Showdown at high noon…

Andrew McCarthy  penned a very interesting piece at National Review, The Gang That Couldn’t Lie Straight.

Yes, the Trump campaign was “colluding with Russians” trying to get dirt on Hillary at that Don Jr., Trump Tower meeting with the Russian lawyer, according to Andrew McCarthy.   There were discussions and a conference call between Don Jr., Hicks and Trump, who dreamed up this story, that it was a discussion about Russian adoption.  Some other Trump campaign peeps had put out a different story, so there was some clean-up going on. There are some emails and Hicks supposedly told some other guy that those emails will never see the light of day (this was before the Mueller investigation began, I think). McCarthy says it’s not enough to make for a prosecution of obstruction of justice on its own and explains all the details.

Very interesting – since the Steele dossier was also dirt acquired through “Russian collusion”, funded by the DNC & Clinton campaign, so the FBI was using that info, which came from “Russian collusion”, paid for by the Clinton campaign/DNC, all to go after Trump for “Russian collusion” …  I guess it’s it takes Russian collusion to catch Russian collusion, all roads lead to Moscow, … or something like that.

The GOP (I suspect Gowdy helped write the GOP explanation) put out a timeline explaining why this Nunes memo release is important.  I love timelines and there’s a timeline from July 2016 around the time of Comey’s “no intent” statement, with this FISA warrant being sought and this Trump/Russian collusion spin starting about Carter Page. And there’s some unnamed person who was reportedly involved in feeding Steele information, during a crucial week in this timeline. A British paper reported that person is Cody Shearer, the old intimidating witnesses thug, who worked with Clinton fixer, Terry Lenzner.

Funny it took a year for us to find out the Steele dossier was funded by the DNC & Clinton campaign and used in any way to secure a FISA warrant to investigate the Trump campaign.  Mueller should expand his investigation and investigate the Clinton campaign “Russian collusion” and the FBI use of this Steele dossier in Lynch’s DOJ.

Then yesterday the Dems went full-throttle with this Red Scare McCarthy spin accusing Nunes of working for the Kremlin, and later Paul Ryan too.   I wondered if Hannity reads my tweets, because he was going hard and heavy about how the Steele dossier was “Russian collusion”. Interestingly, Saint Comey tweeted an angry tweet using the Dem Red Scare, Joe McCarthy spin to attack Republicans and “weasels & liars”.  Yet, Hillary was just “extremely careless” in not turning over 13 blackberries & 2 laptops, which were under subpoena, her lawyers destroying around 30,000 emails, lying to the FBI, having that IT firm Bleachbit their server and Comey said there was “no intent” there…

Comey is so wrapped up in his belief that he is a pillar of moral rectitude, that he doesn’t realize how bad it looks that he was going along with the Clinton spin calling the investigation just a “matter” rather than a criminal investigation.   It would be illegal for him to send classified FBI information to his friend/lawyer with the “intent” to leak to the media,  to instigate a SPIN tsunami, as cover, orchestrating a special prosecutor being appointed.   Senator Grassley alleges classified information is in those FBI memos.  If there is, did his friend/lawyer have a security clearance or “need to know”.   Were these FBI notes sent via unsecure private email and how were they maintained?

His angrily tweeting using the Dem’s Joe McCarthy spin is another interesting Comey tell.

Also, telling is the angry Dem tweet from Eric Holder. I still wonder who that redacted name is in those FBI notes on Hillary’s FBI interview, in which Strzok was the lead for the FBI team “interviewing” her. Why redact Amy Saharia’s name, when the Clinton team gave that name to the NY Times, to report on Hillary’s FBI interview? This smells like the same snow job as when she collapsed at that 9/11 ceremony in 2016 and her spinners fed the media a story that she was just dehydrated and left early, but some person videotaped her being held up and collapsing.   That video hit Twitter and so several more Clinton spin lines emerged.  The mainstream media pivoted to attacking Trump peeps for hyping her health.

The FBI/DOJ peeps involved in her interview, that Comey described as pillars of professionalism, when explaining to Congress that his “no reasonable prosecutors would prosecute” was a unanimous decision, well,  they sure are looking not so “professional”. So, who all was involved in that unanimous decision and more importantly, who all was present at Hillary’s FBI interview.  I don’t believe Bill Clinton would allow Hillary to walk into that FBI interview, without either himself or a long-time Clinton fixer there, perhaps someone like “fast and furious” Eric Holder.  Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in AZ the week before, so he was orchestrating this, I believe.

Americans deserve to know who all was present for Hillary’s FBI interview and also who all was part of that team of “career professionals”.

Funny,  how they basically entrapped people & orchestrated SPIN tsunamis to proceed with this Trump Russian collusion investigation, but Hillary ignored subpoenas, there’s evidence of a conspiracy to destroy piles of emails and evidence, the one private IT guy Bleachbit a Clinton server, and even though he was under subpoena, he refused to talk to Congress and didn’t show up to testify.  And again, Mills & Samuelson, with Kendall, “sorted” through the emails on that server, looking for the State Dept ones to return, then destroyed the others, but Samuelson, with Mills, who helped “sort”, was at Samuelson’s  side. as her lawyer, for that interview.  Mills claimed attorney client privilege and Samuelson refused to tell the FBI what keywords they used to search the homebrew server… “No intent” indeed…

Comey told Trump 3X in private that he wasn’t under investigation, even though it’s obvious he was and yet, Comey refused to say that in public. Then the Clinton spin team worked to fuel the “Trump Russian collusion” hysteria in public and Comey used Trump’s comments in those private conversations to feed the spin for calls for a special prosecutor.  This is the same tactic they have used with others in the Trump investigation, or strong-arm tactics like with Flynn and with Manafort, the FBI launched a predawn raid, but with Hillary’s emails – they sold her spin to airbrush the obstruction of justice and classified information, which she was grossly negligent handling.

Sorry, for going on so long here, sort of venting, because the Queen being above the law, always sticks in my craw.

Mueller needs to expand his “Russian collusion” investigation to include investigating the Steele dossier & FBI’s use of it. Mueller, trusted in Comey’s integrity – big mistake there and now the “career professionals” Mueller was trusting don’t look so “professional”.

Finally, if Cody Shearer was involved in feeding Steele information, then why didn’t the FBI know that?  Why didn’t they know this was DNC/Clinton funded Russian dirt they dug up?


Filed under Corrupt Media Collusion, General Interest, Hillary's Email Scandal, Information War, Politics

6 responses to “Showdown at high noon…

  1. JK

    Some three and a half hours after Mr. McCarthy’s NRO piece posted he (McCarthy) sat down for an interview on the John Batchelor Show.

    Again in two comments:

  2. JK

    Too, I should think, we ought wait until Mr. Schiff’s rebuttal memorandum goes (for once) through the statutory process and gets published.

    Then again … the rebuttal might already be on the NYT’s website …

    • The orchestrated Dem. rebuttal yesterday seemed to be that Nunes is a Kremlin agent, and also Paul Ryan is working for Russia, but so far I haven’t read the Nunes Memo, have a dentist appointment shortly, so I won’t be reading until later.

      • JK

        A dentist appointment?

        Hmmm, maybe I should make one too, the sound of a dentist’s drill going about a ¼ inch from (hopefully) a root would surely sound more comforting than the sounds to pop from the media.

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