Situational Awareness….

Hillary’s comments are carefully edited.

Here’s what she really said (pay attention to the first few seconds).

Trump said, “A bomb went off in NYC.” He spoke in a calm voice.

Hillary said, “I’ve been briefed about the bombings in NY and NJ.” She spoke in an almost comatose tone and looks very exhausted.


The Washington Post started tweeting Hillary’s caution, about you need to get the facts, BUT the photo of Hillary they put with this story is one of Hillary from a few days ago, NOT a photo of her looking haggard, as she actually made the comments referenced in the story.

There’s so much liberal media effort going into making Trump look bad (which he does with little help usually) and trying to make Hillary look better. The problem, once again, is that the media is colluding with politicians to sell a political candidate in the actual hard news reporting, NOT on the editorial page.

Frankly, President Obama and Democrats across the board have spent years trying to sell us that Al Qaeda was defeated. They sell the lie that right-wingers are more of a threat than Islamic nutjobs. And they bend over backwards to call terrorist attacks anything other than TERRORIST ATTACKS.

Back in August, Secretary of State, John Kerry, explains the Democrats’ view on terrorism perfectly (at 0:19):

“Perhaps the media would do us all a service, if they didn’t cover it quite as much. People wouldn’t know what’s going on.”

For the next few days the media will try to get mileage out of this “Trump spoke without facts” meme, when BOTH candidates referred to the explosion as the result of a bomb. AND the real “big picture” takeaway is events don’t happen in a vacuum. There was another “explosion” earlier in the day yesterday in NJ, where a pipebomb exploded. CBS reported:

Last Updated Sep 17, 2016 7:06 PM EDT

“SEASIDE PARK, N.J. — An explosive device detonated in a Jersey Shore town Saturday shortly before thousands of runners were due to participate in a charity 5K race to benefit Marines and sailors, authorities said.

An official with law enforcement told CBS News the device consisted of three small pipes somehow tethered together and possibly wired. All pipes apparently had explosives, though only one detonated.”

You’d think some degree of situational awareness would break through the rabid, partisan political mind-set that is holding, not only politicians, but also the American people and more ominously, the media, hostage.

Geesh, just report the facts as honestly as possible! How hard is that?


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2 responses to “Situational Awareness….

  1. Sam topeka

    Hillary will need a precise dosage of uppers to get through the debates.

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