April 3, 2023 – Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from US military sites: report – This is a NY Post article – includes map of the path of Chinese spy balloon and list of US military sites:

Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana – One of three bases that maintains and operates Minuteman III ICBMs.

Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska – Headquarters of US Strategic Command, overseeing America’s nuclear forces.

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas – Home of the Army’s Combined Arms Center & key officer training location.

Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri – Home to the B-2 stealth bomber.

Fort Campbell, Kentucky – Home of the Army’s 10st Airborne Division, a key rapid-deployment unit.

Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina – One of the Air Force’s largest bases.

Naval Weapons Station, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina – Home to two nuclear submarine squadrons.

Most people forgot about the Chinese spy balloon incident and I doubt most people care one iota about the subsequent news reports. America was following the illegal immigration invasion though.

April 18, 2023 – Mayorkas to testify on border crisis after visiting Darien Gap

April 19, 2023 FOX News report: Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese men heading toward US in migrant groups

July 29, 2023 – Biden administration searching for Chinese malware with potential to disrupt military: Report

“The Biden administration is searching for malware it believes China has buried in networks that control a variety of utilities to military bases, according to a report from the New York Times, which Fox News has not yet independently confirmed. 

“One congressional official told the New York Times that the malware is “a ticking time bomb” which could hand China power to disrupt movement of the U.S. military by shutting off water, power, and communications to bases.”

July 29, 2023 – Chinese Malware Could Cut Power To U.S. Military Bases, Businesses And Homes, Report Claims

July 25,2023 – CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications

“The administration believes malicious computer code has been hidden inside “networks controlling power grids, communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases,” officials told the Times. The discovery has heightened concerns that hackers could “disrupt US military operations in the event of a conflict,” according to the Times. The two nations have been increasingly at odds over Taiwan as well as over China’s actions in the Indo-Pacific.”

“One congressional official told the newspaper that the malware was “a ticking time bomb” that could allow China to cut off power, water and communications to military bases, slowing deployments and resupply operations. Because military bases often share the same supply infrastructure as civilian homes and businesses, many other Americans could also be affected, officials told the Times.”

August 7, 2023 – U.S. Military Systems Infected by Chinese Malware: How Deep Does It Run?

“The Chinese malware appears to be primarily targeted at overseas military bases that would likely be in heavy use in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. But homes and businesses in the area would also be impacted, as the critical infrastructure is shared between military systems and civilian residential or business areas.”

“The threat is not limited to overseas territories or bases, however, as the officials indicated that the Chinese malware could also likely cut off utilities to civilian areas of the continental United States. Indications are that this particular campaign has been active since at least mid-2021, and traces of the code that targeted military systems in Guam has also been found stateside.”

Sept. 4, 2023 – FBI tracks over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to breach US military sites: report

“The FBI and Department of Defense have reportedly tracked more than 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to attempt to breach U.S. military bases and other federal sites.” 

“Those responsible, dubbed “gate crashers,” range from Chinese nationals detected crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico, to scuba divers caught swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket launch site in Florida, several U.S. officials recently told The Wall Street Journal. The growing trend represents a potential espionage threat, as authorities believe the Chinese government in some cases is compelling nationals into service in order to test out and report back about security practices at the installations.”

Dec. 3, 2023 – Weekly U.S.-Mexico Border Update: Congress negotiations, increased arrivals, migration from China

“U.S. authorities encountered over 28,000 citizens of China at the U.S.-Mexico border over the 12 months ending in October, a more than tenfold increase over the previous 12 months, with more than 8,000 arriving in September and October. Most are coming to San Diego. People who flee China tend to be middle class or lower middle class. They are escaping persecution but also cite fears of falling into poverty as the world’s second-largest economy falters.”

So, in March of 2023, officials were warning about the dramatic increase of Chinese illegals flooding across our southern border and by December, US authorities encountered over 28,000.

There’s a February 1, 2024, Bret Weinstein interview with Tucker Carlson, How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America, about Weinstein’s trip to the Darien Gap in Panama to try to understand what’s going on. I watched this interview and also watched his January 31, 2024 YouTube channel video: Trojan Migration? The 210th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on what he saw in Panama. Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, not a journalist, and he did his graduate research in Panama, so he was curious about what’s going on in the Darien Gap, which gets mentioned in news reports frequently in regards to this illegal migration. DHS Secretary, Myorkas, took a trip to Panama last year to see the Darien Gap too. Weinstein also related how what used to be the US’s Central Command headquarters formerly Fort Clayton, which President Carter signed away, is now home to the City of Knowledge, which looks like a UN-funded effort and it’s also home to one of the UN’s two global administrative center of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

I am not a Tucker Carlson fan, but I think this interview is worth watching and considering. Hopefully, our CIA and US military have been paying close attention to what’s going on in the Darien Gap too, but watching that Chinese spy balloon fiasco last year, my hopes aren’t high.

Moving along some more:

January 31, 2024 – U.S. Government Disrupts Botnet People’s Republic of China Used to Conceal Hacking of Critical Infrastructure

I mentioned this December 28, 2023 NBC News report about the Chinese spy balloon in a previous post: U.S. intelligence officials determined the Chinese spy balloon used a U.S. internet provider to communicate. So, we went through many “official” narratives about the Chinese spy balloon and I doubt this December story got much attention, since most people are fixated on all the culture war dramas and presidential political dramas. Who cares about a year-old story? That article stated:

“The balloon connected to a U.S.-based company, according to the assessment, to send and receive communications from China, primarily related to its navigation. Officials familiar with the assessment said it found that the connection allowed the balloon to send burst transmissions, or high-bandwidth collections of data over short periods of time.”

“Primarily related to its navigation,” so what about the other things that weren’t part of navigation?

Okay, well, did it connect to Chinese nationals on the ground in America? 

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I’m happy to be a weirdo

Sunday night thunderstorms rolled through my area. As the wind picked up and the thunder became much louder, I decided to get out two of my LED lanterns, even though my cell phone has a flashlight and I keep flashlights in several rooms in my house, so they’re easily accessible. This habit of checking that I have emergency lighting is something I’ve done throughout my entire adult life and probably started because I hate being caught in the dark and having to fumble around.

Sure, enough about a half-hour later the power went out. The next issue was the claps of thunder had my two dogs in panic mode, so I went out in the sun room and brought the cheap weather radio into the living room and tuned in to a local country music radio station. The music helped calm down the dogs. I keep this weather radio charged now, although for about a year after I bought it, it just sat in the box. I had taken it out the box, after I bought it, looked at it, and stuck it back in the box. It was after listening to some online prepper lecturing about how prepping supplies aren’t going to do you any good, if you don’t know how to use them, that prodded me to get this weather radio out of the box. It can be charged with a USB cable, has a little solar panel and a hand-crank. So, since then I keep it charged.

My cell phone was working and my power company has an outage map, that provides updates on outages and how many people are without power. My outage was a very small area and the power company said it was due to an event, so I figured someone hit a pole or the wind caused damage. It took around 4 hours for power to be restored.

This outage was a minor inconvenience. Most of us have been through much longer power outages, plus thanks to modern technology, I had immediate access to the power company, via my cell phone, for information about the outage. In the old days, before the internet, we had no idea how large the outage area was, what caused it, and we definitely didn’t have any idea how long the power was going to be out. We could just tell all the neighbors were without power too.

Most people would just memory hole a minor power outage like this and I used to do that too. Now, I review what I did and what I might do better, as far as being prepared.

Until recent years, I didn’t even understand the vulnerabilities of our power grid in America or the magnitude of the threat of attacks on our critical infrastructure. Sure, I had read about the threat of asymmetrical attacks for decades, but didn’t consider them likely. 

Then 9/11 happened and the US government jumped into fighting terrorism mode. After trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives lost in that fight, the reality is America lost – that’s the truth. Lots of military contractors and “experts” made lots of money, but our military spent 20 years eroding our military readiness. We withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, the Taliban is back in charge there and Hamas, another terrorist regime, last October, waged a catastrophic attack on Israel. Many Israelis likely had faith in their government to ward off a catastrophic attack too. Sure, seems like we’re back to where we started with 9/11 when it comes to terrorist attacks and and we haven’t learned much of anything. 

The same scenario played out with the 2020 “pandemic,” another crisis, I never gave much thought to, let alone thought about being prepared for. There again, years ago I had read a very interesting book, The Great Influenza, by John M. Barry, which chronicled the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920, which killed more than 50 million people worldwide. I didn’t rush to prepare for a pandemic after reading this book, but according to Wikipedia, President George W. Bush read this book in 2005: “In the summer of 2005, then-President George W. Bush read the book while on vacation at his ranch in Crawford.[26] His study would later set forth plans for the federal government to prepare for future pandemics in a November 2005 speech.[27]“ So, 15 years later, I think our government’s 2020 pandemic response failed miserably.

I have little faith in the government to respond adequately to a major crisis here in America, but even worse, most Americans aren’t prepared for even more common weather emergencies, in their own area and there’s been a concerted liberal media effort for decades to denigrate “preppers” as far-right doomsday kooks. Most Americans, at the same time, express concerns about the uncertain state of the world now, with wars spreading, domestic divides growing, border chaos, political chaos in Washington, and all sorts of fall-out from the crazy 2020 BLM “defund the police” efforts, that have resulted in a rise in crime and police retention issues.

Despite working on my preparedness in a much more serious way since 2020, I am still not adequately prepared for a long-term emergency. I am much better prepared than I used to be and continue to work on it.

A couple years ago I decided to buy a Mr. Heater Buddy when I bought one for my daughter in IN. I’m in GA and don’t really worry about freezing, plus I have a fireplace in my house, but I thought having this little heater was a good idea. I went to Lowe’s to buy more 1 lb. propane tanks and the friendly, young man who assisted me in locating them was very helpful, but what he told me stuck with me. I told him I’d become a bit of a prepper in recent years and he told me about his neighbor being an old guy, who is a sort of weird prepper, but he said that guy knows a lot. He told me if he needs help in an emergency he’ll go to his neighbor. That is the mind-set of a lot of people – they mock preppers and emergency preparedness. Rather than think about unpleasant things like emergencies, their plan is to just go to the “weirdo” preppers they know, who are stocked up. I told him that he should want to learn to be able to take care of himself, no matter what happens.

Books often spur government action. The 2009 William Forstchen fictional novel, One Second After, imagines the US grid being taken down by a hostile foreign attack. The story is set in a small town and the characters are very relatable. So, I’m a technology-challenged person and I didn’t even understand the magnitude of the impact if our grid went down and really, who wants to think about worst-case scenarios? This fictional novel got the attention of some Washington national security types and the author has made presentations about the threat of EMPs to Congress and other experts. I had heard the terms EMP and grid-down, but didn’t really understand the ramifications, because I had faith in my electric company to fix things and get the power up and running, even after hurricanes and I trusted the government had some contingency plan for worst case scenarios, so there was no need to worry about any of this. 

So, what’s the big deal about grid-down and why even think about it?

About a year ago, I read Ted Koppel’s book, Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath, which was published in 2015.  I watched Koppel’s Nightline show for years and he’s definitely not some far-right kook. On pages 14-15 of Lights Out, Koppel wrote:

“Ours has become a largely reactive culture. We are disinclined to anticipate disaster, let alone prepare for it. We wait for bad things to happen and then we assign blame. Despite mounting evidence of cyber crime and cyber sabotage, there appears to be widespread confidence that each can be contained before it inflicts unacceptable damage. The notion that some entity has the ability or the motive to launch a sophisticated cyber attack against our nation’s infrastructure, and in particular against our electric power grids, exists, if at all, on the outer fringes of public consciousness.”

So, our grid is actually three grids, different areas of the country, is my understanding. Then there was this term, black start, which is starting the grid back up from nothing. Here’s a 2022 Practical Engineering article, How Long Would Society Last During a Total Grid Collapse?, which explains the threat of grid-down in easy to understand terms and the difficulties. Here’s a key point about preparedness:

“At both an institutional and personal level, finding a balance between the chance of disaster striking and the resources required to be prepared is a difficult challenge, and not everyone agrees on where to draw the line. Of course, the other kind of preparedness is our ability to restore service to a collapsed power grid and get everyone back online as quickly as possible. That’s called a black start, and it sounds simple enough, but there are some enormous engineering challenges associated with bringing a grid up from nothing.”

Here’s a 2022 follow-on Practical Engineering article on a black start, What Is A Black Start Of The Power Grid?.

A month ago there was this warning: “FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday he has never seen a time during his decades-long career when so many threats against the US were all as elevated as they are now, warning senators he sees “blinking lights everywhere.”

Last week, FBI director, Chris Wray testified to Congress about the threat Chinese hackers pose to our critical infrastructure. Here’s the warning from an NBC report, FBI director warns Chinese hackers aim to ‘wreak havoc’ on U.S. critical infrastructure :

““China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike,” said excerpts of Wray’s prepared testimony released by the FBI.”

“Wray also argued that “there has been far too little public focus” on Chinese hackers’ targeting critical infrastructure in the U.S., such as water treatment plants, electrical grids, oil and natural gas pipelines and transportation systems, according to the prepared remarks.”

““And the risk that poses to every American requires our attention — now,” his prepared testimony said.”

I’m not suggesting we should all panic, but I do believe every American should think about having adequate basic supplies to manage a few weeks (or longer) in a power outage. Most people don’t want to imagine worst-case situations and that’s understandable, but when you’re warned that a hostile country is actively working now, to be able to wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure and the world situation has become very unstable, with wars starting and other chaos spreading, then perhaps we should all heed these warnings 

Most people can’t afford to buy a private island for a getaway location in a crisis or some high-tech bunker, like some billionaires, but most people can afford to gradually start storing some extra water, buying some extra food, considering home security measures, learning basic first-aid, etc. I had a neighbor years ago, who told me she did not have a flashlight in her home, when she was talking to me the day before a hurricane was ready to make landfall, where our area was in the “cone of uncertainty.” The conversation began with me asking her if she was prepared for the storm and she told me she doesn’t mess with that. I then asked her if she at least had a flashlight. She didn’t and she didn’t seem concerned. I felt like I was talking to an alien. I insisted on giving her an LED lantern and extra batteries. She looked at me like I was a weirdo. Our power was out over 24 hours. Was she an alien or am I a weirdo?

These escalating warnings (Wray’s blinking lights everywhere) are like being in that hurricane “cone of uncertainty,” even if your area doesn’t take a direct hit, it can still cause a lot of devastation. There are usually severe thunderstorms, tornados, and plenty of wind damage and flooding to go along with them as they move inland. I have no idea how well prepared our power companies or government are for attacks on critical infrastructure – but I do know the likelihood of this sort of attack is way more likely than it was even just a few years ago. Wray said FBI cyber staff is outnumbered at least 50 to 1 by the Chinese hackers. So, let’s think about those Iranian proxies continuously firing missiles and launching drone attacks against the US military since last fall – we didn’t suffer any fatalities until a week ago. 

That’s enough doom and gloom for today, but I am going to keep talking about this. I understand that most people don’t want to hear any of this, but I believe it’s very important. 

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Signal or noise… you decide?

I would say, definitely a signal. Here’s a quote from a CBS report today:

Washington — Hackers backed by the Chinese government are targeting U.S. water treatment plants and electrical grids, strategically positioning themselves within critical infrastructure systems to “wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities,” FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress Wednesday.”

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Here’s another investigation to Nowhere

January 2016

When trying to connect a lot of dots, it’s easy to get lost in the dots and miss the bigger picture. That’s what happened to me last fall when the October 7th attack on Israel happened. Along with too many dots with a story I had been trying to understand – the suspension of Robert Malley earlier in 2023 – too many other events exploded. Listening to weird Biden administration responses to three American soldiers being killed in an Iranian proxy drone strike prodded my memory. 

Something is very off with how the Biden administration still keeps trying to kowtow to Tehran and exhibiting weakness at every turn. They’re blabbing about not wanting to escalate tensions with Iran and doing meaningless, theatrical, “DON’T” warnings, while Iran has continually escalated tensions. The retaliatory strikes have been strategically pointless targets, because the Biden administration doesn’t really want to retaliate – they want to avoid upsetting Tehran.

I had saved some links about Malley, but I began trying to tune out the news information overload and never got back to this story. However, this story of the Biden administration’s top Iran/Mid-East guru being removed from his position and having his security clearance suspended, back in April 2023 is probably a very important story in light of the October 7th attack and the Biden administration’s embarrassingly weak response to increasing Iranian aggression.

Here’s a June 29, 2023 CNN report:  Biden’s Iran envoy placed on leave after security clearance suspended amid investigation into possible mishandling of classified material, sources say This CNN report has this peculiar paragraph (paragraph 11):

“The move to suspend Malley’s security clearance was not communicated widely within the State Department or across the Biden administration, as the department kept him in his role and made no official announcements about replacing him. Some officials at the State Department were told that Malley was handing personal matters, which is why he had taken a back seat on the Iran portfolio, two State Department officials and a third person who was briefed told CNN.”

So, here’s what paragraph 2 said:

“A US official said that Malley’s clearance was suspended amid a State Department diplomatic security investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information. Another source familiar with the matter said he was placed on unpaid leave on Thursday afternoon.”

Why on earth did Blinken keep someone suspected of mishandling highly sensitive information working in the State Department and who lied to other State Department workers to keep it quiet? Well, Blinken and Malley are childhood friends and Malley is the Democratic Party Middle-East guru. Again, this is the CNN sentence: “Some officials at the State Department were told that Malley was handing personal matters, which is why he had taken a back seat on the Iran portfolio, two State Department officials and a third person who was briefed told CNN.” I’m wondering “were told” by whom???

I’m adding this paragraph, after publishing, because I realized I wasn’t clear about the allegations against Malley. Here’s a quote from an October 1, 2023,  Lee Smith piece at Tablet Magazine, “The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails.” He was alleged to have mishandled highly classified information and of putting together a group of Iranian experts, who were working to sway US policy toward Iran’s objectives. It had to be some damning information for Blinken to first suspend his long-time friend/Democrats’ Iran policy guru’s security clearance in April and then when the State Department investigated, they referred it to the FBI and Malley was placed on unpaid leave in June.

Malley’s story is critically important to what’s going on with the Biden administration handling of policy with the Israel/Hamas war and with our American response to escalating attacks by Iranian proxies. Malley worked for the Clinton administration, trying to broker an Israeli/Palestinian peace deal and then for the Obama administration, becoming their architect of the Iran deal. Malley has close ties with Hamas leaders, his father was very close friends with Yasser Arafat and Malley continued those close ties. In 2008, when Obama was running for president, Malley was asked to step aside from his informal campaign role over concerns his close ties to Hamas could damage Obama. However, in 2014, Obama hired Malley to be senior director of the National Security Council and his chief Iran policy architect.

Never fear, Malley is still in the loop among the connected Democrats’ elite foreign policy crowd – he’s now a Senor Fellow at Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs and there are plenty of his cronies, who assuredly will try to relaunch him into the Democrat foreign policy club. Here’s a piece in The Nation, from October 19, 2023, Disinformation and Deception in Tehran and Washington, making the case that people are trying to sabotage Malley and other aides are having their work sabotaged. Well, it was the State Department who investigated Malley’s handling of highly classified information and referred the matter to the FBI and it was Malley’s close friend, Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, who removed him from his post – not reporters running a disinformation effort. Blinken suspended Malley’s security clearance in April – long before the reporters knew anything about it in June. Timelines matter.

Here are some links to other reports on this situation:

July 23, 2023 – Lee Smith article in Tablet Magazine : What happened to Robert Malley?

August 14, 2023 – Reuters report: Malley, on leave from US Iran envoy post, to teach at Princeton

September 29, 2023 – Jay Solomon piece in Semafor: Inside Iran’s influence operation

October 1, 2023 – Lee Smith article in Tablet Magazine: High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

October 16, 2023 – Lee Smith article in Tablet Magazine: The Biden Administration Tries to Hide What It Knew About an Impending Massacre, While Leaving U.S. Backing for Iran Untouched

January 19, 2024 – Yale News: Controversial Jackson fellow Robert Malley to teach ‘Contending with Israel-Palestine’ seminar

I’ll leave it up to you to decide if Malley mishandled highly sensitive classified information or is a victim of “disinformation.” The Biden State Department decided the matter was serious enough to suspend his security clearance and refer it to the FBI. As for me, I think Malley’s so well-connected at the highest levels in Democrat circles – the Clintons, Obama, Kerry, etc. etc. etc. that the FBI will handle this like Hillary’s emails and Hunter’s laptop… another investigation to Nowhere. 

I also believe the Biden White House and our other top national security agencies are thoroughly compromised.

The dots never end with the Obama crowd, that’s now the Biden crowd. Then there was this story in September 2023, connected with the Malley case: “Pentagon Defends Biden Appointee’s Alleged Membership in Iranian Influence Network. From the Washington Times: “Ms. Tabatabai is an Iranian-American scholar who now works as the chief of staff for Christopher P. Maier, the Pentagon’s assistant secretary of Defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict. She had previously worked for the State Department.”

Along with Malley’s saga, right after Oct. 7th there was a pro-Hamas Homeland Security official:

If you wonder why this administration often sounds like they’re more sympathetic to the terrorist regime in Tehran and Hamas terrorists, well, just look at who is writing their policies and narratives… Malley was the Obama Iranian expert in 2016, when John Kerry was Secretary of State. Kerry was working inside deals with Iran for the release of American sailors Iran had taken hostage. Kerry did a victory lap, bragging about his smart diplomacy leading to a peaceful release of the American hostages. Then Iran unleashed a humiliating propaganda attack in the international media of American sailors on their knees. Never forget who these people really are – Malley was the Obama Iranian policy guru, with all the Iranian connections back then too.

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It just gets crazier

Here’s a press release from the US Department of the Treasury, The United States and United Kingdom Target Iranian Transnational Assassinations Network. An Iran based narco-trafficker reportedly has been recruiting assassins, like a Hell’s Angel Motorcycle gang member in Canada to assassinate people inside the US:

“In 2021, Zindashti’s network recruited Canadian national and British Columbia-based Hells Angels Outlaw Motorcycle Group member Damion Patrick John Ryan (Ryan) to assassinate individuals in the United States who fled Iran. Ryan, whose criminal history ranges from firearms trafficking charges to international drug trafficking, has ties to criminal elements in Canada, the United States, and Greece. Zindashti associate Asan worked closely with Ryan to plan the assassinations, sending the location and photos of the targets, in addition to coordinating payment details. Ryan also recruited Canadian national and Hell’s Angels affiliate Adam Richard Pearson (Pearson) to carry out the murders.”

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